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Everything posted by maxxsinner

  1. Great to hear this project is finally going ahead but really disappointing to hear the first round of donations has gone. Can hardly expect people to contribute to seriously worthwhile projects like this if this kind of thing happens. Thanks Shakenbake for all that you are donating as I can only assume there is a large shortfall between what is needed and what you have, as well as the second time donators.
  2. The calculation below is how to hook up your Red LEDs in series - And this one is the same for both your Blue and Green LEDs in series - Make sure you are using high powered resistors for these arrays. Although the calculator states that it's only drawing 350 mA from the source, I would worried about hooking these arrays straight up to a LEDwiz output.
  3. I believe Greg has the LEDwiz that I donated.
  4. Yep that is correct for your relay. The ledwiz is only controlling the ground on the relay to switch the relay on and off. The ledwiz doesn't care what you are switching with the relay. LEDwiz to fuse to where you marked the relay on the first pic. Then from 12v to the relay. from the switch side of the relay to the solenoid. A latching relay? So it remains closed even when the power is taken off the coil? I would put a diode on the solenoid just to make the contacts on your relay live a bit longer. Hope that helps
  5. Although it's likely to be switching to ground, it would be impossible to tell without hooking it up and testing. I would keep the two circuits separate by wiring them to each side of the normally open/common on your button.
  6. Hey Les. Glad the guide could help you out. I put all the options that we had available to us then so people could pick and choose what they wanted if they didn't want to go "big". I understand the limited budget totally, but trying to install stuff down the track will mean the playfield monitor will need to be removed. I personally want to install my TV and never touch it again. Check to see if you haven't already, if you monitor remebers its last state if powered off from the wall. Most TV's and monitors do these days, otherwise you will have to install your buttons. Keep the control circuits for the tv's seperated as one might have a 5v input to turn it on and the other may be ground = release of magic smoke.
  7. I had forgotten about this little project. Been 12 months now Charles. Any updates ?
  8. That is a real shame. I hope nothing in his normal life has caused this. Appreciate you moving this project on regardless.
  9. Still no word from Pixel shifters??
  10. Interesting idea there gyom. So it would react an instant spike for the plunger as the voltage peaks. Nice way to think outside the box.
  11. If I am reading correctly gyom, the piezo and led setups that you have been showing will work as a switch, not analogue? The LED will simulate a keypress when the plunger is pulled back far enough to allow the sensor to see the IR LED and with the piezo will need to be hit to trigger the plunger? A simple inductive sensor would be easy and cheap like this one here - http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/LJ12A3-4-Z-BY-Inductive-Proximity-Sensor-Detection-Switch-PNP-DC6-36V-12MM-FV88-/140904989838?_trksid=p3284.m263&_trkparms=algo%3DSI%26its%3DI%26itu%3DUCI%252BRTU%26otn%3D21%26pmod%3D290671992004%26ps%3D54
  12. Nice work gyom. That vJoy looks very interesting. Chuck an ADXL335 accelerometer for nudge and you will be ready to go.
  13. Hey samwyze. I had a tinker with the IR and got some good results. Turned off the PC, teensy board etc.... came back the next day and the calibration was all out?? So basically had to start again. Could not work out what was causing it at all and ended up moving onto the LVDT as that is the one I would really like to get going. Certainly not a dead end route in my opinion, may just need further refinement. Seems odd that Mot-ion has moved away from the IR unless they could not work out the calibration problem.
  14. There are a few working on plunger designs including myself gyom and I might be able to help with some information. The original Mot-ion plunger was an infrared distance sensor similar to what you are trying to make but the sensor and receiver were installed at the end of the plunger, using the tip of the plunger to bounce the infrared signal back to the receiver. As most will tell you this was less than reliable. They have redone the design with either a LVDT type of sensor or a hall effect sensor. I have not had the chance to have a good look at the new design to ascertain which it is. I have tried with ultrasonic’s, IR sensors and home made LVDT's with mixed results. LVDT is going to be the most accurate type of linear sensor that could be done, but implementing is the difficult part as my goal is to design something that people could make at home themselves. Ultrasonics polling rate is too slow to pick up quick motion on the plunger when it is released and infrared was reasonably accurate, but came with the same problems that the Mot-ion plunger had; calibration errors, unreliable action, etc. If you are looking to do a simple switch rather than analouge, a small induction sensor would be the easiest way. As for converting the input to something VP can understand, I recommend starting with the teensy USB board. You can configure it to act as a gamepad so an analogue signal will work as a plunger on the Z axis with just a little calibration. VP will recognize it and work straight away. If you are looking to just do a simple switch, the teensy can act as a keyboard and be configured as the enter key. Good luck with your design. Hope this info helps.
  15. Some great info there antropus. Thanks for the link. DigitalMocking, not sure where the other guys are getting their crees from, but a quick google search showed this web site from the US http://www.ledsupply.com/creemce.php For heat sinks, I have seen some use aluminum flat bar for ease of installation. I used ones from RScomponents. If you check a couple of the build threads, I am sure some posted links to where they purchased gear from - http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?17455-Indiana-Jones-and-the-Pinball-Crusade-(46-28-15)-build-project
  16. Sweeeeeeet. Got a multimeter to test it to be sure? That one is a leaded fuse so if it is the problem you should be able to de-solder it and replace it with one of the same size. Should be about a $5 fix in the end and you will have spares.
  17. A fuse after the switch might give you more trouble that it's worth. Acording to the amp label, there are no serviceable parts inside, which normally means 'please buy a new one ' If you disconnect the power cord and remove gently pull the panel out, I would be betting there is a soldered fuse on there that has blown. Fingers crossed for you freezy. Once you get it open, post a couple of pics if you still need help.
  18. Hey freezy. Most amps have a fuse that you can get to on the unit somewhere. Just hope it's not internal to be a PITA. I have that unit so will have a look and see what I can find out for you. Sometimes "slowly" pushing a switch will cause an arc to occur in the switch, drawing a heap of current but it normally does nothing detrimental. I have blown the fuse on my Logitech amp a couple of times but at least that one is external.
  19. Cheers Neo. Repaired now
  20. Absolutely Boogies. The booster board just takes a signal and controls larger transistors to be able to handle the bigger loads. The ledwiz is still good for its rated 500 mA output per channel but not all at once on one chip........etc as per usual.
  21. Just wanted to post to say a big thank you to Lucian as my prints arrived in the land of Oz last week and I am stunned at how the prints have turned out. I have had a few different places do prints for me and these are by far the best I have recieved. The time that Lucian put in with me to be able make sure everything was going to turn out perfect was very much appreciated and could not go unthanked. Cheers Lucian and thanks again for your time and effort!
  22. You right AM. The inrush current will only occur for milliseconds and the wiring will cope no problems.
  23. Will let Zeb answer that one boogies, but I think on the booster board thread over on VP there was some info on it as a couple of people have asked.
  24. That will work fine AM. As for wire gauge, most flexible wire used in extention leads and computer leads has to be rated to about 10 amps. You should have on your power supplies the rating of the mains side and how much amperage it will draw (maximum). But personally dont think you willl have any problems wiring them as you have show.
  25. If you're looking for ideas of what to get done, here are some resource links to pinball side art http://arcadeartlibrary.com/arcade_art/ http://www.arcadecrusade.com/gallery/v/minimarquees/Minis+and+Lables/hyperpin/Cabart/FinalPinballArt.jpg.html But as Dazz said, most people commision an artist to do a design for them.
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