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About ebarlow99

  • Birthday 03/27/1971

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  1. i bought its own 5v power supply of ebay http://www.ebay.com/itm/5V-3A-DC-Universal-Regulated-Switching-Power-Supply-/390089280380?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5ad3220b7c had the same issue.....fixed it! i have a Vishay LEE 128G032 series http://www.futureelectronics.com/en/technologies/semiconductors/optoelectronics/led-segment-displays/Pages/4668745-LEE-128G032-1.aspx?IM=0
  2. i will hit you up when you get back....kevins almost done with my graphics!!
  3. all the cool kids are doing it....my build http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?17652-37-28-Real-DMD-Unamed maybe Iron Maiden themed??
  4. for SURE!!! let me know when your ready....
  5. Sweet! Greg hit me up when you need the wire..I will personally deliver!
  6. I can help out with all the wire!!! just let me know what you need! Who's putting it all together?
  7. i would use this thread http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=14625&highlight=lego along with his list of parts then finish up with his wiring diagrams here should be about good!
  8. FS..or you can make spanned into FS
  9. thanks for all your hard work guys!!!
  10. yup....time to build..let me know when you want to schedule a day to rip into it
  11. IN4007..i have 8 you can have yeah me! as for the rest of the stuff..my old work...Terminal Supply in Troy has the rest
  12. can you point me to the direction of the DMD's
  13. i got my hands on a dmd made by cherry..does anyone know if this would work??
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