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Fix it Felix Jr. - The Game


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In your feature list for BadBoyBill's version, make sure to include 2 player support :D

I didn't include it because the Original release supports two players...

Unless BBB's supports two simultaneous players, in which case yes I will add it because the Original release does not.

Let me know, and I'll add it.

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That's what I figured but I'm hoping there's a way. When I used djvjs module on my 16:9 screen it went full screen, well with black bars on the side but it was showing vertically.

Yea sorry man, wish I could do more but I'm limited to what I know and what ahk can do with a locked down window that the game was made in. I might work on a module that simply rotates the desktop instead, so you can run fullscreen.

Doing a rotated script might be the best thing, but I modified your script. I'm launching Nircmd for windows as the fist line in the loader to change to 800x600 then upon exit it changes it back. Works excellent, but now there is a new problem.

My coin mech is wired to the middle mouse button which I have send mbutton::c in the module. When I insert a coin because it's not true fullscreen it loses focus, I have to right click to regain focus.

If I can stop the middle mouse button from stealing focus I'd be golden.

I am......Machine

Doing a rotated script might be the best thing, but I modified your script. I'm launching Nircmd for windows as the fist line in the loader to change to 800x600 then upon exit it changes it back. Works excellent, but now there is a new problem.

My coin mech is wired to the middle mouse button which I have send mbutton::c in the module. When I insert a coin because it's not true fullscreen it loses focus, I have to right click to regain focus.

If I can stop the middle mouse button from stealing focus I'd be golden.

I tested clicks and lost focus, which is why I added this line:

WinSet,AlwaysOnTop, On, %title%

What is gaining focus, because I don't have focus issues no matter where I click?

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."

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I tested clicks and lost focus, which is why I added this line:

WinSet,AlwaysOnTop, On, %title%

What is gaining focus, because I don't have focus issues no matter where I click?

Is that in the module you sent me? I don't think that line is there. I'll check tomorrow morning....

Try pressing the middle mouse button and see if it screws it up.

What happens is if I insert a coin, is the music/sound will stop for the game, I have to right click on the game then the music/sound will come back. If I try to insert a coin yet again, this time is actually brings the border and wintitle back around the game. The black gui stays on both sides though but.... I would think that's a focus issue no?

It's almost like the game goes to the "back" when I press the middle mouse button.

I am......Machine


I added your mbutton::c and I click it and nothing changes, coins do get inserted, focus is good. Make sure you have that line. The window should never be redrawing the border though, I'm not sure what would cause that.

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."

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I added your mbutton::c and I click it and nothing changes, coins do get inserted, focus is good. Make sure you have that line. The window should never be redrawing the border though, I'm not sure what would cause that.

I fixed it long story, but I thought I was getting a true full screen even at 800x600, I didn't realize the score and number of lives were missing from the game screen lol. So I still can't run it properly. I'm going to try incorporating irotate and see if I can do something similar to ttx/vertical Makaron. I think that's the only way we can force the game to display properly.

I am......Machine

Never heard of irotate until just now. Will this work for this game?

I don't see why it wouldn't. Disney's Fifjr is a PC game, plain and simple. Djvj did the same thing with Taito Type X games and those are PC games as well.

The magic is in the script. I would think the game would need to be launched full screen (on it's side) then we run irotate to flip it around in theory.

But also the game might do some wonky stuff if it gets flipped around when it's fullscreen, I dunno depends how it was coded. It is such a bummer though.

I am......Machine

ShellExecute("FixitFelixJr.exe", " -rotate=90 -fullscreen", @ScriptDir, "open", @SW_SHOW)

compile this with Autoit put the compiled .exe in the game folder , then execute the compiled script (.exe) and the game will open full screen.


I took a listen to TheBasement's sound9.wav and sound10.wav, and, um, I can hear trailer music in them. :) So I took a crack at mixing them myself, recording the voice samples from the website to layer onto some MP3 rips of the movie score I had, which left in only the faintest of cricket chirping.

sound9a.wav with "I'm gonna wreck it!"

sound10a.wav with "I can fix it!"

I considered putting in the "Fix it Felix!", but I didn't know of a very good source for it. The problem with using the movie's audio is that the quote is spoken while the music is still playing, so either you would hear the last bit of music repeated, or it'd have to replace the last piece of the music, which would make the quote sound too early and make the audio change quality all of a sudden. You can add it back in yourself however you want.

Likewise, I wanted to add the hammer whine just before Felix says "I can fix it!", but on the one version of the iPhone game that has this, the first half is overlapped by a bounce noise. All throughout the movie this sound will overlap with some background music, but the least distracting scene for it might be the "Gameplay gone wrong" one, where the orchestra is quiet and almost blends in with the hammer whine at that point.

"Hey, you moved my stump!" has the opposite problem of "Fix it Felix!", where in the movie the music is already playing when Ralph is speaking, but in the real game the quote is gone by the time the music starts, so any attempt to add it by swapping files would need to be done by timing it after some silence at the end of the first piece of intro music. This would also make the music behind it be heard twice, unless you replace the first bit of music itself and made the quote come too late, or use a different source. The "When Can I See You Again?" music video is the one other source of this quote, but of course it'll have that song in the background.

You could use the "Life in the Arcade" tracks further to replace the badly-compressed music from the game with nicer-sounding versions, though perhaps they should be mixed down to mono for the kind of speaker this uses, I dunno. The sounds and tunes made up for the game don't sound as bad as the music used from the movie.

Just for fun, I ripped the "bonk-bonk-bonk, pong" sounds Felix's hammer makes in the scene after Wreck-It Rumble, to give us a "movie-style" fixing noise if you wanted to hear that.


Ah, but there's still a paper sound embedded in the "pong", what a shame.

Without the proper implementation of of a "Scores.dat" file once you beat a high score during play the High Score counter does not increase and reflect what your current score is. When Felix runs out of lives you can still enter your initials and they show up in the attract loop, but that center high score never changes. I'm not for sure if the application was designed to make scores persistent after it was closed, but in this case it matters little, because clearly the High Score functionality is broken.

I learned one thing from playing a lengthy two-player game: The high score box up top does record the second player's high score, just never the first player's, even if the first player's score was higher. So it seems to only be missing some code that would check the first player's score.

In testing this a bit more last night, I once saw Ralph begin a level by breaking a mere five windows, and I think he only broke one more window after that. I guess his heart wasn't in it. :(


@Bag of Magic Food: I know what two effects you're talking about from the website, with the crickets chirping. I too noticed that they were good samples of the two quotes, but I was able to rip the raw mp3s from doing some cache hunting! If you would like you could mix them replacing the audio you just made? Though, the versions you posted I can't notice the chirping. Depends on how much it bothers you!



moved_my_stump.wav This is a rip from the bluray. I tried working with it to sync it right with sound8.wav but I just couldn't get it to sound right. If anyone wants to take a go at it...

compile this with Autoit put the compiled .exe in the game folder , then execute the compiled script (.exe) and the game will open full screen.

The key is we need the game rotated for guys running horizontal monitors.

I am......Machine


@Trnzaddict: Where can I find the loader to help you guys out with figuring this out for ya. I have an idea but want to test it out some and see what you are trying to do.

Edit: And just to get this straight you're trying to load FiFJr from Hyperspin correct? I have FiFJr loaded up into hyperspin what is the script that djvj gave you? What other setup are you using?


Thanks for the mp3s! I wonder how many other sound effects from the movie could be cleanly ripped or recreated, as they do make the game sound more exciting, even if they may not be as true to real limitations of the era. There's the "vwoop" of Ralph's word balloon appearing, which can be heard in

with quiet music and a bit of the word "record" behind it. It also sounds a lot like the real game's jump sound with an echo effect on it. Say, did anyone learn where BadBoyBill's soundbites were taken from?
Say, did anyone learn where BadBoyBill's soundbites were taken from?

Some of the arcade sounds he ripped himself by going into the park (if I remember rightly) and recording them straight from the machine while he was getting reference material. I know he has some of the effects from the movie, but I'm not for sure how he ripped them.


I also just noticed that the sound that is used from the first concept video that I have posted is very similar to what was used in the movie for the attract screen. I could rip the sound for that and try and inverse cancellation in Audacity to the moved_my_stump.wav... Some of the other music that they have mixed down in the Official release could also benefit from this. If you didn't want downsampled versions.

Edit: Just got done ripping the whole audio from the attract loop, split them into their respective WAVs for the game. I also updated the files list.

Edit: Also just realized that that track in the album has this same music, hah! The only difference is in sound10.wav. If you listen closely in the film the version on the soundtrack is not the one used, but the one from the concept video!

The key is we need the game rotated for guys running horizontal monitors.

That would be awsome

I hope you guys find the way, thanks


Forget it guys, even when I got the game to true fullscreen and tried to rotate it with irotate, the game rotated will not fit properly on a horizontal monitor.

Either we wait for Bill to release his version, or someone modifies the code of the exe to allow zooming beyond the ones it comes with. If we were able to do that, djvj's script would do the rest, simulating the fullscreen effect.

So close it's a shame.

I am......Machine



I also added display/irotate support and the game forces 800x600 res with a horizontal orientation, no matter what orientation you started with. Then I tried adding in dxwnd support, but that did nothing.

"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."

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Awesome job guys, your all doing some cool stuff with the game. I know BBB doesnt have much time if any to help as he is finishing up his NeoGeo projects and I just started building a Fix it Felix Jr pinball cab so that will be taking up all my time in the next few months.. tons of work from 3d printed plastic parts to programming the p-roc to work with the playfield and backglass lcd. Anyways keep up the awesome work everyone! Glad to see everyone getting this game in thier cabs!

Sent from my SCH-R530U using Tapatalk 2


thats sick as ridick good luck with you and your fix it felix pinball i hope it will be a huge success i cant wait to see how it progresses from time to time.

sig.png 100%


Hey guys I was screwing around in Ableton last night and I got the "Hey, you moved my stump" lined up with the game, half the sample is in sound7, then the fist pounding growl part in in the beginning of sound8. HOWEVER I don't know if the wave is cut short in the movie or the bluray sound rip is cut short because in the game the fist pound animation goes about 1 second longer than the wave so you hear him hitting the stump, but then you just here the music that the Nicelanders go into the building to.

Plus I had to add an extra loop of the Nicelanders song so it stops right as the door shuts when the last of them goes in the building. Without doing that the music doesn't line up properly.

I am......Machine


Late to the party, I got the game playable on my PC, I would like to add this to my cabinet, Any way to add this into the MAME Wheel list of games? Also using a 4:3 CRT, I just want to play this in a cab!


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