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Anybody managed to access emumovies or hyperspin ftp?


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[email protected]

(That's the user name you signed up with if you have changed your displayed username like I did)

Password is your forum password (if you have special characters it won't work. Change your forum password)

Port 221

Worked right after I went platinum. Think there was an ftp email I received to activat but can't remember exactly


The ftps have issues at times, so maybe it's just bad timing.

Sometimes when the main emumovies address is no worky, the super-secret squirrel bolt-hole back entrance will still work.

  • 3 weeks later...

Getting this issue today...Anyone know if it has it been down this whole time?

"Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server"
err...now its working...I'll see myself out.
  • 2 months later...

Probably a dumb question, but am I supposed to use Filezilla to get to the ftp server? I just got platinum today. I'm a rookie.


Nevermind, figured it out. 


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