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Retroarch 1.3.0 xarcade tankstick support?


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Hey everyone

Redoing my cab and wanting to dial in retroarch. I was reading that it supports tankstick xarcade now but I absolutely cannot figure out how to setup controllers in the front end.

Watched lots of videos but not a lot is out there for 1.3.0 with the new UI

Anybody help?


Have you seen this tut, He's very good at walking you through the process of setting Retroarh up and goes into detail about controller setup>


If your still having trouble after watching the vid Simply Austin is a member here and a top guy to ask so throw him a pm if your still struggling after watching.


Ahhhh I'll give that a watch had not found it yet.

I've just been able to stumble into the bind input section but FAK me I was just hoping to be able to upload a xarcade config file or something.

I'll have a watch


Well I've gotten to the point where I can load it , can load systems and roms

But I cannot figure out controls.

I was really hoping to just being able to input the controls on the tankstick by pressing them like other emulators , I'll find a way to track down simply Austin, maybe he can help


IT might be the driver type under driver>input maybe.  I think retroarch has some problems with controllers/usb ports.  But you might get lucky if you try to change the driver type.  For me, retroarch makes my 2nd xbox 360 controller disappear when my usb hub is plugged in, and never detects my Snes controllers in a mayflash adapter.  So I sort of gave up on it for systems which i want genuine controllers on.


This is crazy

All the roms play at double the speed, I've tried

To map controls, doesn't save. Searched everywhere on liberto forums about tankstick setup, apparently some people have config files but nobody knows how to use/load them.

It's a real cool program...just very very confusing lol. I might have to chill

On it untill I can figure it out


I'm not real familiar how the tankstick is configured, does it work by default in Mame?  If so, then it is probably mapped similarly to an I-PAC and you will not be able to configure it in the retroarch ui, check my post here: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/12367-hs-build-hyperspin-14-50-systems-v107/page-11#entry200404   You'll have to use a 360 controller or other gamepad to navidgate retroarch ui then.  


The X-Arcade tanksticks work just like a keyboard. I have not tried the newer builds of Retroarch but I pretty much gave up on it a while back. Sticking to MAME for now here.

Mame related stuff: FTP: grandis.nu, port 21, user:misc, pass:misc


Tur-Matcher - Match your roms/media/XML files.
Another Idle Volume Adjuster - Automatically control the volume.
How to: Use MAME Extras as material for HyperPause
How to: Use eXoDOS 2.0 as material for HyperPause


I figured it out

I went in and manually edited the retroarch default config and just edited the script.

If anyone was in the same boat I can share with you what I did?


I went into the main config file and edited everything from there.

Took about 15 mins to do all the edits but it works awesome now. Saved it to the default retroarch config and it works everytime now


Wait,...there is keyboard support in the GUI.  it's up down left right, x to enter a sub-menu, and z to return.

I mean to modify your controllers using a keyboard as input.


If I have to go into ini files and change stuff, its not really ready IMO. I'm just being old =)

Mame related stuff: FTP: grandis.nu, port 21, user:misc, pass:misc


Tur-Matcher - Match your roms/media/XML files.
Another Idle Volume Adjuster - Automatically control the volume.
How to: Use MAME Extras as material for HyperPause
How to: Use eXoDOS 2.0 as material for HyperPause


I figured it out

I went in and manually edited the retroarch default config and just edited the script.

If anyone was in the same boat I can share with you what I did?

Would you share this please?


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