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First Intro attempt


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I've almost got my drive worked out, 25 emus running, my cabinet has shipped, so i thought i would take a stab at an intro

-my cab has a modern minimal tron design


i wanted a video to match, i came up with this.

Thanks to Eric Heil, hope its cool, i stole your intro 7 animation as its;

1-perfect color scheme for Tron (and my cab)

2-fukn awesome animation

anyway, be good to get some feedback...

-the sound is a mess, reworking it tomorrow


Love the logo part, the rest is not my taste. Looks slick though. But I find the audio a bit underwhelming.

But hey, it's not for my cab, it's for yours, so all that counts in the end is what you like :)


..........................back with a vengeance........................

  THK said:
Love the logo part, the rest is not my taste. Looks slick though. But I find the audio a bit underwhelming.

But hey, it's not for my cab, it's for yours, so all that counts in the end is what you like :)

haha ok thanks - i cant take any credit for the logo, that's Eric Heil's, i merely grabbed it from his Intro - wish i had those kind of skills.

How can you find Daft Punk underwhelming? must be all that crazy dutch techno i guess :confused:


I like it! Nice job.

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