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Everything posted by DarkTemplarGS

  1. Where did downloads for user created content go? Like the current MAME NO NAG files?
  2. Is there any way that the functionality of HyperSpeech can be incorporated into HyperHQ for use in HyperSpin? HyperSpeech 1.0.1.zip
  3. In the previous version of HyperSpin, you could either select the video game sounds or the "click" sound when cycling through the wheel. Is there anywhere in this version of HyperHQ to change that setting? I find the video game sounds to be a little annoying after a while.
  4. Is there anywhere in the setting to set the amount of time HyperSpin waits before spinning?
  5. After moving to a system in the system wheel or a game in the game wheel, the wheel will disappear. Is there any way to make the wheel stay showing?
  6. HyperHQ version .49 fixed the issue. THANKS!!!
  7. It's any version of MAME. I tried multiple versions.
  8. I am having the same problem. However, mine appears to finish, but apparently doesn't. This is after my last clean install and upgrade download.
  9. I believe that it would be extremely helpful to see the version number displayed somewhere on the main screen.
  10. I completely deleted everything to do a clean install of the latest version. When I downloaded and installed HyperHQ, I rebooted and checked to see if the version was up to date. It said there was a new version so I downloaded it. Supposedly I am running 2.0.45. When I try to add MAME as a system. It goes through all the normal procedure up to the point where it's unpacking and installing. At that point it just sits there churning. The insytall window does not pop up like it used to and I checked in the HyperSpin Emulator folder and nothing is happening. The MAME .exe is still sitting in the _temp folder in the C:\Program Data\HyperSpin\emulators directory. No log for HyperHQ so I can't attach it. So, DEAD IN THE WATER...AGAIN.
  11. Ok guys. I finally figured out what the issue was and HyperSpin is now functioning. First I'll let you know what the issue was, then I'll offer some recommendations on how to help with something like this in the future. The issue was that I am using an older machine. I connected my DVI to HDMI cable to the video port on the motherboard so I could update my NVIDIA graphics card drivers. The problem was, that I never put the cable back and the onboard graphics chip is not strong enough to handle HS new HD display. Once I moved the cable to my graphics card, HyperSpin was running like a champ. Now, I would have never even thought to check that until I went back through the steps that I went through to get this computer ready to use it exclusively for testing HQ and HS. What I would like to recommend is error pop ups. HS was obviously erroring out or just getting stuck, but having something pop up stating that was occurring would be an extremely helpful tool in the future. Another thing that kind of threw me, is the HS log only contained three lines in it (please see log I attached earlier in the thread. Is the logging not set to a higher level and that's why there's only the three lines? Can you please look into that when you have a chance? I know you guys are busy, but I feel these two things would go a long way in resolving issues without relying on you all so much.
  12. Provide options during the uninstall process: "Light" uninstall: Runs the process as it is now. This leaves some files and directories in place that are used by HyperHQ and HyperSpin when it is re-installed. "Full" Uninstall: Removes all files and directories associated with HyperHQ and HyperSpin. Deletes HS folder from ProgramData. Deletes .HyperHQ and .Hyperspin from the C:\Users\*user* folder. Deletes HyperHQ and Hyperspin folders from the C:\Users\*user*\AppData folder. This would allow the option of a true clean install when HyperHQ is re-installed.
  13. Here is my HS log showing little to nothing occurring when I start it. hyperspin-2025-02-03-02-50-41.log
  14. When performing a clean install of the newest version of HQ (2.0.39), the tile showing the extraction of the HS core just hangs there spinning. As far as I can tell, the extraction is complete when looking in the HS folder.
  15. Ok. First, a big thank you to @thatman84 for giving me the location of the logs. After reviewing the ROM import process in the logs, it appears that part of the issue of not all ROMs being imported, is because of the 2-player priority selection when setting up the import parameters. The import process is rejecting all 3-player and 4-player games, even though almost all of them can still be played by 2 players. It seems like instead of this "prioritizing" the games it is filtering and only importing 2-player games. I feel there should be an option that allows that parameter to be ignored. The rest are being filtered out because they are "imperfect". I feel here there should be an option to allow us as users to either skip imperfect ROMs or allow them to be imported. I know that several of the ROMs are imperfect, but most still work. This could also be a possible mismatch of ROM to MAME version. Please let us know if that's an accurate deduction. Another issue I see in the log is, only the first letter of the game name is displayed on the line stating it was "Filtered Out". I feel it would be beneficial to display the entire game name so we can go out and get the latest version of the ROM, if I am correct in the fact it was filtered out because of the ROM version and MAME version mismatch. I hope this adds some clarity as to what the issue is. I know I feel better. HyperHQ-2025-01-31-05-36-24.log
  16. Ok. Figured out how to get rid of the folders in the HyperSpin/Emulators folder and keep them from coming back. Just delete them from the Emulators section in HQ, then delete the folders from the HyperSpin/Emulators folder. HQ will no longer see them as installed when you go to add MAME again. HyperSpin still will not run. Still loads, but won't run. I'm now going to try to uninstall HQ and reinstall to see if that changes anything.
  17. I accidentally had Hyper HQ install a second version of MAME and now HyperSpin won't launch. It reaches the end of its loading screen, but won't launch. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling HQ, but it doesn't appear to do a clean uninstall and clear all the settings, so after reinstall it recreates both MAME version folders and the RetroArch folder in the Emulators directory in HS. I would look through the log to try to resolve this myself or I would attach it here, but I can't find any logs anywhere. This computer is a clean install of Windows 11 and the only things installed are Hyper HQ, Photoshop and Chrome.
  18. Where do we submit artwork for wheel art, bezels or marquees?
  19. I appreciate your comment and thank you for acknowledging my effort to help in the beta test. I would like to point out that I am not being impatient, just responding to other comments that are telling me to "lower my expectations" and insinuating I don't know what I'm doing. I am more than happy to wait for resolution of this issue because I know it takes time to recreate the issue, troubleshoot, make corrections, test, troubleshoot more, make corrections, test again (rinse & repeat as necessary), then release the fix; because I have been in the same boat as you all many times in the past.
  20. Nope. Tell that to all the other people that expect it to import all their ROMs too.
  21. Of the 15,113 of your ROMs, how many of them imported into HQ2? All of my ROMs are confirmed as working in HS1 using the most current version of MAME. I've been working on perfecting the operation of HS and MAME on my arcade machine for six years now. That's why I wanted to be a part of the beta testing. Any new version of software should be equal to or better than the original as far as functionality goes. When I can load all my working ROMs manually in the original version, but all of them won't import automatically, that's a problem that needs to be solved and that is base level functionality. Plus, why would I want a full set? Half of those games are garbage clones. I have only selected the ROMs for original games. That's my preference.
  22. But if you read that setting, it's just asking which region to prioritize, not to import ROMs from that region only. Plus, HQ has imported multiple regions of my ROMs. For example, I have three versions of 1943: Battle For Midway. They are the Japan version, the World version and the US version.
  23. Right, but if I screen for US and the Japan version is required to play it, it won't work on it's own.
  24. When adding a new MAME system, not all ROMs will import. I have 3318 ROMs but only 1986 were imported.
  25. I had previously written a bug report that the image display would not keep the selection. Now it keeps the selection, drop down still doesn't close after making the selection and images do not update as soon as selection is made. You need to navigate to another category on the left and then back to the System category to see the images changed
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