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Mini Trackball reviews/info?


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Hello all,

Im working on the CP of my cabinet and toying with the idea of putting in a trackball. I like the look and size (and price!) of the mini illuminated trackball on Arcade World UK, here


Problem is, I cant seem to find much info about it. Im pretty sure I don't have a ps2 connection (im running a dell optiplex that I bought from Amazon), so I guess first question is can I use a PS2 to USB converter to connect to the PC?

Also, has anyone got any experience using these? It'd mainly be for Golden tee, marble madness and centipede?

Thanks in advance


Yes I have that very one in my control panel, simply just glued in place with some silicone.

I have no complaints but I'm a light user and only use it for a few games.

From the video you can see that I changed the leds to match the theme and also wired in the left and right mouse buttons.

The ball is an opaic quarter inch ball, I wanted to change it for a large glass marble which would have been cool lite up. Sadly the large marbles I found on EBay were 1 to 2 mm smaller so they didn't work.

You can buy an "active" PS2 to usb converter for a few pounds from Amazon, which work perfectly.

So thumbs up from me and I'm not bothered about size as it's not used a great deal.



i have the same one its pretty cool i got it from ebay and i use it for the games and as a primary mouse but once in a blue like it sticks a bit may bey needs a cleaning but its good for the price i just rechecked it on eBay and some one has it for a lesser price then what i paid which was about the same amount as that link you posted but this one is lesser may bey they have different colors too i have another one that's supposed to be here today hopefully because we have to much snow over here the other one is from x arcade.



I have the same trackball, I don't really like it at all. Its not very smooth and useless for games like golden tee. but it does work good as a mouse and if you place the left middle and right click buttons in the right location you can play any 3d pc games with it. I use xpadder to map my player one joystick to WASD and my 7 play buttons to reload, change weapon ect. It actually works very well for that. I put all my steam games on my arcade machine and been playing them without problems.


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