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About Dilated18

  • Birthday 12/28/1981


  • HyperNewbie

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  1. Nice theme. kinda random but do u happen to still have any the original art used in this theme? The Sufami cartridge is what Im looking for. swf back to png I could never figured out and I wry bout quality.
  2. Version 0.6


    Download no longer available so I am re- uploading.
  3. Looks good, thanks
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Sally Face Theme
  5. Version 1.0.0


  6. Version 1.0.0


    I did not make this theme. Riffman81 created the video theme over at the Launchbox forums and was kind enough to share the original zip with me. All credit goes to him. Thanks again Riffman81 and please continue, Love your work. Wheel is inside the zip and video is included. Hope more people start showing some of these hacks and fanmade games some love cause there are a bunch of great ones out there.
  7. Is the artwork squished for these themes?
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded Theme
  9. Awesome themes here. Great work!!
  10. Do you happen to still have all the cart art at full size? before you resized it
  11. Genre XML Complete View File Just wanted to share a complete or almost complete genre database. This is just a database listing all genres and there correct naming. I added in the two player and the multiplayer genre if you wanna use em. I couldn't find a proper list anywhere so I hope this helps. Pls feel free to critique this as much as need be. Submitter Bain408 Submitted 06/25/2017 Category Databases (XML) Credits  
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Just wanted to share a complete or almost complete genre database. This is just a database listing all genres and there correct naming. I added in the two player and the multiplayer genre if you wanna use em. I couldn't find a proper list anywhere so I hope this helps. Pls feel free to critique this as much as need be.
  13. Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII View File First theme and wanted to share it. Hope someone can find it useful. Not to happy with the background but it works for now Submitter Bain408 Submitted 06/17/2017 Category Themes (4:3) HyperBase Version Media Dimensions File Count Credits  
  14. Version 1.1.0


    First theme and wanted to share it. Hope someone can find it useful. Not to happy with the background but it works for now
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