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fr0stbyt3 last won the day on March 19

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About fr0stbyt3

  • Birthday 07/10/1986

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  1. Are you using a controller? Side note: The layout is like it is to allow for additional options in the future.
  2. Hey everyone! We've been making significant progress on improving startup speed in HyperSpin and optimizing cache performance. Internal testing shows that startup times are now 3-4x faster, and cache rebuild times have been reduced to just 2-3 seconds, which is approximately 10x faster. Fixes and Enhancements Emulators: Fixed an issue where the launch button on the edit screen only worked when using default directories. EmuMovies: Resolved an issue where high-quality settings were not working correctly. Cache: Added a "Sync All Media" option. Cache: Revalidation now shrinks the database and builds much quicker. Core: Prevented HyperSpin from launching multiple instances. Themes: Fixed Master System theme download issues. Themes: Updated the default HyperSpin theme. Systems: Fixed an issue where launching a game would refresh the game list to the top. Import: Stopped the importer from running by default. Installer: Fixed an issue where the installer would update the wrong directory. Downloads: Additional speed improvements implemented. Systems: Added cart, box back, and background views to the dropdown menu. Controller Support Update While making these improvements, we’ve also been working hard on new controller support for both HQ and HS. Internal testing will begin soon, and once it’s ready, we’ll roll it out to everyone. The major changes include: Support for more than 4 controllers (previously limited by the API we used). Expanded support for additional controller types. Many of you have brought us unique controllers I've never encountered before, and it’s been so much fun to figure out how they work and integrate them properly. Future Plans: ThemeBuilder Enhancements Once controller support is complete, we’ll shift our focus to ThemeBuilder improvements. Expect features such as: Group animations Child/linked animations Filters & shaders And much more! These updates will roll out incrementally throughout Q2, so stay tuned for more details. Thank You! A huge thank you to everyone who has been testing and providing feedback. The past few months have been some of the most rewarding in HyperSpin’s development, and we couldn’t have done it without your support. Happy gaming!
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  3. Changed Current Status to Fixed Changed Fixed in Version to 2.0.53
  4. Changed Current Status to Fixed Changed Fixed in Version to 2.0.53 Changed Development Feedback to please update HS and test again
  5. Changed Current Status to Fixed Changed Fixed in Version to 2.0.53 Changed Development Feedback to Please let me know if you still have issues
  6. Changed Severity to 2 - High Priority Changed Current Status to Fixed Changed Fixed in Version to 2.0.53
  7. The image file seems to be missing for me. Screenshot the logs if you can
  8. Changed Current Status to Fixed Changed Fixed in Version to 2.0.53
  9. Changed Severity to 2 - High Priority Changed Current Status to Fixed Changed Fixed in Version to 2.0.51
  10. Can you give me the error code from the logs? This normally only happens when the resource is locked
  11. Over the past week, we’ve refined the UI, streamlined performance at startup, and tackled key bugs affecting game lists. You can now rely on CRC checks for systems to get real-time status updates, and the newly refreshed UI design ensures smoother navigation. We’ve also addressed issues with RetroArch integration, resolved duplication errors, and consolidated logs for easier troubleshooting. Here’s what’s new: HyperHQ Emulators Launch Bug Fix: Resolved an issue preventing games from launching properly after editing an emulator. RetroArch Improvements: Fixed RetroArch core settings. Fixed a bug where custom RetroArch installs did not display selectable cores. UI Enhancements: Improved the emulator UI for a cleaner, more intuitive experience. Games Refresh Duplicates: Fixed an issue where refreshing the game list could create duplicate entries. Systems Add System View: Updated UI for a wider layout, displaying more data. Automatically syncs newly added systems to Settings > Cache. System CRC Checks: Added CRC checks for systems, providing status updates on potential issues. Downloads Main Menu Video: Fixed an error preventing main menu videos from loading. Expanded Support: Added compatibility for additional systems. Startup Performance Fix: Addressed lag issues experienced when launching HyperHQ. Logs Unified Log Viewer: Consolidated HyperSpin and HyperHQ logs into a single interface. Search HQ Search Bug Fix: Corrected an issue where searching within HyperHQ was not functioning properly. HyperSpin Updates (2.0.35) Image Scaling Bug Fix: Corrected a scaling issue that affected image display. Controller Exit Fix: Resolved an issue preventing controllers from properly exiting HyperSpin. Missing Images Fix: Addressed a bug where the wrong image would display if the intended image was missing. Theme Player Update: Made improvements to the theme player for a smoother experience. One of the biggest items on our radar remains the new direct HID controller support. We’re still a few weeks out from having it fully integrated, but each round of testing has brought us closer to a smooth, native experience. We appreciate your patience as we iron out the final kinks. Thank you, as always, for your support and feedback. These updates wouldn’t be possible without your help. Keep the suggestions coming, and we’ll keep refining. Happy gaming!
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  12. HyperHQ Systems Updates to the add system pages Made the system add page wider to show more date Sync all systems added to settings > cache Downloads Fixed main menu video error Added support for more systems Startup Fixed issues where some users were experiencing lag on startup
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