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Colecovision with MESS


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Hey guys, I have been having some trouble getting Colecovision working along with MESS. I am pretty sure it has something to do with the BIOS. I have MESS 0.155 along with the MESS64UI Front End. I am auditing 139/140 through HyperLaunchHQ, but when i try and load any game, I get this message:

"313 10031-4005 73108a.u2 NOT FOUND (tried in coleco coleco)"

and then anoither message that reads:

"FATALERROR: Required files are missing, the system cannot be run."

The set of roms I have, has the BIOS in a zip file in the Colecovision roms folder. Does it need to be in a different folder? Where does MESS check BIOS files at?

My current Hyperspin setup is C:/Hyperspin and the roms are in C:/Roms. I havent had any troubles setting up any other system with this setup.

Any info would be greatly appreciated, thanks -Mike


try a different BIOS named coleco.zip also, put the file where MESS checks for roms ie. C:\MESS\rom and run MESS outside of hyperspin to check that its working first there

MESS and coleco work fine in my set up


Thanks for the replys guys, I ended up getting BlueMSX and it works just great now. I also tried putting the BIOS in a zip file named coleco.zip in my colecovision roms directory to no avail, I then put it in the mess rom directory with no luck so I am still unsure what the problem was but it's working flawlessley with BlueMSX.


Works fine in my setup to with mess have my roms folder in my mess directory with coleco.zip and in the zip coleco.rom


Thanks for the replys guys, I ended up getting BlueMSX and it works just great now. I also tried putting the BIOS in a zip file named coleco.zip in my colecovision roms directory to no avail, I then put it in the mess rom directory with no luck so I am still unsure what the problem was but it's working flawlessley with BlueMSX.

Did you put your roms directory on mess.ini??


Does MESS work outside of Hyperspin? If so, then check the path to the roms are setup in Hyperlaunch correctly. If not, then you need to make sure you have a coleco.zip in your MESS\roms\ and your roms in MESS \roms\coleco\

I would screen grab but I'm at work right now :-)

How to guides and custom artwork sets @ https://www.youtube.com/user/MaxwellParadigm


Themes, Wheels, Carts and Database Downloads available @ http://spacevalkyrie.weebly.com/


Mess will load normal non mess roms provided that the bios is correct. I'm using a external usb.

My folder hierarchy


I have the official bios pack in the mess roms folder i.e. mess\roms\coleco.zip

Mess is setup as if everything were in its root folder. So that it will look for the bios in its rom folder and not where my coleco roms are. The reason being that i have other systems that i also want to use mess for. i.e. Atari 5200.

My mess.ini looks like this

rompath                   roms

Now that this is done I can have "normal" named roms to match with wheel art etc.

messui64.exe coleco -cart "rompath"
messui64.exe coleco -cart I:\Systems\ColecoVision\Roms\Donkey Kong Jr (USA, Europe).zip

My current setup is 100% relative paths so that i can out my usb drive in any machine and have it work.

Mess doesn't like this sometimes so I need to make sure that the command is run from its absolute path with the following batch file.

set arg1=%1
pushd I:\Emulators\mess
messui64.exe coleco -cart %arg1%

Atari 5200 is the same thing just

messui64.exe a5200-cart "rompath"


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