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11 Screenshots

About This File

Credit for this set goes to

@goofers - 3D PAL jewel case template
@Black Hazor - source scans, downloads, and photos
@Avar - source scans, feedback, and artistic direction
@fire10 -  PAL jewel cases, feedback and artistic direction
@SupraKarma - project lead

This set includes jewel case/DVD case 3D art for every game in the [Official] Sega Dreamcast xml, which you can find here. 

Special thanks goes to @JSinn and @Kondorito. Your insight and constructive criticism has made me more aware as a graphic artist. Thank you for taking the time to help me improve.

This set is dedicated to the massive media contributors. As much as I'd like to name people by name, I'd probably forget some very important contributors, and I don't want to do that. If you've sacrificed your time - the most valuable commodity we all have in this life - to make HyperSpin more enjoyable for everyone, this is for you. You are the backbone of this entire community, and in a very real sense - HyperSpin itself.

I had no idea how much work this project was going to be when I started it. I thought I'd have it done in a week, and I underestimated it greatly. There were many unforeseeable obstacles that slowed down progress and turned a one week project into a 2 month project. I have newfound respect for HyperSpin contributors that I didn't before. This set, while not perfect, is as close as I will ever come to putting out A+++ artwork. It is certainly better than I had imagined it would be when I first started it - and I am proud to present on behalf of my co-contributors the [OFFICIAL] HyperSpin Sega Dreamcast 3D Jewel Case Art HD set.


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User Feedback

  • Please Read

    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.

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