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MORTAL (pinball) KOMBAT a build thread.


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Plus once there's working coin mechs in the machine, then the whole project more questionable as to how legal it is. I'm not trying to charge people to play. I don't want to make money from this. The machine is for home use never to be routed.

I could build a mame arcade that looks 100% legit, with working coin mechs, and put it on route to make profit. Which is totally illegal because I don't own the license for the games. I don't know how legal it is playing a virtual copy of a real game but I bet once you add a coin mech it becomes questionable.

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Yeah, I would never charge either. If I got the coin mechs working it would be strictly for the authenticity of the whole thing. I figured I'd just get a bucket of tokens and have them near the machine for anyone that wanted to use them. It'd be fun if you wanted to have a little tournament with your friends and limited them to a set number of tokens they could use to set scores or something.


Tokens are a great idea. Thats probably best for a home environment.

For mame machines I usually put an insert coin button behind the "coin reject" button for authenticity. But this coindoor is different, it already had a button and the plastic .25 pieces doesn't move.


I have heard of a guy making custom tokens for his kids and every time they were good, he would reward them with tokens. You can get mortal kombat tokens or your last name on them.

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I, and many others, have a working coin mech + programmed the ipac to output "5" for a button combo (like start+left flipper), so you always add free credits easily.


Let me know if you need any help with it.....:)

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I know so much about so little that I could teach you everything there is to know about nothing....


Just a few odds and ends here. I mounted the plunger module upside down under the apron.


I also mounted the strobe panels and flasher bar (from Zebulon) on the back panel behind the playfield screen


and I mounted the resistor board (from zeb) inside the cabinet, then soldered up the light bar connections


I also made a bracket with 4 buttons for the service buttons


.....and here's my first problem.

With the tv left in its case , it's thicker then originally planned. So now the shooter rod hits the back of the case.


The easiest way to fix this will be to remake the front of the cabinet and install the shooter rod 1" lower.

Ah well... At least it's an easy fix.

It happens. I did they same thing on MAME cabinet build when I decided to move my 3" trackball closer to the front of the unit. It turned out I could not close my control panel lid afterwards as the trackball was 1/4" too far forward. It was nothing a little carpentry magic could not fix ;-) It just slows you down.

I love this stuff man!


Don't forget to run a 3.3v power line (or 2 depending on the gauge of wire, only 1 needed for 18awg and higher) from the breakout board to the resistor board. The strobes are 12v.

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I know so much about so little that I could teach you everything there is to know about nothing....

  • 2 weeks later...

It's been very cold here in southern Ontario this month so not a lot has been done.

I bought a couple fans, hopefully this will keep the machine cool


I installed the replay knocker inside the backbox, it just fits behind the 32" tv. The back of the tv is on the right side of this pic and the inside on the back board is on the left. There's about an 1/8" clearance on each side.


I've started placing components inside the bottom cabinet.


And then I spent some time soldering up the connections to the plunger kit and finished the service buttons.



So clean inside! I can only hope to have mine so clean looking when I'm done.

Hahaha. Ya it looks nice now; but there's a lot of wire to go in there still. I hope to keep it looking nice until the end.


I spent some time wiring up the cabinet.

I finished soldering wires together for the strobes and flashers. For the wires that cross the playfield tv I installed a quick connect. This is just a plug for a car trailer hitch lights. It was cheap from a local surplus store.


On the inside left side, I placed the ledwiz with fuse holders. Although I don't have contactors yet for force feedback this will be perfect to add them later.


Behind that I placed the audio amp.


Along the back wall I placed the power mains. The plug wire comes in here, then runs to the front power switch and back again. There's enough room on the terminal blocks to add extra stuff in the future.


The back right corner has the 2nd pc power supply and zeb's power board


And here's the power switch in the normal location. Front right bottom



I also worked on the speaker grills. I found a picture online, resized it to proper size, made a mirror copy and printed them on sticker paper


Next, I cut them out with an exacto knife and stuck them on the grills.


Then I grabbed the rattle can and painted them red, to match the rest of the cab


They look better in real life then they do in the pictures, but I'm not 100% satisfied with them. I'll probably touch them up with black paint. Their was some paint bleed under the sticker.


Well the easy part done. The cabinet is built. Time to let my problems shine through. Personally I think the cabinet build is the easy part.

My issues begin with software.

Everything had been dry fitted together earlier so I won't spend a lot of time going through it now. I just reinstalled the screens and turned it on. ....time to play some pinball. ....I mean test for problems.






The gt 610 can only run 2 monitors at once. I had it running the playfield by its self for a while and it sucks. This pc was bought used for a good price, so I plan to add a second graphics card. This pc can't run the on board graphics while there's a card plugged in, so I can't even test all three screens untill I get the 2nd card.

With the gt610 running just the playfield, their were times that the ball would jump a cross the playfield if it was moving really fast.

I only have 2 tables running in VP so far. Ghostbusters and wrath of Olympus. WOOLY playes relativity well. But GB was pretty frustrating.


Hahaha. Ya. The legs will be red. These are just temp legs until I get a set of real ones. This is just some angle aluminum that I had laying around. Their only like 16" tall.

It's a little hard on the back playing hunched over


Well.. that really sucks to hear. I actually picked up that same card last month - slowly trying to piece together a pc for a build.

Are you using UVP or B2S? I'd recommend B2S as I seen a performance boost over UVP. Currently doing all testing on a dual core 1.8ghz and an ArcadeVGA 3000 card that runs VP well for the most part. Power supply isn't big enough to handle the 610.

Don't loose hope yet, as there is a DirectX9 port of VP in the works. The dev seems to be pumping out fast. From what I've read there's been a nice little performance boost for a lot of people and it reduces or generally gets rid of the micro stuttering that you may be experiencing.


Don't be discouraged. The card works well enough. Last night I installed attack from mars and had a pretty wild multiball session and it seemed ok. It preformed better then the one ball on ghostbusters table. I also don't have the graphics turned all the way up yet.

I'm still planning to use it for the backglass and (DMD) LCD screen. I hope to use something better for the playfield so that I can crank up the graphics performance as high as possible.


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