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Everything posted by DarkTemplarGS

  1. Hey Guys, Just curious where the single wheel mode is in the new HyperHQ? For those of us that are only using MAME for our arcade cabinets.
  2. In general, when you release a patch or a "new version" of HyperHQ, can you also provide release notes stating what was changed/added in the new version.
  3. As you know, a lot of the early games had Japan, US and World versions, and the US version relied on the parent version to run. If I only want the US version to show in the wheel, can I just do what I did in HP1 and create a new folder for the Wheel ROMS to be in, point HyperSpin to that folder, and remove the parent versions? Or is there a way to select what games versions you want to be on the wheel in HyperHQ? I placed empty rom files (takes only 1k of disk space that way) in the following directory and pointed HQ1 to that folder as you can see in the image included. C:\HyperSpin\Media\MAME\Wheel ROMS
  4. On the Systems Screen, in the Change Game Image drop down, I change the setting to Clear Logos. I then go to any other selection in the left hand ribbon. When I go back to Systems, the Game Image selection has reverted back to Default. Also, the drop down does not close after making the selection.
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