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cant exit emulator


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for some reason i can not exit any emulator in hyperspin. my exit button is"b" iv try other letters aswell same result. 


i have set the exit key in hyper hq to 'b'


i have also set up the exit key in hyperlaunch hq. 'b'


the exit key from hyper hq works it will take me from the roms list to the systems list, but when i try and go from the emulator back to the roms list it does not work.

i have tried nearly every letter in hyperlaunch hq to exit and it does not work.


any help will be great,

thank you

  • 2 months later...

I've run into the same problem as well.  It seems to be a problem when I've checked the Exit Menu enabled option.  Otherwise it seems to work.  Also, if you are running in a window rather than full screen, escape doesn't work unless it is an active window.  If you do anything outside of the window, you'll need to select on the window to make it work.  Full screen is better in my opinion


If you are not using HyperSpin 1.4, then the controls in HyperHQ do NOT work correctly! Disable them. Exiting emulators must be done with a keymapper. There is a guide in the tutorials section for JoyToKey if you decide to go that route.


The controls in HS prior to 1.4 do NOT work right... that's why I said it. That is why we all use keymappers or ahks or startup scripts! Who sets up HS to use a keyboard???

If you know something that will help him, then say that. Don't attack other peoples suggestions. If you don't have anything useful to say, then don't say anything at all.

Sent from my SGH-I467M using Tapatalk


The controls work fine in HS on all versions.

Don't tell the guy the controls don't work and make him think HS is completely broke. The JOYSTICK, TRACKBALL and SPINNER cause issues but the controls themselves are PERFECTLY fine.

Really, no one uses the keyboard? WRONG! I use my keyboard all the time.

So yes I had something very useful to say unlike you telling the guy the controls are just overall busted. Maybe be a little more exact next time, especially when the person didn't even mention using one of those methods that are messed up and only mentioned keys which work FINE in HS!!!!

At no time did i imply HS is completely broken. And if he is not using a joystick, then he can inform me of that and I can try to help accordingly. Or you can talk directly to him and help solve it. But either way, nitpicking at what I say is not helping anybody. And if your not helping, why post?

I may be newly active in the forum, but I am not new here. I am genuinely trying to help people, unlike you who seem to just spam every thread with your "knowitall" attitude.

Sent from my SGH-I467M using Tapatalk

  • 8 months later...

Hi i have run ito the same issue again lol, i can not exit out of emulators works fine on hyperspin front end exit out of system but not when i play a game using hyperspin 1.4


Hi i have run ito the same issue again lol, i can not exit out of emulators works fine on hyperspin front end exit out of system but not when i play a game using hyperspin 1.4

are you sure you have your exit key setup correctly in the RocketLauncher settings? Does exiting work if you launch directly from RL instead of HS?

  • 11 months later...

Hi guys. I'm having similar problems to this. 

The ESC key is left as it is in mame,  the "hyperspin" key is also set to ESC but I had to map the "exit emulator key" to something different so I moped it to "backspace" as i don't think this is used for anything. 

It works fine but every now and then, I press it in a game and nothing happens. I have to restart the pc as I can't get back to the hyperspin wheel.  

Has anyone had same trouble?



Does everyone set the "exit emulator" key in rocketlauncher UI or is this normally not used? 

Im not sure what's best setting to use in terms of "suspend frontend" etc. 



Yeah you set in RLUI. I usually use "Pause Break" since some emus use esc for other things but esc should work for mame, though it makes tab menu nav a li annoying. Try running RLUI and HS as administrator.

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Ok I'll try that. 

Ive got the exit emulators key in rlui set to "backspace". Not sure if that's the issue?  

Are you having the same problem? I'll set it to pause break and see what happens. 

Move left ESC in mame and hyperhq - both set to ESC key


No I've never had an issue with it personally. Can try some different keys but any more information you have might help in diagnosing.

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Ok so Ive had another look...

ive disabled the "suspend front end"  setting in RLUI as it was set to enabled,  and then followed this - (I did option 2)




A "workaround" was shared on RL forums, bascially:

You have to change a script in the RL folder ( \Lib\Fade.ahk)

Option 1: You are using the FadeOut:

Change: this

	Gosub, FadeOutExit

to :

        Gosub, ShowFE
	Gosub, FadeOutExit


Option 2: You are not using the Fadeout:

First, activate the fadeout in RL UI, and in previous file, 

Change this:

	Gosub, FadeOutStart
	Gosub, ShowFE
	Gosub, FadeOutExit


	Gosub, ShowFE
	Gosub, ShowFE


Thanks to another thread that Bubs wrote...


ill keep checking it and it and see if it works for good.  It always did it after playing PAC man after a few mins of playing and prob when a new high score is on...   tried it again and seems ok now but I'll keep checking. 

I left the "exit emulator" key in rlui set to backspace, didn't bother changing it as I'm pretty sure backspace isn't used for anything else in my setup as I disabled more or less all the hot keys etc. 


Strange. I keep my exit/close emulator button to ESC for all systems (except PC games i keep it set to "in-game") and have never had a problem.

I'm guessing this is only an issue when you try to change it from being ESC to something else?


Not sure but I remember having the problem where when I pressed it,  it just froze everything.  When I changed it from ESC to something else it worked ok. But then I started having the issue where it wouldn't actually exit rather than freezing.  It's weird. No idea why. 


Even now, while running hyperspin, if I hit ESC while in a game (on the keyboard as my exit emulator key is backspace) it still freezes everything!  

If I run mame on its own outside hyperspin and hit ESC it works fine and exits  

The "hyperspin" key in hyper hq is ESC now as I changed it back thinking this was causing the issue, as before I'd also got it set to "backspace" the same as the "exit emulator" key.

Didn't make any difference. 


I did find a similar topic with someone having a similar problem (after I'd posted) so I followed the option 2 above and it seems to be working ok. I also noticed i had "suspend frontend" enabled. Not sure if this needs to be disabled or not but I've disabled it. 

Following option 2 above enables fade on exit - however after modifying the above mentioned file you don't actually see any fade screen as such it just exits.  Someone did mention after doing this around a 1 sec delay on exit but I've not noticed that. Just closes straight away.  


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