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New Sanwa JFT joysticks


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Hi friends

Finally I have replaced from China joysticks to Sanwa sticks but now I have little problem.

P1 no right and P2 no left.

I tried changing the wirings but they seems in correct place, so I cannot figure out what went wrong, also my keyboard stopped responding . I checked ultimate via winpac but all settings are default as set by Andy

What went wrong my godddd.

Tapatalk を使用して私の A0001 から送信

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Are they wired like this

Here is some info on Test mode.


Before you run test mode have you tried the Winipac software are programmed your ipac (refer to this page)?


I'd recommend you run the winipac software and double check what your inputs are correct. E.g. P1 Left is actually the assigned to the key you think it is. Then upload your profile onto your ipac to be sure. 

Then open up notepad type in some keys and test your p1 joystick. (Default for ipac p1 is to use the arrow keys so it should respond and move the cursor in notepad).

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Thank you for your advises. I have checked winipac all were assigned and plugged in right place.

I have removed USB plugs and replug + restart everything is OK except the ESC push button cannot exit HS and Button (1A) on board with P assigned cannot type P in notepad. Tried changing to another button still not working.


I need use keyboard ESC to exit.

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I'll take a look at my setup over the next few days (I have an iPac and a couple sanwa joysticks) and try your keys.

I'm pretty sure I never assigned ESC for exit as it commonly caused conflicts (also djvj advised my on the RL forums)....

But before I get back to you, can you double check you don't have any shift keys assigned through your iPac?? And also disable any inputs you aren't using through the winipac software (in my case I have a 6 button setup, so I turned off buttons 7 and 8 for each player). You might have a key assigned twice causing the conflict.

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I'll take a look at my setup over the next few days (I have an iPac and a couple sanwa joysticks) and try your keys.

I'm pretty sure I never assigned ESC for exit as it commonly caused conflicts (also djvj advised my on the RL forums)....

But before I get back to you, can you double check you don't have any shift keys assigned through your iPac?? And also disable any inputs you aren't using through the winipac software (in my case I have a 6 button setup, so I turned off buttons 7 and 8 for each player). You might have a key assigned twice causing the conflict.


Problem solved after going thru all wrings 1 by 1  wasted few hours just standing.

Harness wires supplied with the board was not good enough. Some of them was not attached properly the wires was losing the connection with the T pin .

I need cut them out and attached again . Now is working fine.

Thank you bros you guys did helped me alot.

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I'm pretty sure I never assigned ESC for exit as it commonly caused conflicts (also djvj advised my on the RL forums)....

But before I get back to you, can you double check you don't have any shift keys assigned through your iPac??

Which e,mulator conflicts with those keys?

I have ESC as both my HS back key and have it assigned as exit in RocketLauncher and have never had trouble. I also keep LShift and RShift assigned (P1/P2) because it makes it easier for several PC games, no issues. Alt & Ctrl caused issues though.

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Which e,mulator conflicts with those keys?

I have ESC as both my HS back key and have it assigned as exit in RocketLauncher and have never had trouble. I also keep LShift and RShift assigned (P1/P2) because it makes it easier for several PC games, no issues. Alt & Ctrl caused issues though.

Here is the thread over at rlauncher that i followed when setting up my keys.


I think back in the day kega fusion didn't like the esc key for example.

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And some systems need the ESC key for certain stuff, like PC and DOS games where ESC very often is the menu key. And if you have ESC as the exit key it will just quit the game instead of opening the menu.

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And some systems need the ESC key for certain stuff, like PC and DOS games where ESC very often is the menu key. And if you have ESC as the exit key it will just quit the game instead of opening the menu.

Exactly.... Forgot about the most obvious one haha

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And some systems need the ESC key for certain stuff, like PC and DOS games where ESC very often is the menu key. And if you have ESC as the exit key it will just quit the game instead of opening the menu.

No conflict there because the PCLauncher module in RLauncher exits via the in-game menu instead of ESC (it lets you choose different options per game). You can use ESC within the game all you want. although you can also change it to straight up close with ESC for games that need it if you want (TTX games for example).

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