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Hyperspin video previews!!


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Hey guys I was just wondering, where can i get the video previews for the games on hyperspin. im really most interested in the NES and SNES game previews! becaus all im getting now when i got to select a game is the picture thats attached to this thread! can anybody help me out?? thanks!!



thanks! but for instance for the nes they only have 114 videos where i have the full collection. i think theres a section there where you can get them all but you have to b a paying member. which id have no problem doing if i could really afford it! unless im overlooking something!


no way of cheating! better to pay $30 get a year of goodness! or $60 for a life time!

or there's a torrent but there out dated missing vids!

(Midlife crisis) some have hot rods, some have gold chains, I have arcade machine with hyperspin.

thanks guys! So if i pay 30 bucks for a full year subscription, can i download as many files per day as i want??

Yes, there are several ways to go about this. You could download the vids from the downloads section as usual but this is a pain only to be suffered by unsubscribed users :) Better yet, there's the ftp, to download complete sets and check wip. But of course then there's the Download Service and/or HyperSync to just let it sync everything for you and let it do it's thing in the background while you do something 'useful' like playing a game in the mean time (though I'm not sure if you'd be able to use the latter without a paid HS membership)


..........................back with a vengeance........................


I'd guess the Download Service is the best bet in your case

^updated post above^


..........................back with a vengeance........................


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