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Everything posted by Creezz67

  1. FYI, Just updated from v2.0.35 to v2.0.36 and it is still installing to wrong location C:\Program Files instead of D:\Arcade
  2. Version 1.0.0


    The 1983 classic multi-room platformer Montezuma's Revenge returns in 2.5D glory, and now Pedro's adventure is bigger than ever with 100 tricky rooms to explore! For its 40th anniversary, what was once an unfinished game is now resurrected to match the full vision of creator Robert Jaeger.
  3. PC Games/Windows also work perfectly using shortcuts, but you need to use RocketLauncher as the emulator. I know that's not what they are wanting us to use, but at least it works for now until they get around to it
  4. Version 1.0.0


    X Games Snowboarder Arcade Game is Raw Thrills' 8-way linkable deluxe racing Snowboard simulator Arcade Game that sends players hurtling down Iceland's icy .
  5. I just had this. Delete the MainMenu media folder & _cache folders completely, close down HyperHQ and then go back into HyperHQ It should just re-build them all again and work in Hyperspin, that's what I did.
  6. Since the last update to .35 all the themes are suddenly looking grainy when previously they were not (see below) It looks like there is a fine shader covering the screen for every system.
  7. The only reason I mentioned this was I told the Launchbox admin the same thing about 2 years ago and they said they knew it was a BIG problem, but the only way they could rectify it, was to start coding Launchbox again ..... from scratch !! Now, 2 years later (7 years since it's release) it's like a Ferrari with a lawn mower's engine and completely useless.
  8. HyperHQ is still not installing in the correct place when updating from v2.0.33 to v2.0.34 My setup is located in D:\Arcade\HyperHQ and it installed automatically to C:\Program Files\HyperHQ Why not have an option box to ask where you want it to be installed ?
  9. The new _cache folder in the media folder takes up so much space it's unbelievable. It literally copies EVERY item of media again and put it into the _cache folder I only have 10 systems setup and it's already 13.5gb I predict it will be 100-200gb+ when I am finished. Launchbox has this same setup and it grinds the entire setup to a snail pace the more you add. I suggest before you get too far into this, you take a look to see if it can be eliminated in any way ?
  10. No, now all videos are being sent to the correct location
  11. Great news ... MAME Rom Mapping is working in Hyperspin 2.0 using RocketLauncher as the emulator.
  12. I updated from 31 to 33 and it installed into C:\ instead of D\ once I moved the new HyperHQ folder onto my D:\ and then added a new system all the media it downloaded was added to the correct location (D:\ drive) for the first time
  13. Fine. I am gone. I think I have made my views clear anyway and you are probably right there is no need for the unconstructive remarks. IMO, no matter what they do with this it will NEVER be as good as the Hyperspin/RL setup we all currently have. Maybe if they had consulted the members years ago and asked our opinions they would have all told them the way to go ... and this ain't that. Enjoy Hyperspin 2.0 people
  14. I am sure the dictator over at RL (Agent47) will get right on it. Oh, a word of warning ..... NEVER question anything he says or you will be banned on the spot.
  15. The members on here being negative is just the normal behaviour of people that love Hyperspin. No matter what they say, this is now just a clone of Launchbox, but at least that allows you to use your own media. Everything that was different and unique about Hyperspin is currently missing and will probably never be added ... that's why people are annoyed.
  16. Why will this new HyperTheme not just allow us to drop a Video Theme into it and then save like that ? It's like every restriction has been put in place to stop Hyperspin being Hyperspin.
  17. Just downloaded Nintendo Game Boy Color to see what media I would get on an easy old system and this is what it looks like ...... Literally 50% of the media is not on EmuMovies and this is why this new Hyperspin 2.0 will never work without allowing us to use our own media. If I had downloaded this from Launchbox it may be 90% (7 years after they launched) I have ALL the missing media, yet on this brand new 2025 version of Hyperspin I have to make do with the way it looks on the image instead. Surely there is a way to drop all the media into their folders and then HyperHQ encrypts it afterwards ?
  18. Why don't you just go back to Launchbox where you belong. You are no true Hyperspinner, that's for certain.
  19. Just updated from 2.0.31 to 2.0.33 and it still updated to the wrong drive C:\ Copied it to my D:\ drive location, installed a new system and now it is finally putting ALL the media and videos in the correct location, rather than sending it all to C:\ as it was before
  20. Forget about them ever fixing this, now Hyperspin 2.0 is out this is redundant as far as they are concerned. Go back to 23H2 (look for download for Windows 11 23H2) iso , it all works fine on that.
  21. Has anyone got this to work using Rocketlauncher as the emulator ? the Rom mapping screens all load fine , but then it just has a black screen and exits when trying to load. if this works Hyperspin could literally be as it was before , all running through Rocketlauncher , because every system I have tried running through RL seems to work fine so far and best of all the exit works on the controller.
  22. Doh !!!!!! That was it. When I asked previously someone sent me these same commands but they didn't use the "" aound the %rom.filename% so I kept using that. Thanks for info, now working perfectly
  23. Error when trying to use in Hyperspin
  24. 14:26:55:206 | RL | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if D:\Arcade\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncher.exe exists 14:26:55:206 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Using HyperSpin normal mode for version found at: D:\Arcade\HyperSpin.exe 14:26:55:206 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Raw CLI received: "Atari Lynx A.P.B. - All Points Bulletin (USA, Europe)" 14:26:55:206 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - Loading Front End Plugin: "HyperSpin" 14:26:55:206 | RL | INFO | +0 | Process.Process - "Exist" "HyperSpin.exe" 14:26:55:222 | RL | INFO | +15 | Main - HyperSpin.exe is not currently running 14:26:55:222 | RL | INFO | +0 | Main - RocketLauncher received "Atari Lynx" and "A.P.B." "-" 14:27:01:940 | RL | ERROR | +6719 | Invalid mode supplied: "-" 14:27:01:940 | RL | INFO | +0 | ExitScript - Started 14:27:01:987 | RL | INFO | +47 | SystemCursor - Restoring mouse cursor 14:27:01:007 | RL | INFO | +16 | ExitScript - Restored cursor 14:27:02:007 | RL | INFO | +0 | ExitScript - Ended [/code]
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