My aimtrak is off by 2-3 inches if I lean forward while sitting on my couch 10 feet away or raise the gun a foot or less. Yes you will need to recalibrate for sure they are VERY sensitive to calibration.
I found an english translated version of freedo and have been trying like mad to get it to work but no such luck. Did you add a plugin or use what was in the package?
I'm jealous. Did you get it working in demul? I can't get it to recognize mouse input. Do you mind posting your demule.ini and paddemule.ini ? Just paste into the comment field and put a code tag around each (kinda like quote but with the word code in brackets.
That is another piece, not only creating the wheel but miniguides links or steps to getting other emulators that don't work out of the box to actually recognize the aimtraks. Not to sidetrack startrek's AWESOME work here I salivate for or anything, I just want to centralize and collect thoughts on getting these puppies going.