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Best PC Games that need Mouse and or Keyboard ?


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So I am switching gears a bit. I originally wanted PC games that used only a gamepad however I am finding there are many great games that need a mouse and or keyboard. My PC is lower end as video is only 128mb but I am more interested in older stuff. I have added things like blood, quake, and Doom series to my list.  I think I will add command and conquer as well. Any other great PC Games?


You know blood, and doom can all be played with a controller right? That's how mine is setup. Probably quake as well I'd imagine.

Honestly the only 2 games I haven't been able to get mapped to a controller are Diablo & Diablo II.
There's just too many keys that have to be used to set it up for a game-pad.

I have a theme that pops up either a Gamepad, or Keyboard & Mouse image, depending on what game is up. Kind of like how you'd have a console pull up it's corresponding cartridge.


In my PC setup, there are a few of these, apart of those our buddies mentioned above, I also added Age of Empires III collection, Counter Strike 1.6 (to play with bots or online), Command and Conquer series, Warcraft 1 to III, Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos series.

And surely, Myst from the first master piece to Myst V - End of Ages



I have tried blood with the 360 pad but I found way to many keys to use the pad. There is loads of keys all the movement keys then looking around, shoot, jump, and all weapons etc.... Then I lose one for exit key.... Any recommendations on keyboard mouse(wireless) set?


It depends, for example, DOOM or Duke Nukem (Among hundreds of others), use keys 1 to 9 to switch to a specific gun, but these games also use to have the function that the console ports tend to use, they are next and previous weapons, thus, we eliminate these "redundant" functions.



When I was looking I thought there was more. Anyone have typical layout for first person shooters like quake to give me am idea on what keys I need? I use 360 pad


I setup all of my games on standard profiles.

Basically I have a 'retro' xpadder profile and a 'PC' xpadder profile.

I still have to figure out a way to make it switch back and forth automatically though...

I can post the keybindings I have for doom once I'm home if you'd like.


I still have to figure out a way to make it switch back and forth automatically though...


What you mean by "switch it back and forth automatically"?



I think he means switching profiles...... there is a great tutorial  on here.. something like Xpadd my darling...


I would like to see how you set up doom keys


What you mean by "switch it back and forth automatically"?


I mean have xpadder automatically load the Retro or PC profiles when I launch their respective games. I know it can be done, I just haven't spent a whole lot of time with it. I tried for a minute, but couldn't get it to reload the retro profile when I went back to hyperspin.


I think he means switching profiles...... there is a great tutorial  on here.. something like Xpadd my darling...


I would like to see how you set up doom keys

I forgot to check this last night after I was home. I'll post it later today.


I asked to make sure you were talking about that, it's really simple, I'll post a screenshot so you can see some of my custom game profiles, look:




You click in the down arrow in the plus sign Under Keymapper tab and choose game profile, it will show you all the games in your database, pick the game you want a custom profile for and do it, every time you load a game that uses a custom profile it will load that very profile you created, simple like that.



I asked to make sure you were talking about that, it's really simple, I'll post a screenshot so you can see some of my custom game profiles, look:




You click in the down arrow in the plus sign Under Keymapper tab and choose game profile, it will show you all the games in your database, pick the game you want a custom profile for and do it, every time you load a game that uses a custom profile it will load that very profile you created, simple like that.

Yeah, that's what I meant. Except, I was able to get game & emulator specific profiles to load just fine.

The issue I was having was when I exit the game, I can't get it to load the profile that will control Hyperspin's menu's back up. My Hyperspin controls are the same as my retro profile, but with the PC it's differant enough that it causes a few problems 'cause I can't control hyperspin with that profile.


I tried to post a picture of my xpadder, but I keep being told I can't use 'that' file extension. Ridiculous...

Anyway here is what I have for it. DOOM = Xpadder = Xbox
(I use this profile for every PC game I have except for Terraria, 'cause the mouse-wheel is the only way to change item in that game)

Look/Turn = Mouse = Right Stick
Fire = LClick = RTrigger
AltFire/Aim = RClick = LTrigger
Use = T = Y
Up, Down, Strafe Left, Strafe Right = WSAD = Left Stick
Jump = F = A
Crouch = G = B

Run = Y = Left-Stick-Click

Next Weapon = Right = Dpad Right

Previous Weapon = Left = Dpad Left

Fire Mode = Down = Dpad Down
(Up is reserved for whatever gun I feel like hot-keying, usually the shotgun.)

Map = Enter = Start

Melee = H = Right-Stick Click

Reload = R = X

Grenade = X = RightBumper

Flashlight = Z = LeftBumper


Obviously, some of that is Mod-Specific, but none-the-less it proves that you can easily map all the keys to make doom function to a controller.

I think Vanilla doom only has (as far as basic functions go)

Next Weapon
Last Weapon

I hope that was helpful lol


forgot to mention that Escape is tied to the back button. 








Yeah, that's what I meant. Except, I was able to get game & emulator specific profiles to load just fine.

The issue I was having was when I exit the game, I can't get it to load the profile that will control Hyperspin's menu's back up. My Hyperspin controls are the same as my retro profile, but with the PC it's differant enough that it causes a few problems 'cause I can't control hyperspin with that profile.

That's why I told you in another thread you should use startup script, I use it to control HS via gamepad and it doesn't conflict with Xpadder profiles, try it.



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