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Everything posted by Creezz67

  1. MAME was working fine on all previous versions using RocketLauncher as the emulator, but now no longer loads. It also looks like it's not compiling it correctly in the first place as rom locations seem all wrong to me. Here is the log of the error .... [2025-02-08 10:18:18.907] [info] launching rom: '88 Games [2025-02-08 10:18:18.998] [info] Launching game: '88 Games with emulator: RocketLauncher [2025-02-08 10:18:18.999] [info] Emulator path: D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncher.exe [2025-02-08 10:18:18.999] [debug] Running command: "D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncher.exe" "MAME" "88games" [2025-02-08 10:18:35.754] [error] Error stopping AHK scripts: Command failed: taskkill /IM AutoHotkey64.exe /F ERROR: The process "AutoHotkey64.exe" not found.
  2. Still stuck on 98% on v2.0.43 It's also still taking 10+ minutes to load Hyperspin every time you use it. Here is the log HyperHQ-2025-02-08-08-26-25.log
  3. Cache stuck on 98% Hyperspin takes forever to load every time you use it.
  4. Spelling mistake Processeing (bottom right) Should be Processing
  5. The videos no longer work in v2.0.39 along with the rest of the overrride media. Nothing showing for me now. Previously when working I just dropped them in the EmuMoviesVideoMedium folder as you have above.
  6. On the latest version v2.0.39 none of the media is showing in Hyperspin Previously the videos showed but they don't work either. Also when loading system and rom assets, it's taking 5-10 minutes to load up Hyperspin (every single time, not just once) and I only have 1 system in my setup !! So to conclude .... NONE of the override media show up in Hyperspin and this is after I started again for the 15th time from scratch, removing EVERY trace of HyperHQ and Hyperspin from my computer. Currently Hyperspin is totally unusable with override media. What am I missing, or is this a known bug ? Thanks
  7. HyperHQ has updated to 2.0.39 and when it tries to load Hyperspin thereafter it just gets stuck loading the cache (It's been 30 minutes so far and has progressed literally nowhere) I thought you were doing away with the cache altogether ?
  8. There are roughly 5,200 working roms (excluding clones) MAME 0.274, yet it only scrapes 2,900 of them. xml’s worked much better for MAME as it literally found them all.
  9. MAME should be the easiest set to add and with Hyperspin 1.5 I have 4,880 working roms on my wheel yet running it through Hyperspin 2 it only finds 2,920 (with skipping anything) This is the same with Launchbox (7 years after it was released) so they are both obviously using the sane crap scraper. We need an option where it imports EVERY rom in the folder you point to like all the other sets (then you can at least use dummy roms for the importing. using MAME 0.273 non merged.
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Using Unreal Engine 5 to significantly enhance graphic expression, this is the definitive version of "NINJA GAIDEN 2," featuring additional playable characters and enhanced battle support functions.
  11. Hyperspeech still works perfectly fine in Hyperspin 1.5 Would be a great feature to add to Hyperspin 2 if possible ? Video of how it works is HERE ....
  12. RocketLauncher still works fine as an emulator with HS2 so you can use that until/if it's part of the Hyperspin 2 setup.
  13. Images with # in them do not seem to be detected by HyperHQ
  14. But will take months if not years to get to a standard where it's anywhere close to Hyperspin 1 Both are totally different IMO
  15. I am using overrrides for all my media. All the videos show up perfectly for all games just using the override folders and so do the Main Menu videos, but NONE of the media will show no matter what I try. I have literally spent 2 days trying to get it to show and the best I could get it was 1 main menu wheel showing (see below) Hopefully this is a bug being worked on, as I really don't want to start over again as I have done it about 10 times so far. ps, All Appdata folder and anything else were ALL deleted before I re-installed HyperHQ as well as the registry. I am currently on the latest v2.0.36
  16. Remove FreePlay from bottom of the screen to all the Game Text to go there instead ? Also reduce the size of the text to allow all game names to fit ?
  17. This is the startup/exit menu in HyperHQ for Hyperspin Is there a way to add something like this to Hyperspin 2 so it allows us to add a bat file etc to exit HyperHQ.exe and Hyperspin.exe completely, rather than it being stuck in the Task Manager ? FYI, When HyperHQ is closed theJoy2Key.bat file below kills Hyperspin.exe,HyperHQ,Joy2Key and anything else you want to close.
  18. Thanks, had tried that previously and it didn't work. Just logged on and checked it, now it works
  19. Currently the boxart is showing as the background in HyperHQ main view per system. Need a default background folder per system ?
  20. As there are not MP4's available for all games, maybe allow png files to fill in gaps for videos as in Hyperspin 1 ? Tried adding some for Game Boy and they just don't show up.
  21. FYI, All the Main Menu videos and game videos all show fine just using override folders , it’s just the main menu wheels, game wheels and box art not showing.
  22. Yes all unchecked yet videos work great for all systems just using overrides.
  23. If you download the latest v2.0.36 it now gives you a path to choose.
  24. I did another clean install v2.0.36 (removed all appdata etc) and am using the overrides folder for all the media. Now the main menu wheels and game wheels in Hyperspin are not showing , yet all the override videos all work ok. All the shows up fine in HyperHQ (see below) is this a known issue as I have literally tried everything ?
  25. HyperHQ is continuing to re-download ALL the media again that already exists in the _overrides folders on v2.0.36
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