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Help with new Home Theatre PC

john matrix

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Hi there

I am looking for a new Home Theatre PC to run Hyperspin.

I have been looking at this -


Will I have any issues with running some of the harder to run emulators such as Sega Saturn, Sega Dreamcast,Gamecube, wii, PS2 etc.

Or will I need to change or upgrade anything? I can configure direct on their website -


Any help would be appreciated. I am pretty rubbish when it comes to PCs.


i3+HD Graphics 4400 = PS2/DC/Dolphin games will look ugly and you will have many slowdown.

You cant turn on AA, internal resolutions and filters with integrated HD graphics, it's good for retro only (not even if you want to use advanced shaders on retroarch).

My advice: Buy a cheap GTX460/480/580 with a good i5 (SandyBridge or Haswell).


I am not sure how handy you are with putting together PCs but I just made this and it would blow that computer out of the water:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-4460 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor (£144.00 @ Novatech)

Motherboard: ASRock Z97M-ITX/AC Mini ITX LGA1150 Motherboard (£96.74 @ CCL Computers)

Memory: Team Vulcan 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory (£53.90 @ Overclockers.co.uk)

Storage: Crucial M500 120GB 2.5" Solid State Drive (£52.78 @ Misco UK)

Storage: Seagate Barracuda 3TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (£77.98 @ CCL Computers)

Video Card: XFX Radeon R7 260X 2GB Core Edition Video Card (£86.39 @ Scan.co.uk)

Case: Silverstone GD09B HTPC Case (£49.08 @ Scan.co.uk)

Power Supply: be quiet! 400W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply (£39.54 @ Aria PC)

Total: £600.41

Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-04-09 17:28 BST+0100


Many thanks for your help guys. I will probably go for the one jcrowley30 listed. I am clueless when it comes to PCs but i`ve got a friend who is pretty good with PCs. Failing that I can always get my local PC shop to build it.

So would that be good to go? What else would I need? Apart from an OS.

Sorry in advance for the questions.

Many thanks for your help guys. I will probably go for the one jcrowley30 listed. I am clueless when it comes to PCs but i`ve got a friend who is pretty good with PCs. Failing that I can always get my local PC shop to build it.

So would that be good to go? What else would I need? Apart from an OS.

Sorry in advance for the questions.

That is all you will need after getting an operating system. I would also suggest a 360 controller for playing the games.


The CPU is good, but be careful with the GPU, it may be not enough for Demul or PC games. You can still buy a used GTX580, or upgrade it later.

Keep in mind that internal resolution with Dolpin/PCSX2 needs a lot of power.

8GB of ram is a lot but the price is very nice, so go with it.


Many thanks for your help. I have been to my local computer shop to build it all. He has come back with a quote and has listed a

Club3D Radeon R7 260X 2GB RoyalQueen Graphics Card. Will this be okay?


If you want a cheap emulation box you can choose g3258 and overclock it. Clock per clock it is very close to 4670k and it's a cheap cpu (you need a better heatsink and a z97 motheboard). 4660 is a good cpu but you can't overclock it and for dolphin and pcsx2 you really want to stay in the 4.2hgz-4.5ghz range.


If you want to play also windows gaming a 4670k is mandatory as many games have issues with dualcore cpus. The problem is... well, keeping an OC'ed  4670k in an htpc case will be a nightmare.


Ati videocards are cheaper than nvidia and, $ per $ have better performance (and to me they look better on 2d... probably it's just me) but for emulation nvidia is preferred. Some emulators (some taito type x games, for example) have problems with ati. A gtx960 can reach a solid framerate at 1080p even on windows games.  Usually windows games are not considered but actually there are a lot of titles worth playing. Consider that games like Mortal Kombat Komplete have a BIG problem... they slowdown when your rig can't match 60 fps, and anyway these games are not playable with frameskipping.


Honestly: Performance DOES NOT depends on the manufacturer, just look to GPU and RAM clocks, there are some factory overclocked videocards. That is not overclocked but it's fine enough :P  EVGA,anyway  is one of the best videocard producer (and almost freaking impossible to find here in italy, very few shops import EVGA) :D


There's alot of new threads asking same question over and over.. "What computer should i buy..." "Can this setup handle this and that.." Make a sticky thread?


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