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Plans for a crt 29´monitor


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Thks to all friends here i love hyperspin great, i hjave only one question people i have the plan but i dont how to fix crt monitor any ideia, great job all thks

When you say "Fix CRT" I hope you mean attaching it to your cab and not actually fixing the monitor? If you need it fixed that isn't something I would advise a newbie on. :) Most cases a fly back needs a cap kit if it has problems but you really need to have it fixed by people that do it for a job. Also I have to ask why would you buy one that is broken? You can pick up brand new ones for under a $1000 shipped worldwide.

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...you really need to have it fixed by people that do it for a job.

Pole's correct. Don't mess with repairing that yourself unless you know what you are doing. The caps can continue to hold a significant amount of juice, even after being unplugged, though not indefinitely.

Before you go dropping a bunch of $$$ repairing it, ask yourself the following:

1. Am I comfortable with moving and installing an 80lb.+ object?

2. Is the 800 x 600 resolution limitation going to meet my needs?

3. Are the exposed dangerous electronics of the monitor a concern for the safety of my kids/pets/drunken friends?

4. Is it possible that MAME's HLSL effects are good enough to recreate the authenticity of the original arcade experience on a bigger, cheaper, lighter, better resolution TV?

Just a few things to think about. I've been down this road myself recently, and I now have a D9800 collecting dust due to my hastiness.

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The TriSync monitor is nice and all.. but you would be better off spending the cash on an LCD. The above comments are correct, these things weigh a TON. LCD requires basically NO maintenance, you can run them in 4:3 mode to eliminate the stretching and there's even scan line generators you can use also. By the time you factor in the cost for a CRT vs LCD it's an easy choice. Let alone the resolution differences (again mentioned above)

I have a 33" myself and from back to front of the monitor case is about 26 inches. So you'll need a good amount of room for your cab also.

If you do choose to go with a CRT monitor, look around there are plans for a Dynamo Showcase Arcade, which houses these bigger monitors. There about 4 foot wide, 6 foot tall, and 5 1/2 foot long. Definitely not made for smaller spaces.

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I bought a 2 slot neo geo MVS a few months back and the screen went out about 2 weeks after that. it was 699 for a mak or 250 for a 32 inch seki LED and 40 for the conversion board from RGB to vga. I'm glad i went the way i did. CRTs are cool and all, but why deal with all the extra weight/hassle?

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This post comes to me in the right time... i was about to buy a 29 CRT TV for my home consoles hs machine and a VGA to RGB adapter but... now i think i gonna go for a LCD TV... just a few $$$ more... i want to have my HS Console below my TV so i can have it in the living room, my wife can watch TV or Movies there and y can come later, change the video source and play in a minute to all those console classics :)... just like the old times with my Sega Genesis

PLUS: my wife is happier now haha

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