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new version uploaded to VPU - it is in first post (i noticed that nobody scrolls down - first version downloaded 57 times, and second in post 13 only 18 times. news are: + swf instructions will be on same position as jpg or png + antar bug - word (Play) makes problems - solved in vp 445 + comments in settings are allowed + useFocus internal/external/both + double focus - in script and in focus.exe + hiscores for EM games copied from VP\user\hiscores.txt + options added to ledcleat.bat
Wip 9 is veeeery old version (year old) - and there was many changes since then. So to reduce number of changes we have to analyze we should find first version that didn't work and last version that worked. Since this activate code didn't change much (all changes are new features like hiscores, multiple b2s configs, multiple exes, ..., exit focus) i suspect compile with AHK_L could be the problem. Here is the first version to try, it is called fplaunch 1.295wip9withHiScoresAndFPexe.zip: http://vpuniverse.com/forums/index.php/topic/135-hyperpin-hi-scores/?p=1248 There were some versions before this one, but they are deleted from vpu. This version is also compiled with ahk_L. If this one doesn't work there's no need to test others, since we know when problems started. Next one is fplaunch with custom b2s setups http://vpuniverse.com/forums/index.php/topic/135-hyperpin-hi-scores/?p=1283 Then the one with ledcontrol: http://vpuniverse.com/forums/index.php/topic/135-hyperpin-hi-scores/?p=1341 And last version is from fplaunch with jukebox thread: http://vpuniverse.com/forums/index.php/topic/200-fplaunch-with-jukebox-and-new-focus-routines/?p=1687
great so wip 9 works fine - there are many versions of wip 10 in the threads - can you check which one started not working?
you have to create table jukebox.vpt (vpt not fpt! - fpt is just a bug) in vp tables folder just to pass standard hyperpin checks.
download last version from vpu
focus was on footer? and the ball still drained? try to move focus to vp with alt-tab then push the ball with plunger and then go back to footer and see if ball will stop you should have four ahk windows - menu, footer, hiscore and hiscore background - if any one of them has focus vp should stop
try this: when vp gets focus from menus and ball drains wait some time and alt-tab to any fplaunch window (menu or menufooter) to get the focus off the vp - see if vp will stop then or it will get focus again after few seconds then open vp game without hyperpin, open some other application first - like notepad, then when vp game loads - try to put focus on notepad with alt-tab and see if vp will take focus back
this also looks ok you see after gui 1 and 2 show there is no any winactivate or anything so you get exit menus shown and then after few seconds vp gets focus and drains the ball? there is no script that does that - looks like vp is doing that by itself???
Probably you don't have basic nor ansi ahk - but unicode - right? You'll have to download ANSI ahk - unicode will not work. These errors don't tell much about previous problems cause hyperpin uses compiled exe - and that exe is compiled with good version of ahk so it works ok. Otherwise hyperpin would also report errors on launch of game.
no idea so this happens on every table or only on some tables? you have ahk installed - right (basic or ANSI L are ok, didn't tested with unicode)? try to do this: double click on fplaunch.ahk (ahk! - not exe), select some table and click run wait till game starts, and then few seconds more then open exit menu wait till vp gets focus and ball drains - and then press t to get toolbar and mouse visible then find ahk icon in tray double click on it and copy all commands that you see in ahk window - from top to bottom and post them here
All looks ok - so while you are in a menu you lose focus on menu and vp gets focus back and ball goes down the drain?
can you put log.txt here, i can't access dropbox from work, i saw screenshot this morning and it looks ok
make a screenshot with tiny winspy window so that i can see menus and vp also set debugmode to file and post your log.txt file after one game did you try to open menus several times? it's not good to open menu right away when table starts - fplaunch needs few seconds to make hiscore and other things
fplaunch with runwait jukebox uploaded to vpu
you get window spy with ahk installation - ANSI L version is ok.
I removed old settings from the list. This all looks ok. Do you get ball drain on all tables or just some? can you check with autoit window spy which program is active when ball drains. can you send print screen.
No prob man - i was also thinking about that - it's been a week since last compile and only error i found is this run instead of runwait, so i will compile it and upload new version
so vp works ok on your rig, problem is probably in config what are you settings (only fplaunch section) and controller type?
Try it outside of hyperpin - maybe even put vp in a window - not full screen - start game and click on desktop so that vp loses focus and report what happens - ball should stop every time you click desktop.
tnx every body do you see menus? do you have pictures? This is not full release - you still need all images from wip 9 version it will have all images when it is done - these are still test versions
vp or fp? usepausekey is removed since there is no pausekey any more - only exitkey and exitkey1 which work the same for vp the ball stops as soon as vp loses focus for fp you have to configure pauseFPkey inside FP
that all ok, everybody makes mistakes that's why i put this in ahk code: iniKeys = ( [FPLaunch] ; default settings, ; if you don't have them they will be added to your settings.ini file [b]; ***** don't change them here - edit your settings.ini file!!! *****[/b] and this Check FPLaunch Manual at http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10935 You can use this script *** without recompile *** - - just configure your options in Settings.ini If you want to change the script you have to recompile it with autohotkey *** BASIC *** version from www.autohotkey.com recompile would not help you - keys in ahk script are used only if some setting is missing from settings then new setting is added with default value from script so first time you run this script you got exitkey set to e second time it is found in settings so value from script is not used and why are key names changed? it gets clear when you look at all of them in ahk script: exitScriptKey = ~q & ~s ; kill script key ; menu keys exitKey = e ; invoke exit menu, can be joy button also (Joy1) exitKey1 = p ; former pauseKey, works same as exit key enterKey = 1 ; key for entering into menus enterKey1 = Enter ; and another one upKey = LShift ; left flipper goes up in menus upKey1 = LShift ; another left flipper key - for joystick downKey = RShift ; right flipper goes down in menus downKey1 = RShift ; another right flipper key - for joystick You see that all menu keys are doubled - that enables you to use first one for keyboard and second one for joystick buttons. Just like hyperpin has double configs - for keyboard and gamepad. But keys are not read from hp setup so that you can fine tune them the way you want. Also this is suggested order in your settings file to make it easy readable. The rest of options should also follow order in ahk script.
As i said on vpf here are few notices on focus problems: There are few things you can do to tune focus: first is tune focusSleep in settings from 100 to 1000 (or more or less - test what works on your rig - it depends on length of time it passes after table exits) if that doesn't help - you can remove first break from onexitscript loop and recompile - then all checks for focus will be made from fplaunch and from focus if (PID) { ; activate hyperpin ;WinActivate, ahk_pid %PID% ;ExitApp loading = 1 Loop { break <- this one in this release you have focus diagnostic sounds so that you know what's going on right away, without looking at debug log later it is the same solenoid sound used in menus first sound means vp/fp is closed, second sound means fplaunch is closed and HP is acitvated, it can repeat several times cause focus script does win activate in a loop so if you hear two sounds and then you have black screen for few seconds and then hp has no focus - that means HP had focus shortly and then lost it what you then have to do is enlarge focusSleep time so that focus script detects that focus is lost and waits for it to come back again (through all black and white screens) default is 500, in last script it was 400 (but executed from fplaunch), my rig works just fine with 100
boogies i noticed an error in launch of jukebox.bat in last version i forgot to put runwait - i just did copy paste of ledwiz code and forgot to add wait because of that ledset will be executed too early (on start instead of on exit) so you'll have ledwiz and ledblinky controling leds at same time so command should be runwait .... jukebox.bat, you can change it in last version and recompile and let me know if it works ok on your rig?
you checked change log and didn't see this? + exitemulatorkey changed to exitkey + pausekey changed to exitkey1 you can use Esc if it works for you, for most people esc brings pause menu in vp, and closes b2s backglass every time you open menu e key is prefered so i put e in default settings you should be ok with e if you reconfigure ipac ok - you have to change hyperpin exit key also