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Everything posted by DeeGor

  1. Nice job Zablon. That looks sweet. It's good to see HyperDMD is getting used.
  2. I kind of like the hotkey idea, but there should be some sort if visual indication that the feedback has been toggled on or off. This might also be an issue with people that use the nanotech board for their encoder, as all of those keys already have a function, and they have no ability to reassign those keys.
  3. It's not so much about disabling / enabling LEDs, but a software switch to enable / disable force feedback as a "night mode" when your kids / wife are sleeping. Yes you could do a hardware based switch, and I did that with the Batpin, but others may not want to go and rewire everything in order to support the hardware switch. This was an easy add on to accomplish a software based solution. To be honest, I didn't put a lot of time into it, so there may be a better way to implement this. I wasn't quite sure how to add the file swap functionality without going into the table menu first. I believe you need to make the file swap before VP renders the table though.
  4. Awesome. Thanks Blur.
  5. Here is the mod w/source: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/37521510/FPLaunch-wip8-feedback-mod.zip
  6. Same here. Let me know if you need the source.
  7. Here is a recent thread on the subject.
  8. I purchased it on 6/24/2011. Well under the 3 year mark.
  9. Well, I tried modifying the ledcontrol.vbs with the LedControl.FastCom option, but it seemed to screw up my ledwiz port assignments. It's not like a shift in assignments either. One time I loaded the table, my RGB strip turned red, then another time I started the same table, it was blueish/green. Normally the strip is set to Blue for the table. As soon as I commented out the LedControl.FastCom option, everything returned to normal. I really hope we can figure out the delay issue. It would be great to be able to use UVP with the ledwiz.
  10. Nice find Randy. I can't wait to get home and give this a try. I will report back with my results.
  11. I'm not sure how many hours it ended up taking. Will need to ask gBeef. He ended up charging me a flat rate as long as it didn't exceed a certain time frame.
  12. You produce some really nice work dfwArcade. I know every piece will be different, but on average, how many hours will it take to produce side art for a pincab? This will give people some idea to the cost so they can budget it in properly.
  13. Canadians are pretty shifty with all their farting and floppy heads.
  14. Make sure you don't have the VP editor already open when you launch HP. I've seen it cause this exact problem before.
  15. PM Mameman. He can make a custom grill to fit the vishay perfectly with his CNC.
  16. I'm not sure if you have any woodworking tools, but I suppose you could always make an "L" shaped board that you could attach the DMD to. The DMDs are fairly light, so as long as the base was deep enough, you wouldn't have to worry about it tipping over. It might look a little strange just sitting there up on a shelf, but at least you would have something till the cab was built/obtained.
  17. I'm not sure, I haven't tried it myself. I only use a relay for my knocker right now, though I was using them for the pull type solenoids when I was running with those, and I didn't notice any delay with them. Though, I never used them as flipper buttons, just slingshots. The relays are pretty cheap, so if they didn't work out for you, you'd only be out a few dollars. Might be worth the risk.
  18. I think 95% of the people who post on this forum could identify that song. I wonder what the average age on here is. My guess would be somewhere around 40.
  19. Your local radioshack should carry some. They don't sell just the 4007's by themselves, but if you buy the mixed rectifier diode pack, they come with (5) 4007's and a bunch of other various diodes for around $3.
  20. The idea is to protect your PC from damage should anything go wrong with your toys. A 12v power supply really isn't that expensive, and it may end up saving you a lot of money should something happen. If you don't want to buy one, you could make your own out of an old PC power supply. I actually did that, because I ended up frying my first one when I accidentally wired it up to the 24v bank on my ledwiz.
  21. I apologize ahead of time if these questions have been addressed before. 1) Is there a way to hide tables within hyperpin via fplaunch? I have two younger kids that play on my pinball cabinet all the time, and up until now I haven't had any issues with them playing on any of the tables on there, but with the soon to be released Big Bang Bar and the Scarface tables, I think they may be a little too much for them. I know I could simply just launch the tables from the VP editor when I wanted to play them, but it would be really cool if I could simply hide them, and reveal them somehow within Hyperpin. 2) Is there a way to execute a custom script from within Hyperpin? I have two different ledcontrol.ini files that I'm currently using, and it would be great if there was some way to toggle between the two within Hyperpin. I currently just run a batch script that's located on the desktop, but that involves exiting Hyperpin, executing the script, then restarting Hyperpin. "Oh the horror!!!" I know.
  22. Hey Max, Was the H-Bridge / Shaker diagram removed from the pdf?
  23. That's awesome. Great work guys.
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