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shows & documentarys of old & new


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here is a few links to shows and documentarys i have found, i think it would make a nice addition to a hyperspin setup under a media wheel or somthing .


hope you enjoy




Ralph H Baer Demonstrates The Brown Box (1973) 


games master - 1992 to 1998    https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF3A8320A7A5DA83B


computer chronicles 1983 - 2002   https://archive.org/details/computerchronicles?&sort=-downloads&page=2


Once Upon Atari E01 House of Games (2003)   http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2d2z5u_once-upon-atari-e01-house-of-games-dvdrip-x264-amigos_videogames


Once Upon Atari E02 The Enemy Within (2003)  http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2d2zfd_once-upon-atari-e02-the-enemy-within-dvdrip-x264-amigos_videogames


Once Upon Atari E03 The Games The Thing (2003) http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2d2zng_once-upon-atari-e03-the-games-the-thing-dvdrip-x264-amigos_videogames


Once Upon Atari E04 The Agony And The Ecstasy (2003)  http://games.dailymotion.com/video/x2d2zvn#!


Commerical Breaks (1984) 


The King of Kong A Fistful of Quarters (2007) 


The Making of Dragons Lair 


The King Of Arcades (2014) trailer 


Chasing Ghosts Beyond The Arcade (2007)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1cr87XdEzU


The Space Invaders - In Search of Lost Time


yes mate i grew up in the 80s we had a big seafront with loads of different arcades and my dad would take me down there most weekends. played most of the classic when they came out, space harrier ,outrun , dragons lair when it worked lol. most games where 10p & 20p ago apart from the sitdown cabs like out run which was 50p, and then the £1 games started i think the 1st one was mad dog mcree. that hurt when you only got £5 pocket money lol. but the one thing was all the home console and computer versions was so iinferior to the arcades, that why mame such a blessing to many cos you cane play the games we grew up with.


I do remember the first time I saw Dragons Lair, it was by the front door of the arcade with a big crowd around it and must have cost 50 pence instead of the usual 10p. We would have watched it for sometime before having the courage to put in what little pocket money we had and death came swiftly. There was of course the kid standing next to you saying " you have to move the stick at the right moment" as the machine made that dull tone to say too soon it's not Hyper Sports your playing.

I think I only played it once until recently.



I think I only played it once until recently.

Dragons Lair I could beat on a single credit. Same with Road Avenger.

No idea how much I had to spend to learn them though.


cor completing dragons lair in the arcade in the day would of been hard and expensive lol. i could complete dragon lair & space ace on daphne on 1 credit in the end but to few days of hardcoreness . dragons lair 2 will be my next goal. i love these games , the artwork is somthing else, they are trying to make a film at the moment but did not reach the goal on kickstarter. i think they gonna retry . hope it gets made


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