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Asparky last won the day on February 29 2024

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About Asparky

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    Isle of Wight


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  1. I completely cleared the Program, plus the other areas it installs, downloaded the most updated system, from downloads page and let it run. when it comes to the plugin page, the Hyperspin core downloads and just sits there Extracting, so far its been running nearly 24 Hours. As I said, I have also tried on a different Computer, but getting the same results.
  2. Have tried that, thats also why I tried a different computer, which made no difference. I also disabled the Virus protection, incase that was doing something.
  3. Have even tried with 2.0.54, still just sits there saying Extracting Hyperspin Core. Any ideas on things I should be doing? I've already tried a complete new install, on a different Computer, which has made no difference. Please help
  4. Sorry guys, i cannot carryout anymore testing, as I am unable to update any further, as Extracting Hyperspin Core, just sits there extracting doing nothing......
  5. Tried to update to latest Version, just sits there as before, even tried a complete clean installation
  6. Still unable to update the core, still sits there saying Extracting....
  7. Got the same problem
  8. I am having the same Problem. Its says it Extracting and just sits there.....
  9. I've been a Hyperspinner since 2014 and still use it. I just think its silly that people complain about something they have no control on. What you should be doing is giving help, with the project instead of being negative. I would help, but have no programming skills, but instead of being negative, i will do my tesing on my part and report back what I find, with a Postive attitude. Remember people are doing this in their free time and dont get paid for it......
  10. Light the Blue Touch Paper and watch it all become Toxic.........
  11. You could be waiting a while on that one, as there are not many Admins over there and they are not on line very often..
  12. I can Log on there, with no prob's.....
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