blur Posted December 26, 2010 Posted December 26, 2010 samwyze said: fplaunch 1.2 is in post 8 'exit feature' thread here: Great, tnx, will check it. I saw that FP is not getting focus with this script, which is peculiar since nothing new is applied to FP part of the script. Will compare it with 1.0 and 1.1 versions which focus fine with FP. I saw in this thread that FP doesn't support putting image over, so different approach will be needed to make FP not exit instantly on ESC Since FP is getting keys with send you can send anything, Pause for example Other Esc could also send Pause since it will just get you back in game, and exit - well some kind of flag should be introduced so that enter or 1 in pause mode make FP exit My paper cab core.vbs with better nudge FPLaunch with exit menu, instructions, flyer VP with support for analog nudge and plunger with any gamepad
samwyze Posted December 26, 2010 Author Posted December 26, 2010 (edited) blur said: Great, tnx, will check it.I saw that FP is not getting focus with this script, which is peculiar since nothing new is applied to FP part of the script. Will compare it with 1.0 and 1.1 versions which focus fine with FP. I saw in this thread that FP doesn't support putting image over, so different approach will be needed to make FP not exit instantly on ESC Since FP is getting keys with send you can send anything, Pause for example Other Esc could also send Pause since it will just get you back in game, and exit - well some kind of flag should be introduced so that enter or 1 in pause mode make FP exit Easy way to 'draw' pause/exit screen in fp would be to take a screenshot using fplaunch, force fp to minimize and draw screenshot with pause overlaid (or exit options). From what I've read so far all of that can be done with ahk scripting, not sure what impact it'd have on resources though, and I know that ahk isn't the best at imaging (flickers a bit, especially when redrawing over a gui element) but all that can be worked around in the long term. Yea, focus is an issue, I know what to fix, just need to be home to do it. Also just realised that the new version of autohotkey has ansi and unicode builds, for our purposes the older ansi based style is going to be better, as that is the version bbb was using originally, and think that's the same for the HyperSpin ahk script. Edited December 26, 2010 by samwyze
blur Posted December 27, 2010 Posted December 27, 2010 FP is starting minimized, removed min from the end of launch line, now focus is ok My paper cab core.vbs with better nudge FPLaunch with exit menu, instructions, flyer VP with support for analog nudge and plunger with any gamepad
samwyze Posted December 28, 2010 Author Posted December 28, 2010 (edited) blur said: FP is starting minimized, removed min from the end of launch line, now focus is ok Do you mean FP or VP? Looking at my fplaunch, and the launch line for FP has no min switch? *EDIT* Ignore that-was using my current build, not the one on megaupload. Have been updating script and lost track of which file I upped. Should have the new version up soon Edited December 28, 2010 by samwyze
blur Posted December 28, 2010 Posted December 28, 2010 great I was thinking about your method to close FP i think it will not work - you said you will minimize FP and put exit or pause screen on top but - when FP is minimized screen is still covered with his 3D screen (like in your fplaunch script - it was minimized but still on screen) any way - sending Pause key to FP on Esc keypress should work fine, only problem is - no way to tell user that he has to press enter after esc to really exit. maybe if we use same method for VP where we can put message people will get use to it, only if they don't bump on FP table first My paper cab core.vbs with better nudge FPLaunch with exit menu, instructions, flyer VP with support for analog nudge and plunger with any gamepad
samwyze Posted December 28, 2010 Author Posted December 28, 2010 blur said: greatI was thinking about your method to close FP i think it will not work - you said you will minimize FP and put exit or pause screen on top but - when FP is minimized screen is still covered with his 3D screen (like in your fplaunch script - it was minimized but still on screen) any way - sending Pause key to FP on Esc keypress should work fine, only problem is - no way to tell user that he has to press enter after esc to really exit. maybe if we use same method for VP where we can put message people will get use to it, only if they don't bump on FP table first OK, that sounds good, will have to install FP today and have a play. Cheers for the help and input
blur Posted December 28, 2010 Posted December 28, 2010 Just tried today to send pause on esc. It looks like send pause is not working, at least not with FP. I can send esc, i can send even scroll lock, but can't send pause. The only way i did sent pause to FP is to use Pause key instead of Esc key. And I use ~Pause instead of Pause - so that key is sent through + some script can be executed that will keep track of what's going on - this way i can configure vp to do whatever and FP will get real pause key for pause. HP can also use pause instead of Esc in its config. I tried to minimize FP also (Winminimize) but it keeps on runing, because it still has focus. Will try some more things (like focusing some other window) Oh and if you have installed FP for the first time - be sure to check slamtilt's mods, for example Dark Knight available at fprelease. My paper cab core.vbs with better nudge FPLaunch with exit menu, instructions, flyer VP with support for analog nudge and plunger with any gamepad
pixelmagic Posted December 29, 2010 Posted December 29, 2010 Hi, Could it be possible with AHK to display a small image permanently on top of the table ? I would like the option of displaying a button card on the bottom left where the instructions are. Could allso be used for instructions. Only problem could be is that not all tables have the same size apron, but that would be the next challange [TABLE=width: 500] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD=align: center]New project homepage:[/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD=align: center]LED-Wiz utility:[/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD=align: center]Anyone want to buy my LEDwiz ?? [/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
Rawd Posted December 29, 2010 Posted December 29, 2010 Nice work here guys. Looking forward to checking out the pause feature.
blur Posted December 30, 2010 Posted December 30, 2010 (edited) uf, it's been a long ride, but here it is pause key implemented through escape key as i said fp won't receive pause key with send {Pause} or {vp13sc045} or any other way so one solution was to use Pause as physical key and configure everything around it but since it is a little awkward and i saw in some older posts that most ipac controllers don't support sending pause i searched on i found a solution in one post from loafer - in FP you can configure pause key to joystick or mouse button - i choosed right mouse button, so for this script to work you must have mouse or joystick on your cab and pick some button and configure it in fp and then adapt script. If you choose right mouse button script will work out of the box (still you have to configure fp) what does script do? it gives you protection form exiting unexpectedly actually esc brings pause and hi scores in fp, and pause menu in vp (normally esc key) another esc takes you back to game or if you press 1 (start) during pause you exit the game it is totally consistent in vp and fp additionally i've put saving of fp table position on exit which you can remove if you have all positions saved don't forget to compile feel free to test, report errors, complain, suggest, ask, ... samwyze it is still draft so there is no your loading and pause screen yet (esc screens are not needed any more) here is the code: /** * FPLaunch Version 1.11 by blur * Esc key does not exit - Esc is actually pause * Esc Esc returns you to the game * Esc 1 exits * FP saves table position (can be removed when all tables are saved) * Based on Autohotkey script 1.10 by BadBoyBill * CursorHide by Lazlo * * If you are reading this and do not have autohotkey you can get it * @ * If you would like to modify this script and share it thats OK, but * see if your modification is something that we would like to add * to the official version. * * Refer to the autohotkey documentation for the keyoboard keylist * * If this script does not support your favorite emulator * then please request support @ * * Supports Future Pinball and Visual Pinball * */ #SingleInstance force ;Prevent multiple instances #InstallKeybdHook SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; MAIN SETTINGS ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Pause = vk13sc045 ;[uNIVERSAL HOTKEYS] ;SEPERATE MULTIPLE KEYS WITH &(ampersand) up to 2 keys. exitScriptKey = q & s ;Secret hotkey(s) to exit script if needed ;Not to be confused with exit emulator keys exitEmulatorKey = Esc ;This key/key combo will close any emulators ;that do not have normal closing methods. exitEmulatorKey2 = ~1 ;This key/key combo will close any emulators ;that do not have normal closing methods. toggleCursorKey = t ;hotkey(s) to show or hide cursor if needed ;when hideCursor below is true ;[MOUSE CURSOR] hideCursor = true ;Automatically hide cursor during script ;WARNING: Make sure ALL your emu's are running fine ;[WINDOWS] hideDesktop = true ;Attempts to hide desktop with black screen, might help ;on some emu's for hiding launching windows. hideTaskbar = true ;Hide the windows taskbar when running emu's. ;WARNING: Make sure ALL your emu's are running fine ; before setting this to true as a precaution.* /* *:If for some weird reason the script hangs follow these steps to get back to normal. 1. If an emulator hangs up or cant load your game then first try to exit the emu by pressing your Emulator exit hotkey above. 2. If your emu exited but your mouse cursor is gone use your cursor toggle hotkey. 3. Next try to exit the script by pressing your Exit Script Hotkey above. This will also bring back your cursor and taskbar is they are set to true. */ ;******************************************************************************* ;* EDIT BELOW THIS POINT AT YOUR OWN RISK * ;******************************************************************************* ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; GET PARAMATERS AND SET HOTKEYS ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ;CHECKING FOR 2 PARAMS, IF NOT THEN EXIT if 0 < 2 { MsgBox Usage: FPLaunch.ahk/exe "System Name" "Rom Name" ExitApp } systemName = %1% tableName = %2% Hotkey, %exitScriptKey%, ExitScript if (hideCursor = "true") { MouseMove %A_ScreenWidth%,%A_ScreenHeight% Hotkey, %toggleCursorKey%, ToggleCursor SystemCursor("Off") } if (hideTaskbar = "true") { WinHide ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd WinHide Start ahk_class Button } if (hideDesktop = "true") { Gui, Color, 000000 Gui +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow Gui, Show, x0 y0 W%A_ScreenWidth% H%A_ScreenHeight%, BlackScreen } WinClose, cmd.exe ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; GET AND CHECK PATHS ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; GoSub, CheckINI IniRead, iniEmuPath, %A_ScriptDir%\Settings\Settings.ini, %systemName%, Path emuPath := GetFullName(iniEmuPath) IniRead, iniTablePath, %A_ScriptDir%\Settings\Settings.ini, %systemName%, Table_Path tablePath := GetFullName(iniTablePath) IniRead, executable, %A_ScriptDir%\Settings\Settings.ini, %systemName%, Exe romExtension = GoSub, CheckPaths ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; RUN SYSTEM ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ;**********************************FUTURE PINBALL*********************************** if (systemName = "Future Pinball" && (executable = "Future Pinball.exe")) { inPause = false Hotkey, $%exitEmulatorKey%, PauseFP Hotkey, $%exitEmulatorKey2%, ExitFP ; Run, "%emuPath%\%executable%" /open "%tablePath%\%tableName%.fpt" /play /exit /arcaderender,,UseErrorLevel ; /exit is removed to enable saving of table position on exit Run, "%emuPath%\%executable%" /open "%tablePath%\%tableName%.fpt" /play /arcaderender,,UseErrorLevel WinWait, ahk_class FuturePinball WinHide, ahk_class FuturePinball Gui, destroy Process, WaitClose, Future Pinball.exe } else if (systemName = "Visual Pinball" && (executable = "VPinball.exe")) { inPause = false Hotkey, $%exitEmulatorKey%, PauseVP Hotkey, $%exitEmulatorKey2%, ExitVP Run, "%emuPath%\%executable%" /play -"%tablePath%%tableName%.vpt",,UseErrorLevel WinWait, ahk_class VPinball WinHide, ahk_class VPinball WinWait, ahk_Class VPPlayer Gui, destroy Process, WaitClose, VPinball.exe } else { MsgBox,48,Error,%systemName% is an invalid System Name or %executable% isnt supported yet,6 } ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; WHEN EMULATOR FINISHES OR IF LAUNCH EXE FAILS ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ;************PROBABLY DO NOT NEED TO EDIT THIS AREA************* if (ErrorLevel = "ERROR") { MsgBox,48,Error,Failed to run executable check your paths,6 } Goto ExitScript ; Exits script and returns to frontend ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; KILL COMMANDS ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ;************PROBABLY DO NOT NEED TO EDIT THIS AREA************* CloseProcess: Hotkey, %exitScriptKey%, Off Process, Close, %executable% Process, WaitClose, %Executable% return PauseFP: if (inPause = "false") inPause = true else inPause = false Send {RButton} return ExitFP: if (inPause = "true") Goto CloseFP ;else ; Send {1} return CloseFP: ;Future Pinball must be closed this way instead of killing process or it wil not save your last game information.i.e score/credtis Send {Esc} ;Saving FP table position Sleep, 10 WinShow, ahk_class FuturePinball WinMenuSelectItem, ahk_class FuturePinball,,File,Save Sleep, 10 WinClose, ahk_class FuturePinball return PauseVP: if (inPause = "false") inPause = true else inPause = false if (inPause = "true") Send {Esc} else Send {Enter} return ExitVP: if (inPause = "true") Goto CloseVP ;else ; Send {1} return CloseVP: Hotkey, %exitScriptKey%, Off ;Visual Pinball must be closed this way instead of killing process or it wil not save your last game information.i.e score/credtis DetectHiddenWindows, on ;Or next line will not work WinHide, ahk_class VPinball ;This line fixes where the VP Window flashes real quick when closing the window for a cleaner exit WinClose, ahk_class VPinball return ExitScript: Gui, destroy Process, Exist, HyperPin.exe if (hideTaskbar) ;WinShow ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd ;WinShow Start ahk_class Button PID := errorLevel if (PID) { ;WinActivate, ahk_pid %PID% ;WinWaitActive, ahk_pid %PID% } if (hideCursor) SystemCursor("On") ExitApp OnExit, ExitScript return ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; REST OF SCRIPT ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ;************PROBABLY DO NOT NEED TO EDIT THIS AREA************* SystemCursor(OnOff=1) ; INIT = "I","Init"; OFF = 0,"Off"; TOGGLE = -1,"T","Toggle"; ON = others { static AndMask, XorMask, $, h_cursor ,c0,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8,c9,c10,c11,c12,c13 ; system cursors , b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8,b9,b10,b11,b12,b13 ; blank cursors , h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,h7,h8,h9,h10,h11,h12,h13 ; handles of default cursors if (OnOff = "Init" or OnOff = "I" or $ = "") ; init when requested or at first call { $ = h ; active default cursors VarSetCapacity( h_cursor,4444, 1 ) VarSetCapacity( AndMask, 32*4, 0xFF ) VarSetCapacity( XorMask, 32*4, 0 ) system_cursors = 32512,32513,32514,32515,32516,32642,32643,32644,32645,32646,32648,32649,32650 StringSplit c, system_cursors, `, Loop %c0% { h_cursor := DllCall( "LoadCursor", "uint",0, "uint",c%A_Index% ) h%A_Index% := DllCall( "CopyImage", "uint",h_cursor, "uint",2, "int",0, "int",0, "uint",0 ) b%A_Index% := DllCall("CreateCursor","uint",0, "int",0, "int",0 , "int",32, "int",32, "uint",&AndMask, "uint",&XorMask ) } } if (OnOff = 0 or OnOff = "Off" or $ = "h" and (OnOff < 0 or OnOff = "Toggle" or OnOff = "T")) $ = b ; use blank cursors else $ = h ; use the saved cursors Loop %c0% { h_cursor := DllCall( "CopyImage", "uint",%$%%A_Index%, "uint",2, "int",0, "int",0, "uint",0 ) DllCall( "SetSystemCursor", "uint",h_cursor, "uint",c%A_Index% ) } } ToggleCursor: SystemCursor("Toggle") return IniRead(Filename, Section, Key, Default = "") { FileRead, text, *t %Filename% text = `n%text%`n StringTrimLeft, text, text, InStr(text, "`n[" . Section . "]`n") Loop, 8 { sp := sp . " " StringReplace, text, text, %Key%%sp%=, %Key%= If ErrorLevel Break } start := InStr(text, "`n" . Key . "=") If !start Return, Default start += StrLen(Key) + 2 StringMid, Value, text, start, InStr(text, "`n", false, start) - start Return, Value } ;Get Full Path from Relative Path GetFullName( fn ) { static buf, i if !i i := VarSetCapacity(buf, 512) DllCall("GetFullPathNameA", "str", fn, "uint", 512, "str", buf, "str*", 0) return buf } CheckINI: IfNotExist, %A_ScriptDir%\HyperPin.exe { MsgBox,48,Error, Must be in same directory as HyperPin.exe,6 Goto ExitScript } IfNotExist, %A_ScriptDir%\Settings\Settings.ini { MsgBox,48,Error,Cannot Find %A_ScriptDir%\Settings\Settings.ini,6 Goto ExitScript } return CheckPaths: romFound = StringRight, emuPathBackSlash, EmuPath, 1 StringRight, tablePathBackSlash, TablePath, 1 If (emuPathBackSlash != "\" || tablePathBackSlash != "\") { MsgBox,48,Error, Make sure your paths contains a backslash on the end ,6 Goto ExitScript } If (executable = "") { MsgBox,48,Error, Missing executable in Settings.ini ,6 Goto ExitScript } If (tablePath = "") { MsgBox,48,Error, Missing rom path in Settings.ini ,6 Goto ExitScript } If (emuPath = "") { MsgBox,48,Error, Missing emulator path in Settings.ini ,6 Goto ExitScript } IfNotExist, %EmuPath%%Executable% { MsgBox,48,Error,Cannot Find %EmuPath%%Executable%,6 Goto ExitScript } return Edited December 30, 2010 by blur My paper cab core.vbs with better nudge FPLaunch with exit menu, instructions, flyer VP with support for analog nudge and plunger with any gamepad
blur Posted December 30, 2010 Posted December 30, 2010 double post removed My paper cab core.vbs with better nudge FPLaunch with exit menu, instructions, flyer VP with support for analog nudge and plunger with any gamepad
samwyze Posted December 30, 2010 Author Posted December 30, 2010 (edited) Great work blur, keen to have a read of your script and incorporate, still haven't had any decent time on the pc to play with fp. It's summer holidays over here so spending as much time with the lads as I can In the mean time think I got the focus issues sorted, so should be more consistent across multi pc's. Also moved config settings to the hyperpin settings file so we don't have to recompile when altering keys etc... First post updated to reflect this. Next I'd like to make a gui for the settings.ini (and have fplaunch add default section and keys to ini if they don't exist, save the user typing them in manually.) - DONE After that I'll knuckle into FP, although you might be finished on that side of things by then! @pixelmagic: It should be possible so long as the overlay doesn't grab focus @Rawd: You might want to download the new version, several fixes to do with window focus issues included Edited December 30, 2010 by samwyze
chriz99 Posted December 30, 2010 Posted December 30, 2010 samwyze you rock! works like a champ now cheers chris [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] * taito egret 29 candy cabs * indy & star wars pachinkos 17" bartop with ledwiz rgbleds * 10" bubble bobble & galaga bartop * arm champs 2 check out hi-res backglasses * best vpin performance * ledwiz config and software
chriz99 Posted December 30, 2010 Posted December 30, 2010 btw, is there a scaling effect on the loading and exit png when displayed? these images are a bit washed out/pixelated. pause image looks nice and clean. cheers chris [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] * taito egret 29 candy cabs * indy & star wars pachinkos 17" bartop with ledwiz rgbleds * 10" bubble bobble & galaga bartop * arm champs 2 check out hi-res backglasses * best vpin performance * ledwiz config and software
samwyze Posted December 31, 2010 Author Posted December 31, 2010 chriz99 said: btw, is there a scaling effect on the loading and exit png when displayed? these images are a bit washed out/pixelated. pause image looks nice and clean. They should all scale the same, they were created as a single pdf, then certain layers were exported to pngs. Off the top off my head the scale routines should be identical in the ahk. Perhaps best would be for me to replace the crappy low-res graphics with higher res ones. Think they're currently optimized around 1280x800 as thats what my lappy runs at, but I suppose those of you with full scale cabs outnumber us low spec users!
bent98 Posted December 31, 2010 Posted December 31, 2010 I just tried version 1.28 and VP is working great but Future Pinball launchs ok but doesnt exit back to hyperpin, nor does it display the exiting 3 2 1 menu. Also does this script support hyper DMD native?
samwyze Posted January 1, 2011 Author Posted January 1, 2011 bent98 said: I just tried version 1.28 and VP is working great but Future Pinball launchs ok but doesnt exit back to hyperpin, nor does it display the exiting 3 2 1 menu.Also does this script support hyper DMD native? The new exit/pause/loading screens are only for visual pinball at this stage. It shouldn't be affecting future pinballs exit routine as this hasn't been altered? Perhaps Blur could have a look at 1.28's Future Pinball compatibility for me as I have yet to install and play with it. It 'SHOULD' support hyper_DMD but is lacking the script lines to start/close it, these need to be added yourself. How are people using hyper_DMD? Do you use it to show instructions while browsing tables or are you using it instead of each tables unique DMD? I'll add ahk code and an ini key to use it in the next update, but I'd like to know how most people use it first.
bent98 Posted January 1, 2011 Posted January 1, 2011 to be honest, I dont know how I am going to use HyperDMD. I just set it up but I didnt try adding it to your script. I figured I would just try your fplaunch. There is definatly an issue with Future Pinball I hope blur can test it or maybe you can install Future Pinball. Shouldnt take more then 5 mins to install and set it up to launch table FS. I can give you a table thats already sized 1080p if u need.
blur Posted January 1, 2011 Posted January 1, 2011 sam i will put fp features in your 1.28 and make 1.29, is it ok? just be sure you don't add something in parallel. what do you think - would you like this "exit - 1" way of exiting in VP also, of course i would try put in your pause window instead of sending Esc (esc key gives unrotated! window which is unprofesional) My paper cab core.vbs with better nudge FPLaunch with exit menu, instructions, flyer VP with support for analog nudge and plunger with any gamepad
bent98 Posted January 1, 2011 Posted January 1, 2011 Hey blur how long before we can have a 1.29 to test?
blur Posted January 1, 2011 Posted January 1, 2011 It's comming right now Enjoy Here is the code, uses same images, so just have to save it as fplaunch.ahk and compile Esc or P (both of them work) are used for pausing, 1 while in pause will get you out of FP and VP just the same. VP is using this big nice blue pause screen, FP shows hiscores while paused. Happy new year to you all /** * FPLaunch MOD Version 1.29 * Modified by dumpster.monkey (samwyze) & blur * Based on original FPLaunch 1.2 BadBoyBill * Includes modified pause code from ManoWars Nuevo FPLaunch 1.2 * Includes exit png's based on jpg's from BBB's 'exit feature' thread * Includes support for Exit key acting as a Pause in VP and FP by blur * Esc and then 1 exits, Esc and then Esc again takes you back to the game * For pause to work in FP you have to assign one mouse or gamepad * button to pause in FP, this script is using right mouse button (RButton) * Includes support for saving FP table positions on exit by blur * * All images to be placed in %HyperPinDir%\Media\HyperPin\Images * * There will be a slight slow-down on first launch while default * values are written to the settings.ini file. To avoid this you * can manually add the following section and keys to your settings.ini * file in the %HyperPinDir%\Settings folder: * [FPLaunch] * exitScriptKey = q & s * exitEmulatorKey = Esc * toggleCursorKey = t * pauseVPinball = p * hideCursor = true * hideDesktop = true * hideTaskbar = true * useExitScreen = false * usePauseKey = true * useLoadScreen = true * fadespeed = 25 * useExitAsPause = true * exitEmulatorKey2 = ~1 * pauseFPKey = RButton * saveFPTables = true * * NOTE: This is a wip and is by no means complete or optimized * Feel free to disect, mod, clean, optimize, distribute or delete! * * Autohotkey script by BadBoyBill * CursorHide by Lazlo * * If you are reading this and do not have autohotkey you can get it * @ * If you would like to modify this script and share it thats OK, but * see if your modification is something that we would like to add * to the official version. * * Refer to the autohotkey documentation for the keyoboard keylist * * If this script does not support your favorite emulator * then please request support @ * * Supports Future Pinball and Visual Pinball * */ #SingleInstance force ;Prevent Multiple instances #InstallKeybdHook SetTitleMatchMode 2 ;Use relaxed title matching #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. ;******************************************************************************* ;* EDIT BELOW THIS POINT AT YOUR OWN RISK * ;******************************************************************************* ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; GET PARAMATERS AND SET HOTKEYS ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ;CHECKING FOR 2 PARAMS, IF NOT THEN EXIT If 0 < 2 { MsgBox Usage: FPLaunch.ahk/exe "System Name" "Rom Name" ExitApp } systemName = %1% tableName = %2% hyperini = %A_ScriptDir%\Settings\Settings.ini picDir = %A_ScriptDir%\Media\HyperPin\Images\ ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; GET AND CHECK PATHS ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; Gosub, CheckINI IniRead, iniEmuPath, %hyperini%, %systemName%, Path emuPath := GetFullName(iniEmuPath) IniRead, iniTablePath, %hyperini%, %systemName%, Table_Path tablePath := GetFullName(iniTablePath) IniRead, executable, %hyperini%, %systemName%, Exe iniKeys = exitScriptKey,exitEmulatorKey,hideCursor,toggleCursorKey,hideDesktop,hideTaskbar ,useExitScreen,usePauseKey,pauseVPinball,useLoadScreen,fadespeed ,useExitAsPause,exitEmulatorKey2,pauseFPKey,saveFPTables Loop, parse, iniKeys, `, { IniRead, %A_LoopField%, %hyperini%, FPLaunch, %A_LoopField% } loadspeed := fadespeed * 10 romExtension = Gosub, CheckInis If (useexitScreen = "true" && (systemName = "Visual Pinball")) { Exiting = 0 Exit = gui, 99:add,picture,hwndexitpic, %A_ScriptDir%\Media\HyperPin\Images\Exit_1.png controlgetpos,,,wExit,hExit,,ahk_id %exitpic% gui, 99:destroy wExit := Round(wExit*A_ScreenWidth/1280) xExit := Round(A_ScreenWidth/2-(wExit/2)) hExit := Round(hExit*A_ScreenHeight/800) yExit := Round(A_ScreenHeight/2-(hExit/2)) Hotkey, %exitEmulatorKey%, exitScreen } Else if (useExitAsPause = "true") { Paused = 0 Hotkey, $%exitEmulatorKey%, PauseVP Hotkey, $%exitEmulatorKey2%, ExitVP } Else Hotkey, $%exitEmulatorKey%, CloseVP If (usePauseKey = "true" && systemName = ("Visual Pinball")) { Paused = 0 PausePic = gui, 98:add,picture,hwndpausepic, %picDir%\Media\HyperPin\Images\Pause.png controlgetpos,,,wPause,hPause,,ahk_id %pausepic% gui, 98:destroy wPause := Round(wPause*A_ScreenWidth/1280) xPause := Round(A_ScreenWidth/2-(wPause/2)) hPause := Round(hPause*A_ScreenHeight/800) yPause := Round(A_ScreenHeight/2-(hPause/2)) Hotkey, %pauseVPinball%, pauseVP } If (useLoadScreen = "true" && (systemName = "Visual Pinball")) { ProgBar = 0 gui, 97:add,picture,hwndloadpic, %A_ScriptDir%\Media\HyperPin\Images\Loading.png controlgetpos,,,wLoad,hLoad,,ahk_id %loadpic% gui, 97:destroy wLoad := Round(wLoad*A_ScreenWidth/1280) xLoad := Round(A_ScreenWidth/2-(wLoad/2)) hLoad := Round(hLoad*A_ScreenHeight/800) yLoad := Round(A_ScreenHeight/2-(hLoad/2)) wLoadProgress := Round(20*A_ScreenWidth/1280) xLoadProgress := Round(145*A_ScreenWidth/1280) hLoadProgress := Round(194*A_ScreenHeight/800) yLoadProgress := Round(288*A_ScreenHeight/800) } Hotkey, %exitScriptKey%, exitScript If (hideCursor = "true") { MouseMove %A_ScreenWidth%,%A_ScreenHeight% Hotkey, %toggleCursorKey%, ToggleCursor SystemCursor("Off") } If (hideTaskbar = "true") { WinHide ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd WinHide Start ahk_class Button } If (hideDesktop = "true") { Gui +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow Gui, Color, 000000 Gui, Show, x0 y0 W%A_ScreenWidth% H%A_ScreenHeight%, blackScreen } WinClose, cmd.exe ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; RUN SYSTEM ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ;**********************************FUTURE PINBALL*********************************** If (systemName = "Future Pinball" && (executable = "Future Pinball.exe")) { if (useExitAsPause = "true") { Paused = 0 Hotkey, $%exitEmulatorKey%, PauseFP Hotkey, $%exitEmulatorKey2%, ExitFP Hotkey, $%pauseVPinball%, PauseFP } else Hotkey, $%exitEmulatorKey%, CloseFP if (saveFPTables = "true") Run, "%emuPath%\%executable%" /open "%tablePath%\%tableName%.fpt" /play /arcaderender,,UseErrorLevel else Run, "%emuPath%\%executable%" /open "%tablePath%\%tableName%.fpt" /play /Exit /arcaderender,,UseErrorLevel WinWait, ahk_class FuturePinball WinHide, ahk_class FuturePinball Gui, Destroy Process, WaitClose, Future Pinball.exe } Else If (systemName = "Visual Pinball" && (executable = "VPinball.exe")) { Run, "%emuPath%\%executable%" /play -"%tablePath%%tableName%.vpt",, Min UseErrorLevel ;Run Minimized ;was the best way I could hide the vp editor and play loading screens as WinHide didn't seem to find them DetectHiddenWindows on If (useLoadScreen = "true") ;Draw the loading Gui with wrapped Progress bar { Gui, Destroy ; kill Gui blackScreen Gui, Color, EEAA99 Gui, Margin, 0, 0 Gui, Add, Picture, h%hLoad% w%wLoad% vLoadPic, %picDir%loading.png Gui, Add, Progress, x%xLoadProgress% y%yLoadProgress% w%wLoadProgress% h%hLoadProgress% -smooth 0x8 c0C32A5 vLoading vertical BackgroundFFFFFF Gui +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +Lastfound Gui, Show, AutoSize Center, loadScreen WinSet, TransColor, EEAA99 Loop { ProgBar += 1 If ProgBar = %loadspeed% { GuiControl,, Loading, 1 ProgBar = 0 } IfWinExist, Visual Pinball Player,, DMD ;Check if visual pinball is Ready { IfWinExist, ahk_class { WinMinimize, ahk_class VPinball WinActivate, ahk_class WinActivate, Visual Pinball Player,, DMD WinWaitActive, Visual Pinball Player,,,DMD WinHide, HyperPin Break } IfWinExist, ahk_class MAME { WinMinimize, ahk_class VPinball WinActivate, ahk_class MAME WinActivate, Visual Pinball Player,, DMD WinWaitActive, Visual Pinball Player,,,DMD WinHide, HyperPin Break } } } } Else { WinWait, Visual Pinball Player,, DMD ;Wait for vp to be Ready before killing Gui blackScreen WinHide, ahk_class VPinball WinActivate, Visual Pinball Player,, DMD } Gui, Destroy DetectHiddenWindows off Process, WaitClose, VPinball.exe } Else { MsgBox,48,Error,%systemName% is an invalid System Name or %executable% isnt supported yet,6 } ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; WHEN EMULATOR FINISHES OR IF LAUNCH EXE FAILS ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ;************PROBABLY DO NOT NEED TO EDIT THIS AREA************* If (ErrorLevel = "Error") { MsgBox,48,Error,Failed to Run executable Check your paths,6 } Goto exitScript ; Exits script and Returns to frontend ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; KILL COMMANDS ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ;************PROBABLY DO NOT NEED TO EDIT THIS AREA************* CloseProcess: Hotkey, %exitScriptKey%, Off Process, Close, %executable% Process, WaitClose, %Executable% Return PauseFP: if (Paused = 0) Paused = 1 else Paused = 0 Send {%pauseFPKey%} return ExitFP: if (Paused = 1) Goto CloseFP return CloseFP: ;Future Pinball must be closed this way instead of killing process or it wil not save your last game information.i.e score/credtis Send {Escape} if (saveFPTables = "true") { Sleep, 10 WinShow, ahk_class FuturePinball WinMenuSelectItem, ahk_class FuturePinball,,File,Save Sleep, 10 WinClose, ahk_class FuturePinball } Gosub, exitScript Return CloseVP: Hotkey, %exitScriptKey%, Off ;Visual Pinball must be closed this way instead of killing process or it wil not save your last game information.i.e score/credtis DetectHiddenWindows on ;Or next line will not work Gui, Destroy WinRestore, HyperPin WinHide, ahk_class VPinball ;This line fixes where the VP Window Flashes real quick when closing the window for a cleaner Exit WinClose, ahk_class VPinball Gosub, exitScript Return exitScript: Gui, Destroy Process, Exist, HyperPin.exe If (hideTaskbar) PID := ErrorLevel If (PID) { WinActivate, ahk_pid %PID% WinWaitActive, ahk_pid %PID% } If (hideCursor) SystemCursor("On") ExitApp CreateexitScreen: Gui, Destroy Loop, 4 { ExitPic = Exit_%A_Index%.png Gui %A_Index%: Color, EEAA99 Gui %A_Index%: Margin, 0, 0 Gui %A_Index%: Add, Picture, AltSubmit BackgroundTrans x0 y0 w%wExit% h%hExit%, %picDir%%ExitPic% Gui %A_Index%: +Lastfound Gui %A_Index%: Show, AutoSize Center Hide WinSet, TransColor, EEAA99 Winset, Transparent , 0 Gui %A_Index%: -Caption } Return exitScreen: Gosub CreateexitScreen Loop, 4 { GuiNum := 5 - A_Index Gui %GuiNum%:Show } LoopVal = 0 Gui, 4:+Lastfound Winset, Transparent, 255 Transvalue = 0 Loop { GetKeyState, state, Esc If state = D { If LoopVal = 5 { Gui, 3:+LastFound Transvalue = 0 } Else If LoopVal = 35 { Gui, 2:+LastFound Transvalue = 0 } Else If LoopVal = 60 { Gui, 1:+LastFound Transvalue = 0 } If LoopVal > 5 { If LoopVal < 90 Transvalue+=10 Winset, Transparent, %Transvalue% } Sleep, %fadespeed% If LoopVal = 90 { If(systemName = "Visual Pinball") { Gosub, CloseVP } Loop, 4 { Gui, %A_Index%: Destroy } Break } } Else { Loop, 4 { Gui, %A_Index%: Destroy } Transvalue = 0 LoopVal = 0 WinActivate, Visual Pinball Player,, DMD Break } LoopVal += 1 } Return CreatePauseScreen: Gui, Destroy Gui, Color, EEAA99 Gui, Margin, 0, 0 Gui, Add, Picture, h%hPause% w-1 vPausePic, %picDir%Pause.png Gui +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +Lastfound Gui, Show, Hide, pauseScreen WinSet, TransColor, EEAA99 Return pauseVP: Gosub CreatePauseScreen If (Paused = 0) { Gui, Show Winactivate Paused = 1 } Else { Gui, Hide WinActivate, Visual Pinball Player,, DMD Paused = 0 } Return ExitVP: if (Paused = 1) Goto CloseVP return OnExit, exitScript Return ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; REST OF SCRIPT ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ;************PROBABLY DO NOT NEED TO EDIT THIS AREA************* SystemCursor(OnOff=1) ; INIT = "I","Init"; OFF = 0,"Off"; TOGGLE = -1,"T","Toggle"; ON = others { static AndMask, XorMask, $, h_cursor ,c0,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8,c9,c10,c11,c12,c13 ; system cursors , b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8,b9,b10,b11,b12,b13 ; blank cursors , h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,h7,h8,h9,h10,h11,h12,h13 ; handles of default cursors If (OnOff = "Init" or OnOff = "I" or $ = "") ; init when requested or at First call { $ = h VarSetCapacity( h_cursor,4444, 1 ) VarSetCapacity( AndMask, 32*4, 0xFF ) VarSetCapacity( XorMask, 32*4, 0 ) system_cursors = 32512,32513,32514,32515,32516,32642,32643,32644,32645,32646,32648,32649,32650 StringSplit c, system_cursors, `, Loop %c0% { h_cursor := DllCall( "LoadCursor", "uint",0, "uint",c%A_Index% ) h%A_Index% := DllCall( "CopyImage", "uint",h_cursor, "uint",2, "int",0, "int",0, "uint",0 ) b%A_Index% := DllCall("CreateCursor","uint",0, "int",0, "int",0 , "int",32, "int",32, "uint",&AndMask, "uint",&XorMask ) } } If (OnOff = 0 or OnOff = "Off" or $ = "h" and (OnOff < 0 or OnOff = "Toggle" or OnOff = "T")) $ = b ; use blank cursors Else $ = h ; use the saved cursors Loop %c0% { h_cursor := DllCall( "CopyImage", "uint",%$%%A_Index%, "uint",2, "int",0, "int",0, "uint",0 ) DllCall( "SetSystemCursor", "uint",h_cursor, "uint",c%A_Index% ) } } ToggleCursor: SystemCursor("Toggle") Return ;Get Full Path from Relative Path GetFullName( fn ) { static buf, i If !i i := VarSetCapacity(buf, 512) DllCall("GetFullPathNameA", "str", fn, "uint", 512, "str", buf, "str*", 0) Return buf } CheckINI: IfNotExist, %A_ScriptDir%\HyperPin.exe { MsgBox,48,Error, Must be in same directory as HyperPin.exe,6 Goto exitScript } IfNotExist, %A_ScriptDir%\Settings\Settings.ini { MsgBox,48,Error,Cannot Find %A_ScriptDir%\Settings\Settings.ini,6 Goto exitScript } Return CheckInis: romFound = StringRight, emuPathBackSlash, EmuPath, 1 StringRight, tablePathBackSlash, TablePath, 1 If (emuPathBackSlash != "\" || tablePathBackSlash != "\") { MsgBox,48,Error, Make sure your paths Contains a backslash on the end ,6 Goto exitScript } If (executable = "") { MsgBox,48,Error, Missing executable in Settings.ini ,6 Goto exitScript } If (tablePath = "") { MsgBox,48,Error, Missing rom path in Settings.ini ,6 Goto exitScript } If (emuPath = "") { MsgBox,48,Error, Missing emulator path in Settings.ini ,6 Goto exitScript } If (exitScriptKey = "ERROR") or (useExitAsPause = "ERROR") Gosub addIni IfNotExist, %EmuPath%%Executable% { MsgBox,48,Error,Cannot Find %EmuPath%%Executable%,6 Goto exitScript } Return addIni: IniWrite, q & s, %hyperini%, FPLaunch, exitScriptKey IniWrite, Esc, %hyperini%, FPLaunch, exitEmulatorKey IniWrite, t, %hyperini%, FPLaunch, toggleCursorKey IniWrite, p, %hyperini%, FPLaunch, pauseVPinball IniWrite, true, %hyperini%, FPLaunch, hideCursor IniWrite, true, %hyperini%, FPLaunch, hideDesktop IniWrite, true, %hyperini%, FPLaunch, hideTaskbar IniWrite, false, %hyperini%, FPLaunch, useExitScreen IniWrite, true, %hyperini%, FPLaunch, usePauseKey IniWrite, true, %hyperini%, FPLaunch, useLoadScreen IniWrite, 25, %hyperini%, FPLaunch, fadespeed IniWrite, true, %hyperini%, FPLaunch, UseExitAsPause IniWrite, ~1, %hyperini%, FPLaunch, exitEmulatorKey2 IniWrite, RButton, %hyperini%, FPLaunch, pauseFPKey IniWrite, true, %hyperini%, FPLaunch, saveFPTables exitScriptKey = q & s exitEmulatorKey = Esc toggleCursorKey = t pauseVPinball = p hideCursor = true hideDesktop = true hideTaskbar = true useExitScreen = false usePauseKey = true useLoadScreen = true fadespeed = 25 useExitAsPause = true exitEmulatorKey2 = ~1 pauseFPKey = RButton saveFPTables = true Return My paper cab core.vbs with better nudge FPLaunch with exit menu, instructions, flyer VP with support for analog nudge and plunger with any gamepad
bent98 Posted January 1, 2011 Posted January 1, 2011 (edited) getting an error saying Make sure your paths Contains a backslash on the end 1.28 I dont get this error when launching fp or vp Edited January 1, 2011 by bent98
blur Posted January 1, 2011 Posted January 1, 2011 be sure to use basic version of autohotkey when compiling advanced L version gives this error i will put compiled exe in a while My paper cab core.vbs with better nudge FPLaunch with exit menu, instructions, flyer VP with support for analog nudge and plunger with any gamepad
bossgp Posted January 1, 2011 Posted January 1, 2011 Thanks I'll just wait for the .exe I don't feel I am smart enough to compile this
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