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HyperSpin.xpadderprofile not loading with HyperSpin

Tribe Fan

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Man, I thought I could get through this whole process without leaning on you guys for help.

When I load a system for which I have an xpadder profile saved, it loads it fine. The only one that won't load is the HyperSpin profile and I have no idea why. Here's an example of where I have it saved:

"Hyperspin\Keymapper Profiles\Hyperspin.xpadderprofile"

What could I possibly be missing here? It would seem getting the system profiles to load would be the real chore.

Thanks in advance.


Thanks for the reply. It doesn't load at all. The only way it works is if I already happen to have it loaded in xpadder before starting hs. If I load nestopia and with it its xpadder profile, that profile stays loaded when exiting back to hs.


You bet. Here it is:

07:12:49 AM |  HyperLaunch v2.25c
07:12:49 AM |  System Specs:
	HyperSpin Dir: J:\Gaming and Emulation\HyperSpin
	OS: WIN_7
	OS Language: 0409
	OS Admin Status: Yes
	Monitor #1 (\\.\DISPLAY1): 1680x1050 (1680x1010 work)
	Monitor #2 (\\.\DISPLAY2): 0x1132 (0x1132 work)
	Monitor #3 (\\.\DISPLAY3): 3040x1105 (3040x1105 work)
	HyperSpin Res: 1260x737
	AHK Version:
07:12:49 AM |  HyperLaunch received "Nintendo DS" and "Tetris DS (USA)"
07:12:49 AM |  INI Keys read
07:12:49 AM |  Checking paths
07:12:49 AM |  Finished injecting functions into module
07:12:49 AM |  Module is built
07:12:49 AM |  Loading keymapper -> xpadder
07:12:49 AM |  Launching xpadder and first profile found = J:\Gaming and Emulation\HyperSpin\Keymapper Profiles\Nintendo DS\Nintendo DS.xpadderprofile
07:12:49 AM |  Run, Xpadder.exe "J:\Gaming and Emulation\HyperSpin\Keymapper Profiles\Nintendo DS\Nintendo DS.xpadderprofile" "" "" "" /M, J:\Gaming and Emulation\HyperSpin\Xpadder
07:12:49 AM |  Running module:

;Built in script
DetectHiddenWindows, ON
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
SendMode, Event
0 = 2
exitEmulatorKey = ~backspace
emuPath = J:\Gaming and Emulation\Emulators\DeSmuME\
romPath = J:\Gaming and Emulation\ROMs\Nintendo DS\
romPathFromIni = J:\Gaming and Emulation\ROMs\Nintendo DS\
romExtension = .nds
romExtensionOrig = .nds
romExtensions = nds
executable = DeSmuME_0.9.9_x86.exe
systemName = Nintendo DS
romName = Tetris DS (USA)
daemonToolsPath = 
skipchecks = false
fadeIn = false
fadeOut = false
fadeColor = 0x000000
fadeInDuration = 500
fadeOutDuration = 500
fadeInDelay = 0
fadeInInterruptKeys = {LControl}{RControl}{LAlt}{RAlt}{LShift}{RShift}{LWin}{RWin}{AppsKey}{F1}{F2}{F3}{F4}{F5}{F6}{F7}{F8}{F9}{F10}{F11}{F12}{Left}{Right}{Up}{Down}{Home}{End}{PgUp}{PgDn}{Del}{Ins}{BS}{Capslock}{Numlock}{PrintScreen}{Pause}
gameStartImgPath = J:\Gaming and Emulation\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo DS\Images\GameStart\
moduleExtensionPath = J:\Gaming and Emulation\HyperSpin\Modules\Module Extensions\
7zEnable = false
7zExtractDir = C:\Users\John\AppData\Local\Temp\Hyperspin\
7zExtractDirOrig = 
7zDelTemp = true
7zFormats = .zip,.rar,.7z,.gzip,.tar
7zFormatsNoP = zip,rar,7z,gzip,tar
mgEnabled = false
mgKey = NumpadSub
mgSelectKey = Enter
mgExitKey = Esc
multiGameImgPath = J:\Gaming and Emulation\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo DS\Images\MultiGame\
mgBackgroundColor = FF000000
mgSidePadding = 0.2
mgYOffset = 500
mgImageAdjust = 1
mgFont = Arial
mgText1Options = x10p y30p w80p Centre cBBFFFFFF r4 s100 Bold Italic
mgText1Text = Please select a game
mgText2Options = w96p cFFFFFFFF r4 s50 Center Bold Italic
mgText2Offset = 70
mgUseSound = true
mgSoundfreq = 300
mgExitEffect = none
mgSelectedEffect = rotate
mgUseGameArt = false
mgArtworkDir = Artwork1
Hotkey, ~backspace, CloseProcess
;Module script
; Nintendo DS
; DeSmuME r4172
; by djvj
; 1.4
; Notes:
; Grab the settings.ini from my user folder on the ftp. It is needed to support vertical games.
; Uncheck View->Show Toolbar
; Set View->Screen seperation to black, also choose your border (I prefer 5px)
; Open the desmume.ini and add "Show Console=0" anywhere to stop the console window from showing up
; Add a game to settings.ini if you need it to be rotated
; Fullscreen is controlled from the settings.ini

settingsFile := CheckFile(A_Scriptdir . "\Modules\" . systemName . "\Settings.ini")
desmumeIni := CheckFile(emuPath . "desmume.ini")

GUI_ID := FadeInStart()

IniRead, Fullscreen, %settingsFile%, Settings, Fullscreen, true
IniRead, vertical, %settingsFile%, %romName%, vertical, false
IniRead, rotate, %desmumeIni%, Video, Window Rotate, 0
IniRead, rotateSet, %desmumeIni%, Video, Window Rotate Set, 0

If ( vertical = "true"  And ( rotate = 0 Or rotateSet = 0 )) {
IniWrite, 270, %desmumeIni%, Video, Window Rotate
IniWrite, 270, %desmumeIni%, Video, Window Rotate Set
} Else If ( vertical != "true"  And ( rotate != 0 Or rotateSet != 0 )) {
IniWrite, 0, %desmumeIni%, Video, Window Rotate
IniWrite, 0, %desmumeIni%, Video, Window Rotate Set

7z1 := 7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractDir)

Run, %executable% "%romPath%%romName%%romExtension%", %emuPath%

WinWait, ahk_class DeSmuME
WinWaitActive, ahk_class DeSmuME

If ( Fullscreen = "true" ) {
	WinGetPos, x, y, w, h, AHK_class DeSmuME ; Getting original position of the emu, so we know when it goes Fullscreen
	Send, !{Enter} ; Go Fullscreen, DeSmuME does not support auto-fullscreen yet
	Loop { ; looping so we know when to destroy the GUI
			Sleep, 200
			WinGetPos, x2, y2, w2, h2, AHK_class DeSmuME
			;ToolTip, x=%x%`ny=%y%`nw=%w%`nh=%h%`nx2=%x2%`ny2=%y2%`nw2=%w2%`nh2=%h2%
			If ( x != x2 ) ; x changes when emu goes fullscreen, so we will break here and destroy the GUI
Sleep, 200 ; Need a moment for the emu to finish going Fullscreen, otherwise we see the background briefly

GUI_ID2 := FadeInExit()

Process, WaitClose, %executable%

7z2 := 7zCleanUp()

GUI_ID4 := FadeOutExit()

WinActivate, Hyperspin


GUI_ID3 := FadeOutStart()
WinClose, ahk_class DeSmuME




Suspend, On


7z(7zP, 7zN, 7zE, 7zExtractDir){

7zCleanUp() {

IfNotExist, %file%
If msg
ScriptError(msg, timeout)
ScriptError("Cannot find " . file, timeout) 
Return %file%

07:12:57 AM |  Module ended, exiting HyperLaunch normally
07:12:57 AM |  Unloading xpadder
07:12:57 AM |  Run, Xpadder.exe "J:\Gaming and Emulation\HyperSpin\Keymapper Profiles\HyperSpin.xpadderprofile" "J:\Gaming and Emulation\HyperSpin\Keymapper Profiles\HyperSpin [p2].xpadderprofile" "" "" /M, J:\Gaming and Emulation\HyperSpin\Xpadder

Also, when I started Windows this morning, xpadder started with a message saying the last loaded profiles (Hyperspin and Hyperspin [2]) could not be found. It even listed the exact directories where they're located.

I have xpadder.exe and my profiles in separate folders. Could that be causing the problem?


I usually have to select my Hyperspin.xpadderprofile after making any changes to my other xpadder profiles, or it won't work, just stays on the one i was editing...


Actually, now that I look at xpadder.exe after closing HS, here's what I'm seeing. It has my player 1 and 2 profiles mixed up. I have an xbox 360 pad and a USB Super Nintendo pad. The xbox is listed first in the panel and the SNES second. However, I'm using the SNES as player 1. It has the [p2] attributes set to the SNES pad which is completely wrong. It looks like it actually did load the profiles, just for opposite controllers.

Could it be the order that they're listed in the xpadder control panel? Is there a way to change this?

EDIT: Also, is there a way to prevent Hyperspin from loading a profile at all on launch? I've got system profs working fine - it's just this hs one giving me problems.

DOUBLE EDIT: You know what, it's loading the wrong profiles for the wrong controllers for systems now too... It's loading profiles, which is good, it just has the controllers mixed up. I'm thinking it's something I'm doing wrong when saving my profiles.


This is so frustrating... I don't know why xpadder is even loading a profile to my xbox pad that I created for my SNES pad. Is there a way to set profiles to load exclusively to certain controllers? I feel like I'm missing something very fundamental here...

EDIT: Okay, I changed the order of my preferred devices in xpadder and that seems to have fixed the problem of the wrong profile loading to the wrong controller. Only, I have to make sure I set each system to have a two player controller profile, or xpadder starts loading the wrong profiles to the wrong controllers all over again.

DOUBLE EDIT: After changing the order of preferred devices in xpadder, this seems to have corrected the problem of system profiles loading incorrectly. However, I still cannot get the Hyperspin profile to load for the life of me. The last loaded profile is the one that opens when launching HS. I have a feeling there is some coding messed up somewhere. Any ideas?

Thanks a lot.


I don't know if this will help but I have my hyperspin.exe set to auto profile in my xpadder. So this means xpadder is set to watch for this exe and to load it's profile when ever the HS.exe is launch.



Basically, HyperLaunch should already be handling the cases where you've quit the emulator and you are back in HS by loading up the HS xpadder profiles automatically. In the case of starting Hyperspin for the first time, I opened up HyperHQ, went to Startup/Exit and added the following as the startup app:

App: C:\Users\hyperspin\Documents\xpadder\Xpadder.exe

Arguments: "D:\Hyperspin\Keymapper Profiles\default.xpadderprofile" "D:\Hyperspin\Keymapper Profiles\default [p2].xpadderprofile"

And when I exit Hyperspin...

App: C:\Users\hyperspin\Documents\xpadder\Xpadder.exe

Arguments: /C

This makes sure that I have a proper xpadder profile loaded each time I run the program and properly tells Xpadder to quit when I quit out of HS.


Thanks again zerojay. Once again you've crushed it outta the park!

I'm still not sure what I was doing wrong. It's very nice having xpadder close with HS too - I was wondering how to do that as well.

Here's a question. Is there a way to add multiple exit apps? When I use my comp as an HTPC, I like to navigate to HS from WMC and close back into it when I'm done. Is there a way to add that in?

Man, thanks again!


Probably your best bet there is to create a batch file that can handle everything and then call the batch file as your exit program.

Basically, HyperLaunch should already be handling the cases where you've quit the emulator and you are back in HS by loading up the HS xpadder profiles automatically. In the case of starting Hyperspin for the first time, I opened up HyperHQ, went to Startup/Exit and added the following as the startup app:

App: C:\Users\hyperspin\Documents\xpadder\Xpadder.exe

Arguments: "D:\Hyperspin\Keymapper Profiles\default.xpadderprofile" "D:\Hyperspin\Keymapper Profiles\default [p2].xpadderprofile"

And when I exit Hyperspin...

App: C:\Users\hyperspin\Documents\xpadder\Xpadder.exe

Arguments: /C

This makes sure that I have a proper xpadder profile loaded each time I run the program and properly tells Xpadder to quit when I quit out of HS.

Thanks for this! Finally have Xpadder setup properly :)

Basically, HyperLaunch should already be handling the cases where you've quit the emulator and you are back in HS by loading up the HS xpadder profiles automatically. In the case of starting Hyperspin for the first time, I opened up HyperHQ, went to Startup/Exit and added the following as the startup app:

App: C:\Users\hyperspin\Documents\xpadder\Xpadder.exe

Arguments: "D:\Hyperspin\Keymapper Profiles\default.xpadderprofile" "D:\Hyperspin\Keymapper Profiles\default [p2].xpadderprofile"

And when I exit Hyperspin...

App: C:\Users\hyperspin\Documents\xpadder\Xpadder.exe

Arguments: /C

This makes sure that I have a proper xpadder profile loaded each time I run the program and properly tells Xpadder to quit when I quit out of HS.

thanks, problem solved for me too! xpadder is amazing, but i have two pads, a ps3 wireless fightpad 100% working, to play fighting games and a 360 wireless pad for everything else, but i have to copy and rename every xpadderprofile to play fighting games, anyone knows a better way to configure this?, maybe this is a request to a new hyperlaunch, a genre xpadder profile.

  • 1 year later...
Basically, HyperLaunch should already be handling the cases where you've quit the emulator and you are back in HS by loading up the HS xpadder profiles automatically. In the case of starting Hyperspin for the first time, I opened up HyperHQ, went to Startup/Exit and added the following as the startup app:

App: C:\Users\hyperspin\Documents\xpadder\Xpadder.exe

Arguments: "D:\Hyperspin\Keymapper Profiles\default.xpadderprofile" "D:\Hyperspin\Keymapper Profiles\default [p2].xpadderprofile"

And when I exit Hyperspin...

App: C:\Users\hyperspin\Documents\xpadder\Xpadder.exe

Arguments: /C

This makes sure that I have a proper xpadder profile loaded each time I run the program and properly tells Xpadder to quit when I quit out of HS.

I tried this but the HS profile stays active in all emulators even though i have keymapper set to false for all emulators individually.

i need xpadder to go away after i leave the HS frontend and go into an emulator and then come back when i'm back in the HS front end.

how do this!?!?!?!??!!?!


thanks jeremy. i got this working but couldn't get hyperlaunch to automatically load blank profiles with certain emulators and then launch my hyperspin menu profile when returning to main menu so i had to hand edit all my modules to include the correct xpadder profile loads..

i know people will cringe when reading that and say it's wrong way to do it but until there's a guide that explains setting this up where the end result actually works... this works for me.

the only issue i have now is with my controllers showing up not working when i reboot and only unplugging and replugging them in makes them work again. grrrrrr


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