SpykSaturn Posted November 3, 2016 Posted November 3, 2016 I am at wits end. I went to youtube and found a tutorial by a guy names Derek Moore to make custom bezels and I have had no luck. He has templets to download to create your own art around and for the .lay files but it just is not working! I have the artwork created, I've changed the name on the lay file to match the name of the game (rom name) and I have the image file set to the name of the bezel I want to use. It just reverts to one of the default bezels. I used gimp to make the file so the transparency stays, but its just not reading the file period. Can anyone point me in the right direction here?
phulshof Posted November 3, 2016 Posted November 3, 2016 Are you loading them via MAME or via RocketLauncher? If MAME, feel free to email me a sample, and I'll help you find the issue.Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
Suhrvivor Posted November 3, 2016 Posted November 3, 2016 Bezels for what? Hyperspin, Retroarch, MAME, Rocketlauncher? Each of those use different formats. I'm afraid we can not help you unless you are more specific.
SpykSaturn Posted November 3, 2016 Author Posted November 3, 2016 Bezels are for MAME roms. I am launching the games through Rocketlauncher. That may be my problem if the file has to be different if I am loading them via Rocketlauncher. Now I have gotten some bezels off of the FTP on emumovies that are working fine but even some of those won't work. Maybe if I use the .lay file from one of the ones that are working and just change some of the text?
phulshof Posted November 3, 2016 Posted November 3, 2016 Well, the question is whether you're loading them via MAME or via RocketLauncher. Even in the way that you're launching the MAME games, you can still choose the way you load your bezels. MAME is the one that requires the .lay file. I'll discuss the matter via PM with you.
JoyStickKilla Posted November 4, 2016 Posted November 4, 2016 Should post solutions to the open forum. That way if a miracle shall ever occur that someone uses the search function that they will see the answer
phulshof Posted November 4, 2016 Posted November 4, 2016 In this case, the problem is regarding MAME bezels, but the bezel itself works fine. It may be a bezel interaction issue between RocketLauncher and MAME, but we're still investigating...Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
SpykSaturn Posted November 4, 2016 Author Posted November 4, 2016 Ahhh ok going to check this out now. Thank you everyone! Have I mentioned how much I love this forum and everyone here yet :-D
SpykSaturn Posted November 4, 2016 Author Posted November 4, 2016 This did not seem to work. I still get the default tv screen bezel. Now I did test out if this bezel works in MAME on its own and it does. It worked just fine. As a matter of fact I didn't even have to hunt for the bezel it just popped right up. If I launch from rocketlauncher though it doesn't work, and I have found that even on the games that do work with a bezel, if I go to look at the settings within MAME its self, it says that they have been disabled even though it clearly shows a bezel. I can't seem to turn it on either by double clicking.
SpykSaturn Posted November 4, 2016 Author Posted November 4, 2016 Ok so it gets more interesting. I took off my home made bezel and tried one of the ones in phulshofs mame folder off of the ftp and here's what happens. The smaller one works fine but the screen is too small to show the whole image. The other ones the side art kind works but then one of the bezels that looks like an old tv from the default bezels puts its self over it so I have a tv on top of the bezel I want. Update: I resized the image with gimp to change the aspect ratio which did help to place the screen right and make it the right size, but now I have my bezel with a smaller version of the default TV bezel within my bezel and the game playing on the smaller bezel.......
SpykSaturn Posted November 4, 2016 Author Posted November 4, 2016 Is there any way to get rid of the default bezels and just have it always read either nothing or the file that is in the corresponding folder. I don't really enjoy the tv bezels anyways.
SpykSaturn Posted November 4, 2016 Author Posted November 4, 2016 I don't know how or why but even after deleting the default folder the tv bezel shows up and if I switch it to mame bezels it shows the old bezel I got rid of.......... this is all one confusing mess.......... Never mind I found where the tv bezels where but if I get rid of those, then it shows no bezel at all.
SpykSaturn Posted November 4, 2016 Author Posted November 4, 2016 Ok so I've made a little headway. I had the location of bezels in mame for my files wrong. MAME is loading things on the automatic and fine. Rocketlauncher is getting in the way with trying to load its bezels on top of MAMEs and if I delete the "default" folder for bezels on RL it wont load any at all when trying to load through rocketlauncher even with it set to load bezels from MAME under modules.
SpykSaturn Posted November 4, 2016 Author Posted November 4, 2016 Ok so MAME is not saving the location I tell it to go to even after I hit save configuration........... I wonder if maybe the problem lies here and rocketlauncher is trying to make sense of it as best it can..........
SpykSaturn Posted November 4, 2016 Author Posted November 4, 2016 Ok I am sorry I keep adding stuff but I did an experiement and I can say with absolute certainty now that rocketlauncher is recoanizeing and not recognizing my bezel and its own as a bezel within a bezel. Confused yet? I am going to attach some pictures that will either blow your mind or tell you exactly what the heck is going on. So the first shot is when view is cropped using the MAME video options and the second shot is when its switched to full. It's almost like its choosing a bezel, using it as a backround, then adding its own bezel because it doesn't detect a bezel, and then putting the bezel I am actually choosing inside of its own bezel. I still don't know whats going on
SpykSaturn Posted November 5, 2016 Author Posted November 5, 2016 Absolutely but I must say where I can be pretty good at logic I sometimes fail mechanically. Exactly where would I go to get said log?
SpykSaturn Posted November 5, 2016 Author Posted November 5, 2016 Trying to find said file after running the game. Any particular name it would be. Sorry for my newbness. Sorry had a few beers. I see where you put the .log in there now. Here it is. RocketLauncher.log
gigapig Posted November 5, 2016 Posted November 5, 2016 For mame bezels you need to place the bezel in the mame artwork folder. The bezel should be zipped up and contain the .lay file, it should be named the same as the game. Next in Rocket launcher make sure bezels are set to true for mame. The click Edit Global Module settings for mame. Set the bezel mode to use mame bezels and under the mame tab set what mame artwork you want to show.
gigapig Posted November 5, 2016 Posted November 5, 2016 I had a quick look at your log and it seems you have it set to use RocketLauncher bezels. It's looking for them in the default folder. RocketLauncher bezels need to be in the correct system folder and in a folder named after the game. So RocketLauncher\media\bezels\mame\game name
SpykSaturn Posted November 5, 2016 Author Posted November 5, 2016 Yep I have it set just like that. Now the funny thing though is I don't have it set to use rocket launcher bezels in my options though. I'll take a screen shot when I can and show you I have it set to use mame breaks in both locations asking what kind of breaks to use and in both the mame tab and global tab just to make sure. Maybe there is another area that it didn't get changed?
SpykSaturn Posted November 5, 2016 Author Posted November 5, 2016 This is what I got. Am I missing somewhere for bezels that should be set that would direct it away from RL and over to mame? Does this even correspond with the log? It almost sounds like based off of what you saw it doesn't, unless of course, I am missing a button or setting somewhere that I don't know about.
gigapig Posted November 5, 2016 Posted November 5, 2016 I have feeling that you have two versions of Rocketlauncher installed and you or Hyperspin is linked to the wrong one. Your screenshots show RL version and your log shows Edit ignore that, I'm getting confused by the RLUI version number. But do you have more than one install of RL?
gigapig Posted November 5, 2016 Posted November 5, 2016 Another thing I notice in your log is. 2:07:54:275 | MD | INFO | +0 | Bezel - Layout mode selected but no MAME or MESS layout file found. Using RocketLauncher Bezel normal mode instead. So have you placed your mame bezels in the correct place and named them correctly ?
SpykSaturn Posted November 7, 2016 Author Posted November 7, 2016 Apparently my last post didn't make it through. All files are posted on rocketlaunche/media/bezels/mame. Problem I am having is MAME seems not to recognize (when not ran through rocketlauncher) anything except for the .lay file its self. Now I know you can't have a million .lay files with the same name in one location so this leads me to believe it should be able to read the file name and look into that file? Which then leads me to believe rocketlauncher looks for bezel files differently and less direct than MAME? Now if I leave the file zipped and put it in there Rocketlauncher doesn't recognize it at all. If I unzip it and put it in there I get the problem pictured above. Now as this MAME layout file. Do I need to have one .lay file in my main folder that has my sub folders to the bezels to direct them there? Do I need to rename the .lay files from default and put all my bezels in one big folder? If the name of the .lay file isn't default will rocketlauncher even pick up the .lay file because its looking for the name default?
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