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Hyperspin cabinet concept.


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Im getting close to done with the software end of things and so I have drawn up this concept in sketch up. this is what Im going to attemptpost-100252-142870635557_thumb.jpg to build. any constructive criticism would be great.




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Thinking of hiding a mini fridge in the bottom of the cab :beer: If I have room. also Its going to work with the 2 ps4 controllers via bluetooth. touch pad works well for Nintendo DS BTW.

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I like it as well. You have a design I haven't seen before. Do you plan on putting any spinners around the control area? It looks like you would have room for at least one, maybe even a couple.

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I second the spinners, I regret not putting them in a few of my builds

Very cool cabinet! Very ambitious, don't forget that it needs to fit through doorways! :)

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Thanks for the suggestions about the spinners. I had initially thought about using them as well but I felt it would start to make the controls look cluttered. after thinking about it again its probably worth the extra clutter to have them for games that really need to have analog controls that way i'm not only reliant on the PS4 controllers for analog input. Maybe some peddles would be good as well that can be unplugged and put away when not in use. Thanks for the reminder to keep it small enough to fit through my door. I could see myself getting this thing all done and having to remove the door frame to get it into the house LOL

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I did that, I built a vs nintendo dual that I can't get into a bedroom because it's too big, even with the door off :)

Your color scheme is brilliant, maybe do a bevel on the edge of the control panel to keep the sharp edges to a minimum, it will help the comfort level

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Im getting close to done with the software end of things and so I have drawn up this concept in sketch up. this is what Im going to attempt[ATTACH=CONFIG]42165[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]42166[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]42167[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]42168[/ATTACH] to build. any constructive criticism would be great.

Looks really freaking awesome dude!!

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The hardware placement looks ok ( buttons, spinner, joy)

It all depends on how it feels when you play. My suggestion, print it out full size on paper and see how it feels when you put your hands on the controls, it will help you tweak your button placement and spinner placement to where you like them best

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