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In HyperHQ - There is an "Enable Hyperspin Logs" checkbox under HyperSpin/Display settings

Is this logging for all of HyperSpin?  Or just for Display related things?  

Feels like a really odd place for an 'enable logs' checkbox.  :)



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What is the desire to put the logs in the %appdata%\<app name> location?  What's the benefit to the user?

Why not just <app install folder>/logs ?

d:\hyperspin\logs & d:\hyperhq\logs for example (for me at least)

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The technical answer is that those logs start before the app is fully installed and running. So a portion of app startup would be in a different folder anyway.

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Is there any way to make it in the install directory? 
there's also HyperHQ and Hyperspin cache directories that are created in the user/roaming folder, can these just be created in the install directory as well? 

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