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Real DMD Image tool


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This app allows you to take your image and prepare it for use on a Real DMD using Russ's dmd board. Read below for features and how to use.


Go to this page:


Click the browse button to load an image from your computer, image must be 128 x 32. The program doesn't resize your images so you can use the resampling filters of your choice in programs like photoshop. Don't worry about the colors.

The top image is the original, the bottom is a converted image to the proper colors.

The upper sliders adjust hue, saturation, brightness and contrast, changing these settings in your image can affect the output.

The lower sliders adjust the thresholds of what colors in your image convert to the greyscale colors. The algorithm is based on perceived brightness of colors allowing for unique outputs depending on the set thresholds. These sliders are

more important than the color sliders.

The upper slider controls dark colors, the middle slider controls medium colors, the bottom slider controls light colors.

You should adjust the sliders to get your image to look the way you want.

The bottom area has the output for your txt file. Just double click in the text to highlight and you can copy the output.

If other options are needed they can easily be added.

The program supports animated swf's and outputs to multiframe txt files which are not supported by the dmd yet. But it's already there in case it happens.

You can use the frame buttons to move between frames.

The software allows for individual swf frame color adjustments per frame so you're not stuck with one look across your animation since a swf can be made up of many types of images.

Since its 4 colors there isnt much play, 8 colors might allow for more detail, but not sure if that relates to it looking any better at all on a real dmd since thats just really one color of different brights.

Just let me know if there are any bugs or requests.

Just make a blank text file and copy and paste the output.

Hey BadBoyBill, iv got the as3 function to save to file if you want me to email you it. would save people having to create the file them self hehe :)


Never too late Dazz ;)

This is a great app BBB. Thanks, once animation is working...I think there's going to be an awesome display of creativity.

Hey BadBoyBill, iv got the as3 function to save to file if you want me to email you it. would save people having to create the file them self hehe :)

Sure thing, I didnt dig to deep in to that part of the app, but it would help.


// save .c file

case 1:

var docsDir:File = File.documentsDirectory.resolvePath("dmdlogo.txt");

docsDir.browseForSave("Save As");

docsDir.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, saveData);



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private function saveData(event:Event):void{

var newFile:File = event.target as File;

var str:String = DMD.createDMD_Cfile(); // point this to your output string :)

var stream:FileStream = new FileStream();

stream.open(newFile, FileMode.WRITE);




animation will be coming quite soon :)

im hoping to build a dmd editor for people who cant draw (like me), it will glue together dumped frames from playing the real pinball games.


The flash filesystem package is only for air apps so it doesnt apply here, which is why its pretty much copy and paste. php might be able to handle this.


The application now supports both 4 color and 16 color modes. Just click the radios at the top to switch between modes. Though not sure if the boards support it or not yet.

Fixed save file saving as test.txt.


Where would you find a DMD to use with this program. I know that one can be made with LED's, but it may be too big as your model is 80x9. I would certainly prefer this over a monitor, which I currently have in my project. It would be nice to use this on tables that do not have a separate DMD. You could have a custom graphic loaded into the blank screen while you play a 2-screen table.

I love this stuff man!

Where would you find a DMD to use with this program. I know that one can be made with LED's, but it may be too big as your model is 80x9. I would certainly prefer this over a monitor, which I currently have in my project. It would be nice to use this on tables that do not have a separate DMD. You could have a custom graphic loaded into the blank screen while you play a 2-screen table.




How about an button to save the slider settings, so that I may go back to the original png and load up the slider settings and get the same output file. That way I can make small changes later on if I choose to. Great program, really love the look of a vishay dmd with my pincab and now custom dmd screen between games (Im using one that says HyperPin)


They just updated the firmware to the dmd, it now supports 16 colors..


I'm what you call an Expert....Don't try this at home!


  • 1 year later...

Hi there

i am new here,and i want to know is there any new version of this image program.I also want to know that is it possible for this one to adjust the image color?

My previous image program can not word anymore because of my updating.I know this topic is a little bit old, so i want to get the newiest version.Thanks a lot


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