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Black Hazor

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Everything posted by Black Hazor

  1. Mattel Intellivision Wheelset View File Somehow this set wasnt in the DL section so thats why I upload it now All Credits go to the original creators Submitter Black Hazor Submitted 06/13/2017 Category Wheel Packs HyperBase Version Media Dimensions File Count Credits  
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Somehow this set wasnt in the DL section so thats why I upload it now All Credits go to the original creators
  3. 894 downloads

    521 Mega Drive 3D boxes see this thread thanks to the creators
  4. pls remove the "TM" in it also i allready did one over here:http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/11362-main-menu-wheels-bordered-crylen-style-43-genre-wheels/
  5. pls remove the "R" in it
  6. U need to size them down, try the free Program "Fotosizer" for it. They are just so big cause than they can be used with a potential 4k resolution.
  7. ist ja auch richtig bei uns paar aktiven leuten. denke mir würden sie ggf noch das ein oder andere recht geben (habe mittlerweile jede menge "Offizielle" kennengelernt) - aber ein mod sollte eigentlich genügen.
  8. 131 downloads

    This Pack has everything u need for setting up Frets on Fire. It includes: Main Menu Theme Default Theme Wheels Database
  9. Dann müssen wir es wohl mit Verlinkungen machen
  10. Ich denke es wäre intelligent einzelne Unterforen einzurichten z.B. eins für Databases, eins für Artwork und eins für "Random Stuff". In diesen Unterforen, dann wieder Threads zu den einzelnen Systemen. So sollte man zum gewünschten Erfolg kommen. Ich weiß allerdings nicht, ob uns dies möglich wäre...
  11. Version 1.0


    All 158 Wheels + 1 alt Version Set contains every game in the current XML, excluding Japanese and new games after 5/15/2016. Here is the Database: [Download] And here is the 2D Boxset: [Download]
  12. Version 2.0 - (12/06/2016)


    Contains every game excluding Japanese and new games after 5/15/2016.
  13. 866 downloads

    Here is the wheelset made by Sjignacz. All credits go to him.
  14. Cant go for the enthusiast kit today cause i dont have a credit card...need to ask some friends tomorrow so i can get u some cash mate .
  15. 577 downloads

    2D Atari Jaguar Cart Set 54 of 54 Carts
  16. 622 downloads

    3D Atari Jaguar Box Set 54 of 54 Boxes
  18. Ill program some Robots that can play with u
  19. Hi mate just a question: u are showing the "FULL Set" on the Kickstarter Preview, will that be available too? I just really dont want to pay 2 or 3 times for shipping thats why it would be the perfect option for me The FULL Set 1x USB 2.0 1x 4-play Hub 4x Apple Bandai Pippin ATMARK 4x Atari Jaguar 4x DB9 (See List Above) 4X DH15 (See List Above) 4x GCE Vectrex 4x Nintendo Virtual Boy 4x NEC PC-Engine / NEC TurboGrafx-16 (Full-Sized) 4x NEC PC-Engine / NEC TurboGrafx-16 (Mini) 4x NEC PC-FX 4x Nintendo game cube 4x Nintendo 64 4x Nintendo Entertainment System 4x Nintendo Wii Expansion Port 4x PC Gameport 4x Sega Dreamcast 4x Sega Saturn 4x Sony PlayStation / Sony PlayStation 2 4x Super Nintendo Entertainment System
  20. Thank u for making the crazy boxart possible xD
  21. Version 1.1


    I tinkered around with this Default Theme to get it right if you use Special Art that "covers" the top and bottom of the Screen. Thanks goes to the Original maker of this theme and the creator of the Special Art I included. If u wanna use the really great boxes by JSinn u need to resize them to 45% in width and 60% in heights to get them right. Disc art needs to be 204x204 pixels to get the proportions right to the original Included are the Theme itself, the Settings ini and the Special Art. Hope u like it 1.1 Box and Disc art are now centered to the Video
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