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Movie Player for My Van


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Hey Guys,

Our van has a built in DVD player but the kids are constantly scratching the dvds.  The player has avi (yellow/red) in. I am looking for a cheap portable player that can plug into the jacks and watch movies.  I am guessing I would have to run a power plug to a cigarette lighter plug... any suggestions?



Hey Guys,

Our van has a built in DVD player but the kids are constantly scratching the dvds.  The player has avi (yellow/red) in. I am looking for a cheap portable player that can plug into the jacks and watch movies.  I am guessing I would have to run a power plug to a cigarette lighter plug... any suggestions?

The cheapest option would be to get a raspberry pi zero ($5), but the problem is they are sold out everywhere.  The regular or raspberry pi 2($35) would be an option.  They run about $70 with case, hdmi cable, microSD, power cord.  I am not sure what would be cheaper than that though.


Here is a link to something similar to what you are asking about.



Few suggestions, books, eyespy or a good old Griswold sing song. Oh and copy the original DVD's and burn backups to DVD-R.

Or would something like this work if it's just movies you want.www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00JA8I0NW/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1449093361&sr=8-1&pi=SY200_QL40&keywords=media+player+composite+output&dpPl=1&dpID=51QUO%2BAovqL&ref=plSrch



The player doesn't play any DVD r or plus I burn. I had read somewhere that they made it that way? Ill look into those ideas


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