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GLSL weirdness


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Running MAMEUIFX 172 and currently using GLSL as the shader type.

Everything works great for both Horizontal and Vertical games except for a few Bally-Midway games.
They display differently than the rest. They look like GLSL is doubling the number of shader lines making to many "pixels" on screen all squished together. Doesn't matter which specific shader (HQ, MQ or LQ Geom. Lottes etc...) they all squish to tight.

It only happens on certain Bally-Midway games in the '80 - '84 range.
Spy Hunter, Xenophobe, Rampage, Arch Rivals, Blasted, Discs of Tron, Max RPM etc...

I was thinking maybe it was because Bally-Midway used a weird monitor/resolution during this period, but I pulled a few of the games specs and they seemed to be running standard rez arcade monitors.

Anybody have any ideas or able to test them on theirs to see if they behave the same?


Here's the GLSL settings (for vertical). I've also tried it with Force Power of 2 and Tecture Correct both on, but no change at all (anyone know what those settings actually do and if I should have them on?)

glslpath                  glsl
gl_forcepow2texture       0
gl_notexturerect          0
gl_vbo                    1
gl_pbo                    1
gl_glsl                   1
gl_glsl_filter            1
gl_glsl_sync              0
glsl_shader_mame0         "CRT Geom HQ Vertical"
glsl_shader_mame1         none
glsl_shader_mame2         none
glsl_shader_mame3         none
glsl_shader_mame4         none
glsl_shader_mame5         none
glsl_shader_mame6         none
glsl_shader_mame7         none
glsl_shader_mame8         none
glsl_shader_mame9         none
glsl_shader_screen0       none
glsl_shader_screen1       none
glsl_shader_screen2       none
glsl_shader_screen3       none
glsl_shader_screen4       none
glsl_shader_screen5       none
glsl_shader_screen6       none
glsl_shader_screen7       none
glsl_shader_screen8       none
glsl_shader_screen9       none

I turned bezels off on that game to test and noticed that it wasn't showing any of the screen-curve that should be there so it's only displaying a portion of the GLSL shader.

I'm thinking this is a problem with either MAME 172 itself or the compile I'm using.


EDIT: scratch that the curve is there and working.

  • 2 weeks later...

I use glsl on vanilla 173 so I can check my setup in a few and see if I get the same effect.


Edit: I think I see what you're talking about on the horizontal games like rampage and xenophob. I tried to get a good screenshot but it looked like crap, so here's an even crappier explanation :teehee:: It looks kinda like a plaid pattern where there are 6-7 horizontal scanlines close together, then a big gap, then another 6-7, etc.

Ah... you edited your post instead of making a new post so I was never notified you answered.

Yeah, your description seems to match mine. Like it is crushing the pixels/scanlines close together incorrectly and making a weird, tight pattern.


Yeah, I actually meant to PM you after I posted but I must've been distracted by something on the way there.

Well if it does the same thing in 174 then I'll just set those games to HLSL instead. Or maybe all of them back to HLSL.

I need to play around with the new settings and see which I prefer now.


Regarding HLSL... The resizing/compression (bezels with small screen areas) issues I complained about are gone. In my opinion the advances Jezze has introduced go beyond GLSL, and now I'm running it for both horizontal an vertical games. FWIW.


Are you referring to this? Does the same on 0.174 BTW.




Also tried Spyhunter but that was OK, it was also the same using both video modes that the game has.


Have a go changing "Unevenstretch" to 0, it seemed to make it better.


keepaspect                1
unevenstretch             0
unevenstretchx            0
intscalex                 0
intscaley                 0





Yep. That's it Giga.

Wonder when this glitch happened. They used to look fine using GLSL. Pretty sure 169 looked fine, so maybe just since the MAME/MESS merge?

Sent from my SM-G935V


Are you referring to this? Does the same on 0.174 BTW.


attachicon.gifImage 2.jpg


Also tried Spyhunter but that was OK, it was also the same using both video modes that the game has.


Have a go changing "Unevenstretch" to 0, it seemed to make it better.





keepaspect                1

unevenstretch             0

unevenstretchx            0

intscalex                 0

intscaley                 0

Spyhunter is definitely not OK on my 174. Does the same thing. Turning off uneven stretch seems to really mess up the size and aspect of some games I tried too.

I also tried setting up HLSL for these games, but that also skews the scanlines and pixels as well.

I also found that the game Aaaarg and some Namco System22 games have the same problem.

What the hell man?

  • 5 weeks later...

This issue is still around in 175, but Jezze updated one of the HLSL files to get these games to work.

They do need their own individual HLSL settings though. So I set that up and can now just copy/paste an ini for any game with the issue.


I still can't get Rampage to render right, even with the decreased scanline height.  :pardon:


I still can't get Rampage to render right, even with the decreased scanline height.  :pardon:


Which of the shaders are you using?



No worries... I actually just tried Metalzoic's settings from the other thread and they worked. Not sure what was doing wrong before, but I'm set now. Thanks!


FYI - Darius 2 is another game that needs the special settings. Do we have a running list anywhere?


No worries... I actually just tried Metalzoic's settings from the other thread and they worked. Not sure what was doing wrong before, but I'm set now. Thanks!

FYI - Darius 2 is another game that needs the special settings. Do we have a running list anywhere?

The multiscreen games all work with the special no-curve GLSL files that Giga gave out. I think they're also in my bezel pack.

Actually now that I think of it I tested Darius 1 not 2 in 175...

Sent from my SM-G935V


My mistake, I thought this was concerning glsl.

Yes, Rampage is one of the games that doesn't display right with GLSL. Like Aaarg and Blasted. Spy Hunter 2 & Arch Rivals and a bunch of others. You can get them to work right with HLSL but it takes special half-settings.

Sent from my SM-G935V


Why I asked Griffin yesterday which GLSL shader he was using is because I tested the no curve shader and it looks better, the curve causing it to be uneven.

You can name your ini file after the driver (mcr3) or create per game ini's for the likes of spy Hunter.
I'll attached a vertical version of the shader.





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