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How much HD space? (Atari - PS2)


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Recently discovered Hyperspin and... wow.  I'm all in on this one. (Thank you to everyone here, I've picked up a lot thus far)

However I have one bottleneck as I'm building. I'm not sure how much storage space that I'll need. I will try to download as many sets as I can find and I have my eyes on everything from Atari - PS2/Gamecube; possibly even the Wii down the line. (I really want an AIO if possible)

Anyone out there that's actually done this and could chime in on how much space I'll need? Maybe even a guesstimate? 

10 TB? 20 TB?.... 30 TB? :blink:


Thanks in advance if anyone has any input.

1 hour ago, ninja2bceen said:

Not done yet but I'd say 3-5 would give you wiggle easy. 2 tb prolly if you are tight

Sounds about right...

It'll be much less if you decide that you don't want to play (or have the option to play) everything from every system. 


3-5? Taking PS2 dvd sizes into account? PS1 cd's are already 1-2 TB, depending on how you define your sets I believe.

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Thanks guys,

I believe phulshof may be in the ballpark. I, of course, found this thread after posting.

My educated guess is DR9 listed every system with ISO's, and just using his list for NTSC appears to be about 36 TB. Yikes. 

I may have to re-think this dream of building sets. :( 

Or do a full-size cab to fit a case with 5 or 6 HD's. 



compression can change the figure depending on whats compatible and if you want loading times.

I'm very quickly filling up a 3Tb drive of uncompressed files and I dont really have fully complete sets. PSP ISO's is almost 1TB.

If you stick to HyperSpin xml's you will be a ble to go bananas with 10Tb, Many people have told me about 5Tb covers most stuff except the complete big PS2 onwards sets.

You can always add more drives!!!



I have Not a complete set of all but My third 3tb is already Full. I am Working on compressing everything down to get more Space. Important Thing the compress Format has to work native within the Emulator. Something like cso for psp, ps2 Or pbp for Most of ps1, gcz and wbfs for gamecube and wii and so on


when it comes to systems like ps2... my personal opinion is if you cut the fat and crap you probably will get rid of a lot of stuff that will just be taking up space... unless you're one of the people that just has to have a complete set.


Ya sorry this is assuming you just pick cream of the crop for ps2, psp, wii, wiiu, 3ds. Once you get to those systems it's silly to have the full sets as they are huuuge. Full set up to ps1 you should be fine with 3-5

19 hours ago, phulshof said:

3-5? Taking PS2 dvd sizes into account? PS1 cd's are already 1-2 TB, depending on how you define your sets I believe.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk


Yeah I was way off when not considering the PS2 disc sizes...

I still think the best way to approach any system is to include only those games you're interested in. It'll not only save on space, but also improve the player experience.


Thanks for the input.

While I 100% agree, it's more economical to just download what I want to play, it's also a lot more time consuming and I would like to avoid manually clicking through thousands of games.  

However if there's something that would make it easier, like Jdownloader, I'd be glad to hear it.





its probably hard to say if your going to save time or not.

It all depends how and where you get the files from. Big sets are time consuming to manage but may be quicker to get.

Torrent zip organised files allow you to load the full list of files then scroll through and cherry pick what you want which is quicker than grabbing each file individually.


I say just get what can then add space when you need to.


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