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Can you type game name in Wheel View? A few basic Wheel usuage questions.


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A few questions using Hyperspin Wheel:  1) is there a way to simply type game name in Wheel View? Say I wanted to bring up Defender, is there a way to type Defender and bring up the game?  2) in mame game view there are many duplicate roms showing up on the wheel. How to do I get rid of these duplicates or alternative games? 3) what are the basic Wheel commands i.e. how to add favorites,  how change from favorite game view to all game views? Was looking for basic / optimal wheel settings/ navigation tips. Thanks


1. Not with the base install but there is a 3rd party app called HyperSearch that supposedly does that for you.  I have never used it though so I cannot really help much there.


2.  You will need to make a few changes in HyperHQ to hide what are called clones using the parents only option on the navigation/themes tab.  If you are running windows 10, you will need to edit the ini files manually.

In HyperHQ open the Wheel Settings main tab and select MAME from the list of systems.  This should result in the following screen sans the arrows I added:


Find the box for the red arrow and add a rom path by clicking the folder icon to the left.  THIS WILL CRASH THE PROGRAM IN WINDOWS 10.  After putting the rom path into HyperHQ, navigate to the Navigation/Themes tab (blue arrow).  The next screen will look like this:



By selecting the Parents only option (purple arrow), you will remove all of the clones from MAME.

If you are running Windows 10 you will need to edit the files manually using notepad.  I am not at my pc to find this information for you right now but if you need the help, I will check back later to tell you exactly which file and where it is in the directory structure.


3.  The basic controls are found on the controls tab in HyperHQ.  I believe that the default control for Favorites is "L"  Pressing L on any subwheel will give you the option to either add a game to the favorites wheel or view the favorites wheel.  Once on the favorites you can simply press the back button to return to the system wheel.




Let me know if any of that is not clear and I will try to help as best I can.


Thank you. Very helpful.  When you are next at your PC and have a moment, would it be possible to send which ini files I need to change and what changes I will need to make? I am using Windows 10. Thank you again for your help.


1. No, not without 3rd party apps but you can hold left or right to bring up the quick selection menu which will bring you to the first game with that letter. Like Adam said Hypersearch does exactly what you want.

2. See Adam's answers 

3. The controls can be viewed/changed in HyperHQ under the controls panel. L by default is favorites, there is no way to return from favorites back to the system wheel. I assume this was an oversight and instead brings you back to the main menu. Genres can bring you back to the system wheel but you need an 'ALL GAMES' entry in your genre.xml

4 hours ago, Dosgamer85 said:

Thank you. Very helpful.  When you are next at your PC and have a moment, would it be possible to send which ini files I need to change and what changes I will need to make? I am using Windows 10. Thank you again for your help.

In your HyperSpin folder there will be a settings folder.  Open it and find the mame.ini file.

Change the following:

[exe info]


then save and you should be good.  I just ended up downloading the install and using the basic information so this may be a little off but I think that is all you need to do.  Pretty sure.


btw, you can't search without hypersearch but you can skip to a certain letter


..........................back with a vengeance........................


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