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HyperSpin MAME Themes needed


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You guys have done a wonderful job on HyperSpin.  I am greatly impressed.  But, the following Themes are still needed for MAME coin-op games:


  • Dogyuun
  • Donpachi
  • Dragon Saber
  • ESPgaluda
  • ESPgaluda II
  • Galmedes
  • Guardian Storm
  • Hotdog Storm
  • Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi
  • Lethal Thunder
  • Magician Lord
  • Mystic Riders
  • Shanghai III
  • Sidewinder
  • Sorcer Striker
  • Spin Master
  • Twin Eagle II - The Rescue Mission
  • UN Defence Force: Earth Joker
  • Zero Zone

When creating these themes, keep in mind each games orientation - landscape or portrait.  The area of the theme that displays the game video should be the same as the game, either landscape or portrait.   I have noticed that many of the themes already created have the portrait games videos displayed in landscape mode.  These look like crap and need to be corrected.  NEVER display portrait mode games in a landscape mode screen, or landscape mode games on a portrait mode screen.  I am saying this not to pick on you guys, but, in the hopes that you can keep up the great work and make HyperSpin better  :)


So, how much are you paying? $$$ ;)


As this seems more like an order than a request, which by the way we have a whole theme request forum subsection for.


Also, there's plenty more games that need themes, allot of more artwork to do and only so many helping hands. Not to mention I seem to recall a few on that list already have a theme or one announced.


..........................back with a vengeance........................


A few of those have themes already. if they arent in the download section they are on the FTP or Hypersync.






A lot of them are available on the download section.... :sweat:


You guys are right.  I found most of these MAME themes by just doing a search.  Silly me, why did I not think of that, lol.

Anyway, I could not find these MAME themes:


  • Dogyuun
  • Hotdog Storm
  • Shanghai III
  • Sidewinder
  • Twin Eagle II - The Rescue Mission
  • UN Defense Force: Earth Joker
  • Zero Zone


I need these themes to finish my HyperSpin for my MAME arcade cabinet.


If you guys need me to help with anything just let me know.


If you have Photoshop you should be able to bust those out pretty quickly since there's only 7 of them.

You'll find most videos you find for vertical games will be pillar boxed though, so you may need to get creative with the video frame and/or Artwork 2-4 layers to hide those black bars.


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