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Everything posted by blur

  1. i only read from fpexetables.txt - i don't write to it, i tested with few tables and it works second part is normal - if exe line is removed it freezes because it tries to run bad exe
  2. New prerelease of fplaunch wip 10 with jukebox and new focus routines uploaded to vpu: http://vpuniverse.com/forums/index.php/topic/200-fplaunch-with-jukebox/?p=1473 From previous releases changes are: 1.295 wip 10 + highscores added tnx to dna disturber, bleasby and horseyhorsey + custom fp and vp exe (vp/fpexetables.txt in settings dir) + custom b2s settings from koadic added (CustomB2STables.txt) + toggleLedwizKey button added to menus - tnx to deegor + toLog added to every function + external ahk script focus.exe executed on exit to focus hp + exitemulatorkey changed to exitkey + pausekey changed to exitkey1 + exitemulatorKey2 and 3 changed to enterkey and enterkey1 + usepausekey true/false removed (it is always used same as exit key) + #winactivateforce added again + memory leak found in hp on win7 if used in comp. mode - USE NATIVE MODE + taskbar problems - auto hide taskbar HAS TO BE OFF in windows + some images updated + instruction card menu item changed to instructions + improved error handling (winwait removed, mouse moved out of the loop) and new additions: + jukebox support added + new compiled focus script added + instructions moved a bit down so more of a playfield is visible
  3. rosve routines in fplaunch are very simple - if table ends with b2s rosve starts b2s exe and rosve_close kills b2s exe. they are both run before vp is run or closed sleep 200 is just for letting b2s exe launch before we start running vp what's the idea? you want to run something on table start and on table exit - did you tried using ledwiz bat files which are in the code alread, just put ledwiz = true in settings and whatever you want in ledwiz bat files?
  4. Great man, i think you can then safely remove taskkill command and leave your command to kill ledblinky So now jukebox support will be only one command in run section for vp: if (tablename = "Jukebox") { IfExist %A_ScriptDir%\jukebox.bat Run, "%A_ScriptDir%\jukebox.bat",,hide } else { all as before Table name Jukebox will be reserverd in hyperpin, meaning no other tables can have name Jukebox - but that's not the problem since table names are always longer then that and have version, author and other things added to the name. In jukebox.bat you can change whatever you want - but i will put this template bat for people to see what thay have to put in.
  5. I have great news (for the enemy remember baldrick?) - i said before that focus problem is solved - but still even I on my rig had loss of focus every now and then, rarely but it happened. So I made a switch - instead of writing thousands of checks in fplaunch i removed every check and put it in external file. At first i used bat and vbs from bill but soon i found out that vbs can't doo much - so i switched to ahk. So now on exit from fplaunch i run one small exe which is compiled ahk which does actually same things as before - it tries to get focus on hp in a loop, but it does it tens time better. Now i can even have taskbar on backglass - it will still focus ok. Also I added some diagnostic solenoid sounds - first one will happen after process waitclose on vp or fp exe - so when you hear first one vp is closed - second one will be from external script that tries to activate hp. It can repeat several times cause it is run in a loop. After last sound - you know focus is achieved three times in a row and script exits. There is also one new setting - focusSleep - time in miliseconds between each check - so if it ever happens that you hear sounds and then there is no focus - it can be only one thing - hp had focus but lost it and you can enlarge focusSleep time to give hp more time to catch in, default is 100 - but this 100 is repated several times in check loop. So this and jukebox and hyperdmd which would be just small one liners and we are ready to go public
  6. try to put this in bat file: start ledblinky command start /wait pinjukelaunch command taskkill /f /im ledblinky.exe
  7. put this in jukebox.bat in hyperpin folder pathtoledbleanky\ledblinky.exe (or whatever is the name of the exe) pathtojukebox\jukebox.exe (actually you run that utility from setingsons, not jukebox directly?) taskkill /f /im ledblinky.exe try to run bat file directly without hyperpin hopefully ledblinky will go to background, jukebox to foreground and stop further execution of bat script untill you exit fro jukebox, and then ledblinky will close if ledblinky closes right away - that means both programs ledblinky and jukebox went to back so we'll have to do something else if just ledblinky starts and no jukebox - that means we have to put ledblinky to background
  8. About b2s support - i just remembered why it is done like that - at one point in time rosve asked me to include his support for his b2s backglasses (or bent asked me, don't remember - it is probably in this thread, or some b2s thread). So i included those few lines from rosve - to run b2s exe and to kill b2s exe. To use it table had to end with b2s and lauch of b2s had to be false. At that point we could actually avoid running the b2s from fplaunch and just use fplaunch to kill it, but we didn't. Now everybody has dozens of his tables configured to not launch backglass - so whatever we do now - people will have to change their tables - either all new ones, or all old ones. For me if i would look what is the best - ideal - final solution - disregarding compatibility with old tables - it would be to have table script run b2s exe and close b2s exe on exit of table. BUT - new solution that is on the way - direct b2s does exactly that and it's much easier to configure it then uvp - so it will probably replace all current uvp and b2s tables. Back to jukebox - i can do this: - leave ledwiz as it is now - add one if to vp table launch - if table = jukebox runwait jukebox.bat so you would have to put this in jukebox.bat: - run ledblinky but in background - run jukebox but in foreground so that bat script waits for it to finish - kill ledblinky - this line is executed after jukebox exits Can you do that and test it? i can help you with bat. Also if you want to use ledblinky instead ledwiz all the time - you can just use ledwiz = true and put whatever commands you want in ledset.bat and ledclear.bat.
  9. Menus are not important. It can be without menus - no problem. What is important is that on start of jukebox we execute what is needed, and on exit of jukebox we execute what is needed. And now we don't have it cause with these changes - fplaunch will execute startup commands and then just go to exitscript and then execute exit commands, if i'm not mistaken, and i think i'm not. Let's go line by line through your changes to virgin wip 9 code (there are only few lines): - around launch of ledclear.bat you added code to run ledclear only on tables that are not jukebox, but commented it, so ledclear is always executed - you have Paused = 0se instead of Pause = 0 (probably typo) - then on vp launch if table is jukebox you run jukebox and ledblinky , and if it is not - you close ledblinky and run vp - you are probably closing ledblinky on next run of vp table cause you didn't find a way to catch jukebox exit, but then if next table is fp - ledblinky will not close, and on every launch of any vp table you will close ledblinky eventhough you don't have to - now since you are running only two runs and you don't have any runwait or proces waitclose - you drop through vp launching code to the go to exitscript command (maybe you could use runwait and then close blinky) - next change - you moved rosve close after table close probably to kill backglass after the table exits - then there is close blinky procedure which closes blinky only if table is not jukebox - and in on exit script you run ledset only if table is not jukebox (cause probably it would start running in paralell with jukebox and interfere with ledblinky because of runwait problem?) so from previous: on start of jukebox you will run ledclear and then jukebox and ledblinky and nothing else on exit of jukebox you don't run anything cause fplaunch is long gone on start of some real vp table - you will run ledclear again, then you close ledblinky and then run vp on exit from real vp table you just run ledset what you wanna do is probably - run real vp tables same as before - on jukebox - run ledclear, then ledblinky, then runwait of jukebox, then close ledblinky, then ledset I'm not sure if runwait is possible with jukebox but it should be - of course not on link, on link you cant use runwait - but you could on exe or bat, and for bat you have to make sure but is runing as log as jukebox about this b2s code being not clean - i did not say your b2s code is not clean - i said running some exe from vpinball and then leaving it there without closing it on close of vpinball is not clean I'm still waiting for votes for jukebox, anybody?
  10. yup, like ledwiz - two bats called from fplaunch and that's it, and you can still develop fplaunch and ledwiz independent I can also put some bat calls for hyperdmd and put it in a right place.
  11. your b2s code will work great on any platform - cause you just don't launch b2s from ahk, but from table, and then close it from ahk it will work but it is not clean for this jukebox/ledblinky solution - it all looks too specific for me - it doesn't look like something every body will use, and use it in exactly that way??? how many are really using this jukebox? Please post here if you use it, let's see if we can get even few votes. then if they use it do they also use ledblinky instead of ledwiz, or somebody would like to use ledwiz? then if we touched led blinky, why not use ledblinky instead of ledwiz all the time? what are pro and cons, what are diffs? then we have this dmd arena - we have two products (afaik) - one is hyperdmd sofware - that i don't know - spins something on third screen if there is no real dmd in table, and there is this pindmd - which should also spin something on it when dmd is not used by the game - which one should we support hyperdmd or pindmd? each one of them is probably easy to support with only few lines of code if you made your mind what to use - but fplaunch has to be fit for all of them - not just one group i could probably put all that one liners inside and control them with few variables in settings.ini but you have to give me logic behind it - cause i'm not using any of these products about this exit menu - jukebox can be launched but script would try to activate vp and mame and all that, and wait for exe to close on exit - how did you solve that? ups - looking at your script i see when you run jukebox you skip all acitvates - but there is no hotkey and no waitclose command - so fplaunch will just skip to exitscript and there it will first run ledset (which should be run only on exit not on start) and it will try to actvate hyperpin in a loop?
  12. not much code there, only few lines, it will be easy to insert it what's the idea with this jukebox and ledblinky - you run them as table, together? never separate? and you don't run ledset on that jukebox, but you run ledclear, why? what would happen on exit key while in jukebox - will it open exit menu and exit cleanly? I'm asking cause i don't have it so can't test it i thought that jukebox is some application that runs while you play other tables about this b2s code - it's nice but i won't put it in - thing is if b2s is launched from table it has to be closed from table if it is launched from fplaunch it has to be closed from fplaunch so if you want tables you don't have to edit then they should have closing of b2s done in exit code in script, not on esc key which half people don't have on a cab, and other half can't use cause it opens dialog box in vp
  13. boogies you can just post your complete fplaunch and i will check differences with my release and see what you added i did some fixing with error detection which are not yet in this last published version (it allows to work on tables that report error - no mouse moving around and some winwaitactive are removed) hyperdmd can also be inserted deegor this feedback on of actually turns ledwiz on and off and it makes sense only if you have ledwiz set to true, right? cause i made it that way - if ledwiz is false hotkey for turning feedback on and off won't be activated. i've got some great news from vpf - looks like some focus problems are gone, even on windows 7 main things to watch out for are: in win7 hyperpin has to be in native mode - otherwise it will have memory leak windows auto hide taskbar setting has to be off (in taskbar properties) taskbar has to be on playfield (primary screen)
  14. Here is another new version: http://vpuniverse.com/forums/index.php/topic/135-hyperpin-hi-scores/?p=1341 This is change log, still not finished so no full zip file with all, just ahk and exe: 1.295 wip 10 + highscores added tnx to dna disturber, bleasby and horseyhorsey + custom b2s settings from koadic added + ledcontrol on off button added to menus - tnx to deegor + toLog added to every function + focus code on exit changed a bit (loop added, triple checks) + exitemulatorkey changed to exitkey + pausekey changed to exitkey1 + exitemulatorKey2 and 3 changed to enterkey and enterkey1 + usepausekey true/false removed (it is always used same as exit key) + #winactivateforce added again + memory leak in hyperpin found if used in comp. mode - USE NATIVE MODE + taskbar problems - auto hide taskbar HAS TO BE OFF in windows + some menu images updated Watch out for some new key names and configure them first, default key for toggling ledwiz is 1 - start key, cause every body has it
  15. yup, that's it - compiling ahk produces exe, hyperpin uses exe only, but you can run ahk by double clicking on it
  16. that's not the problem - as i said any key can be used for toggling leds in menus since it will be active only in menu, when you exit from menu key will work as before
  17. Yes, if you do it before table loads it will be used in that game. But then you have very little time for signal from user that he wants to toogle leds so it's impossible to do it in that period. So putting hot key active only while you are in menus would be quite ok? If hotkey is active only in menus - that's advantage - not disadvantage - cause you don't have to waste button for that. And i was thinking - no error messages - just move one file to another depending on which one currently exists - and close menus - so that you know that you succeeded in toggling leds - and maybe that standard solenoid sound used on menus?
  18. tnx jason - i will continue to look how to get this printscreen and menus from fp - on my rig it is awful - totally random - one time it works, next time it doesn't, then it works again, then it doesn't, then it works several times just so that you can't get any pattern out of it, ... for bent: answer: fp exe is table independent, as for fpexetables settings - they can't be table independent since you want to use them on exactly one table, using description is out of the question since description is not unique - several tables can have same description, and when you change table it is not difficult to change this txt file, and vp is using same approach, and hp description standard is going to change any way. Maybe some day i will put these settings in xml since i can easily parse xml tags from ahk - so all external settings files could be removed. to deegor and others who are interested: I was looking at this code/images for enabling/disabling leds from the table menu - first - it doesn't disable lights right away, you have to exit from the table and get back for it to work - so some physical switch that would turn off all lights immediately would be a much better solution - something like this old williams coin door switch used on flash, can you use it? If you want to turn off leds not because of lights but to get some CPU cycles - then question is do you do it always on same tables - if you do then you can disable led settings for only that table in ledcontrols.ini which i think needs configs for every table anyway, right? If you want to have it enabled and then disabled on same table question is why? And can you do it with physical switch. Second - question is how many people really need and use this - if i would put every feature that you guys can come up with on menu - very soon we would have menu that is five pages long. So shortly i can't put this on menu. But i can add some shortcut keys that will do this action (it is only file copy) - since no body has so many buttons on a cab you can then change this button in settings and put whatever you like in it. You can put single key or combo (remember that ahk can't work with joystck combos!). To make this button choice even easier - i can make this hotkey button active only when you are in menus - so when you are in menu you need only four keys - up, down, enter and exit (though in latest version each one of these keys can have double buttons assigned) - i can add fifth key for enabling/disabling leds- This way you don't need any new key on cab - you can use coin insert key or start game keys which you must have anyhow. Same could be done for sound volume. Do you need one key for enabling and one disabling leds or one can be used for both? Beware that when you are in menus playfield animations are stopped but pinmame is running - so if you press start game - vp will stop all old games running and start new one - which is not important since you have to exit table anyway.
  19. new fplaunch with custom b2s settings is on vpu: http://vpuniverse.com/forums/index.php/topic/135-hyperpin-hi-scores/?p=1283
  20. Nope, i didn't saw even the edge of the taskbar for more then a year - since i removed auto hide option. I tested a while ago exactly this and found that you can't do anything with tasbar from fplaunch if taskbar is on autohide - whatever you do - hide it/show it - after you exit fplaunch taskbar comes back. But when you remove auto hide option from taskbar properties - whatever you do to taskbar it stays - so you can hide it or show it. Interesting find for this print screen and drawing over fp window problem, maybe it will be possible to do something from ahk.
  21. what's the workarund? there use to be screen capture script in fplaunch but is is removed since i moved to printscreen maybe i should go back to capture screen script?
  22. koadic - your custom b2s code is not downloadable any more - since vpf forum upgrade probably - can you upload just ahk here (no need for exe). boogies2 can you post your code for DWJukebox and LEDBlinky compatiblity, or if you don't have the code right now - explain what does it do and how - so that i can decide will it go to next release deegor from here i can't download from dropbox but will check it tonight, until then, can you describe what you do exactly - just move ledcontrols.ini around? how did you added it to menus?
  23. I never had problems with taskbar - only with focus. Taskbar is hidden all the time. For taskbar it is important not to use autohide option - autohide option will mess everything up.
  24. Is it latest fplaunch with hiscores and variable fp exe? It looks like you have some errror window - on error vp is focused - otherwise it is minimized during launch.
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