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my new laptop saga continues as you all know i'm testing my new lenovo 420 thinkpad with win7 and intel hd 3000 graphics in my paper cab so after more then a year since first release - fplaunch will get proper testing on win7, yeeeee first bug that i noticed is famous focus problem - sometimes when you exit the table you have to click to get hyperpin in focus this is not exactly fplaunch problem but it can be fixed from fplaunch i've tested a bit and this problem happens only if you have two monitors - with one monitor focus works great and table exits to hyperpin in a split second what happens on exit with two monitors is this: at first table exits very fast, then hyperpin is shown for split second - this is where fplaunch has done his job, from now on fplaunch is closed then it looks like hyperpin cannot take control just yet and i get black screens for few secs then playfield goes white then on white playfield i see rotating please wait green cursor from windows then finally hyperpin comes to screen but without focus if i click all is fine so to conclude - it looks to me like hyperpin and win 7 have some troubles with two monitors and they don't go along nice so what i did is, i changed exit function to this: ExitScript: toLog("exitScript Called") if (ledwiz = "true") Run, "%A_ScriptDir%\ledset.bat",,hide Gdip_Shutdown(pToken) toLog("GDI+ Unloaded") COM_AtlAxWinTerm() COM_CoUninitialize() COM_Term() toLog("COM Standard Library Unloaded") Loop, 5 Gui, %A_Index%: Destroy if (hideCursor = "true") SystemCursor("On") Process, Exist, %hyperpinexe% PID := errorLevel if (PID) { ; activate hyperpin Sleep 1000 Process, Exist, HGlass1.exe PID1 := errorLevel if (PID1) { Winactivate HGlass1 WinWaitActive HGlass1 } WinActivate, ahk_pid %PID% WinWaitActive, ahk_pid %PID% Sleep 1000 Click } else if (hideTaskbar = "true") { ; show taskbar if there is no hyperpin WinShow ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd WinShow Start ahk_class Button } ;to debug script uncomment the pause ;Pause ExitApp OnExit, ExitScript return this helps to bring hp in focus after the game exits blinking is still there but at least you get focus if blinking could be removed it would be great so anyone with vin 7 who has focus problems - you can try this fix and let me know if it helps the other problem i found with new laptop with win 7 is - in vp ball is always on top of flippers - if somebody has some solution for that - please shoot
didn't noticed, i don't use hyperpin settings editor, and don't have the source so can't fix it or debug it if it doesn't work
hm, i would have to say no and no to both questions that options will be useful for one or two users and all other will have to hassle with entering even more options into config file - so more chances to mess up spanner - key is o - read fplaunch manual in this thread and read all info in fplaunch.ahk
just be sure you use basic version of autohotkey from ahk web site
check autohotkey web page
yup that's it for fplaunch outside of hyperpin - there is one problem. if you are in hyperpin and you do hide and show of taskbar all the time - that doesn't look good (taskbar is shown every time between games) so my choice is to do hide on start (in case some program shows taskbar) and never do show on exit on windows xp this works fine cause windows show taskbar as soon as you exit from ahk in win7 however taskbar stays hidden - so i'll change script so that: if i find hyperpin.exe i will focus on it and will not show taskbar if i don't find hyperpin i will show taskbar there is another option - if you are on win7 - you can set hidetaskbar to false - since in win7 gui will not bring taskbar, taskbar will stay hidden from hyperpin - so no need to hide it again will have to test how this works a little Also I'm currently running win7 - so will try to fix most of win7 problems (focus still doesn't work sometimes, blinking is mostly solved). There is another problem I've noticed on win7 - ESC always comes to VP and brings pause menu - so we have to use e key for exit.
So since my paper cab got laptop upgrade - now i'm testing it intensively with win7 with intel graphics card. For now lot's of problems are fixed. Lot's of blinking was because windows switched aero on and of. Turning aero off completely helps very much. Run as admin also helps to even run vp. There is still one problem - ball over flipper! However I found one table where one flipper works fine - CLOSE ENCOUNTERS!!!! So since lots of people has this problem with ball over flippers - we should check what is defferent on close encounters on left flipper cause IT WORKS FINE THERE! ))
that's a known bug - fix is a page before (comment winhide, uncomment detect hidden windows on) - you'll have to recompile
Here is hypersettings program download link: http://www.mediafire.com/?8mcs93uoo5695pc i have only exe - no ahk
I don't know, i think start and stop are not for start and stop of hyperpin but for start and stop of tables - so i guess no. and setting is not LEDWIZ = True but ledwiz = true, you shouldn't change case of options
it is ahk, same as fplaunch i will upload it tonight by the way i've changed laptop from old lenovo t61 with xp to lenovo t420 with win7. i tried it a bit - win7 is a total PITA laptop is fast eventhough it has only some intel graphics vp works fast but has some glitches - like ball is over flippers, somebody reported that already with soft renderding ball over flipper is ok, but details are lower fp also works fplaunch also works but has a lot of white screens on load of games, then black screens, then screen turns off, focus problems on exit, ... any way - lot's of work to make it all run smooth, but probably fplaunch will work better on win7 when i fix it all
samwyze from first post, from christchurch new zeeland i could upload that utility also but need permission from sam
it was never released
that is something like hyperpin configurator - software from sam, not related directly to fplaunch
yup, several people wanted b2s screenshots (me included) i was thinking more about adding another key for backglass so that you can do whichever you want, bg or pf, pf would be o (close to p and p is taken) as before and bg u (close to o, i is taken)
question 1. doesn't have anyting with fplaunch but you can put some tables to favorites, and set start genre to favorites for 2. you can call anything from fplaunch.ahk - you just have to recompile it (with basic version for now)
tnx guys, you're making me blush
just find error here - as i said: you have to UNCOMMENT "detect hidden windows on" or comment winhide or both that means you have to REMOVE comment from detect hidden windows on - not comment out that line as you did but any way - since i think both works you can do it in any of those three ways
there is a bug, winhide on some places makes problems there is a patch few pages before - you have to comment winhide or uncomment detect hidden windows on and recompile with basic ahk version
what's your exit key? what controller?
you just have to set ledwiz to true in settings.ini
smallest possible setup is 8 buttons. two on each side - one for flipper, one for nudge - that's four and another four on front - esc, 5, 1 and enter (for exit, credit, start and plunger) with this you can do all, but you miss: front nudge buy in magna saves if you want them you can add them somewhere, or use some device like mercury switches for nudge - then you can use two side keys for magnasave or remove them and have only one button on sides also sometimes you need end and 7890 for service and that's all
good idea, will try it for next release!
no fplaunch is started only when you launch the game so if you are in hyperpin - there is no fplaunch running and no customizing but it is a good thinking, cause everything you do in a script, no matter how complicated it is will save you time later when you use it and don't have to do all the steps manually - cause script does them for example - to make screenshot of playfield is major pain in the ass - press printscreen in game, cut pf in gimp, rotate it, save it as png with name = description,... - in ahk - just one press on o key
nope, no time yet, busy time of the year