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Everything posted by dark13

  1. What kind of cpu? I'd go with latest mame release if the cpu can handle it, new version have really good BGFX CRT shaders (not as heavy as HLSL). RL is compatible with 0.253, i guess 0.254 will works too. Latest release has added mr. driller 2, a nice game, and some other system10 games but after 0.198 some games needs more power (tekken, sexy parodius, etc).
  2. I reported the thing some years ago, honestly I dont' know if it is a problem related to my softwares combination or whatever but I have the same problem on multiple machines. The problem is really simple: HS uses a truckload of CPU when it's hidden and an emulator is running. In this case I'm pushing a bit the things using a 1080p 120frames to loop the background (the file inside the theme loads a swf in dark13 folder as background swf inside a theme does not loop) but this happens also using a 1080p png inside a swf, you'll notice it on weak rigs. The situation is far from being ideal... Around 30% of an intel 4460 cpu time wasted in this case. Basically in these conditions you have to dedicate 2 cores/threads of your CPU to HS. Fun enough this happens also if I use code to remove the swf from stage or when I load it as a movieclip and stop it when HS goes off focus. This is simply crazy. HS is using cpu time to move stuff that is not even on stage or it is stopped. Well, I need more tests but I've found a simple workaround... Now cpu is just at 2% when HS is hidden and an emulator is running. The trick is really simple: you can set stage property from any swf on stage so I just used this code on an empty Artwork1 layer inside the theme. The swf can be used too on SpecialA1 layer stage.addEventListener( Event.DEACTIVATE, deactivateCb, false, 0, true ); stage.addEventListener( Event.ACTIVATE, activateCb, false, 0, true ); function deactivateCb(e:Event):void{ stage.frameRate = 1 } function activateCb(e:Event):void{ stage.frameRate = 60 } HS is using cpu time to move stuff and I can't prevent it to doing this so I just set the framerate of the stage to 1fps (0.1fps seems ok too) when HS goes off focus and set it back to 60fps when HS gain focus. Pushing stuff at 1fps requires very few cpu power. I know that BBB is not working on the thing but I also know that some people of the staff has the code and can compile a new version. Can a workaround like this be integrated in HS? Test Theme: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AlvG-_GLw_qahBJa7zOErF3qUveD?e=Y8J8kw There's no relative path code, so HyperSpin.exe MUST be in C:\HyperSpin_1.5.1 folder and you need to put dark13 folder inside it.
  3. GT2 physic has always been bashed because using walls to turn you did faster laps. Well, it seems that it was actually correct
  4. Ok, now I need to see forza7 running on a 480p CRT Just curious, how did you connected the PC to the CRT? HDMI to something? What about input lag?
  5. Windows updates has become a plague, everytime the thing is updated something stopped working. I install new windows versions only when the support cease, infact I updated to 2004 this week. I was asked to uninstall virtualbox and the system uninstalled cpu-z. No problem at all, after the update I installed the new versions of virtualbox and cpu-z but just think to a place where virtualbox is used ro run old software and there are no people who knows how to fix the thing... On the HTPC I just installed W10 LTSC, 10 years of security updates without version change
  6. Some users reported that old sxs.dll into HS folder works also on 20H2, please try it and check windows defender exception, with version change it may tends to reset rules.
  7. Try onedrive link https://1drv.ms/u/s!At7-Uk9iUm0EgWyU...ZpLaI?e=8WTgbq
  8. Version 2.0.0


    ***WARNING*** THIS SET SUPPORTS ADULT GAMES AND I FIRMLY BELIEVE CENSORSHIP IS THE SEED OF ALL EVIL SO YEAH, IT CONTAINS FLYERS WITH NUDE GIRLS 3.716 Arcade flyers at 400*563 (4:3), 300*563 (16:9), 203*477 (Aeon Nox) Compatible with: Included MAME.xml (no clones, no hanafuda, no casino, no bet, no playchoice, no mahjong), AAE, Atari Classics, Capcom Classic, Capcom Play System, Capcom Play System II, Capcom Play System III, Cave, Data East Classics, Gaelco, Irem Classics, Konami Classics, Midway Classics, Namco classics, Namco System 22, Nintendo Classics, Sega ST-v, SNK Classics, Taito Classics, Sega Model 2, Sega Model 3, Sega Naomi, Gaelco (inside MAME folder), Taito Type X, Sega Hikaru . Ok, this is not the holy grail of MAME flyers as it is not a complete set but what you get is a fixed resolution MAME flyers with a decent database. Hundres of flyers have been restored, remade, rethinked or built from scratches. Some flyers for games with no artwork are a bit generic and/or boring but I think I did a good job on most of them. Lots of well known games with bad looking flyers now have a custom flyer with fanart, like it or not . Sources: Amyfever Flyerset, Arcade Flyers Archive, HyperSpin official Wheelart, HyperSpin official Themes, LaunchBox database, Goggle search images. Williams Classic is not supported as the .xml on hyperlist is a real mess, it contains pinball roms. If there are new and more complete .xmls please post it, I will release an "addendum" to support them. This is a flyers set but it is designed to work as wheel art set
  9. Version 2.0.0


    ***WARNING*** THIS SET SUPPORTS ADULT GAMES AND I FIRMLY BELIEVE CENSORSHIP IS THE SEED OF ALL EVIL SO YEAH, IT CONTAINS FLYERS WITH NUDE GIRLS 3.716 Arcade flyers at 400*563 (4:3), 300*563 (16:9), 203*477 (Aeon Nox) Compatible with: Included MAME.xml (no clones, no hanafuda, no casino, no bet, no playchoice, no mahjong), AAE, Atari Classics, Capcom Classic, Capcom Play System, Capcom Play System II, Capcom Play System III, Cave, Data East Classics, Gaelco, Irem Classics, Konami Classics, Midway Classics, Namco classics, Namco System 22, Nintendo Classics, Sega ST-v, SNK Classics, Taito Classics, Sega Model 2, Sega Model 3, Sega Naomi, Gaelco (inside MAME folder), Taito Type X, Sega Hikaru . Ok, this is not the holy grail of MAME flyers as it is not a complete set but what you get is a fixed resolution MAME flyers with a decent database. Hundres of flyers have been restored, remade, rethinked or built from scratches. Some flyers for games with no artwork are a bit generic and/or boring but I think I did a good job on most of them. Lots of well known games with bad looking flyers now have a custom flyer with fanart, like it or not . Sources: Amyfever Flyerset, Arcade Flyers Archive, HyperSpin official Wheelart, HyperSpin official Themes, LaunchBox database, Goggle search images. Williams Classic is not supported as the .xml on hyperlist is a real mess, it contains pinball roms. If there are new and more complete .xmls please post it, I will release an "addendum" to support them. This is a flyers set but it is designed to work as wheel art set
  10. Version 2.0.0


    ***WARNING*** THIS SET SUPPORTS ADULT GAMES AND I FIRMLY BELIEVE CENSORSHIP IS THE SEED OF ALL EVIL SO YEAH, IT CONTAINS FLYERS WITH NUDE GIRLS 3.716 Arcade flyers at 400*563 (4:3), 300*563 (16:9), 203*477 (Aeon Nox) Compatible with: Included MAME.xml (no clones, no hanafuda, no casino, no bet, no playchoice, no mahjong), AAE, Atari Classics, Capcom Classic, Capcom Play System, Capcom Play System II, Capcom Play System III, Cave, Data East Classics, Gaelco, Irem Classics, Konami Classics, Midway Classics, Namco classics, Namco System 22, Nintendo Classics, Sega ST-v, SNK Classics, Taito Classics, Sega Model 2, Sega Model 3, Sega Naomi, Gaelco (inside MAME folder), Taito Type X, Sega Hikaru . Ok, this is not the holy grail of MAME flyers as it is not a complete set but what you get is a fixed resolution MAME flyers with a decent database. Hundres of flyers have been restored, remade, rethinked or built from scratches. Some flyers for games with no artwork are a bit generic and/or boring but I think I did a good job on most of them. Lots of well known games with bad looking flyers now have a custom flyer with fanart, like it or not . Sources: Amyfever Flyerset, Arcade Flyers Archive, HyperSpin official Wheelart, HyperSpin official Themes, LaunchBox database, Goggle search images. Williams Classic is not supported as the .xml on hyperlist is a real mess, it contains pinball roms. If there are new and more complete .xmls please post it, I will release an "addendum" to support them. This is a flyers set but it is designed to work as wheel art set
  11. Version 20120927


    This archive contains 3 folders: 1- In "SWF" folder you'll find .SWF renamed as .png. Hyperpsin will read it as .sfw so you will have animated cartridges as wheel's images. If you change the extension back to .swf hyperspin won't read it as wheel images but you can use it as artwork. 2- In "Real PNG's" you will find proper png's. 3- In "Real PNG's 16-9" you will find png's to use while running hyperspin on 16:9 monitor. The quality suffers a bit due to sampling but in most cases it will look better than the normal set does in 16:9. Png and swf file's names are compatible with HYPERLIST's "NEC Supergrafx.XML" You can redistribute/modify this set, just give credit to "dark13"
  12. Version 20121129


    Neo Geo ShoXbox 1080p set by dark13 Feel free to report your feedback or bugs in english or italian to: @[email protected] Feel free to use it in your projects, just give credit to me. Uses of this material is not viable in commercial products. Share the thing, don't sell the sharing This set is based on the neo geo mvs shockbox insert you can dowload at http://southtown-homebrew.com/ and the official hyperspin mame wheel you can dowload at http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/ . A great thank to every artist who contributes to these projects, without them this set would not exists. If you made an insert or a wheel image used in this set and you want credit just email me, i will add your name in this .readme. Dark13
  13. Version 20121218


    Neo Geo ShoXbox 1080p no reflex set by dark13 Feel free to report your feedback or bugs in english or italian to: @[email protected] Feel free to use it in your projects, just give credit to me. Uses of this material is not viable in commercial products. Share the thing, don't sell the sharing This set is based on the neo geo mvs shockbox insert you can dowload at http://southtown-homebrew.com/ and the official hyperspin mame wheel you can dowload at http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/ . A great thank to every artist who contributes to these projects, without them this set would not exists. If you made an insert or a wheel image used in this set and you want credit just email me, i will add your name in this .readme. Dark13
  14. Version 20121216


    Neo Geo ShoXbox 720p set by dark13 Feel free to report your feedback or bugs in english or italian to: @[email protected] Feel free to use it in your projects, just give credit to me. Uses of this material is not viable in commercial products. Share the thing, don't sell the sharing This set is based on the neo geo mvs shockbox insert you can dowload at http://southtown-homebrew.com/ and the official hyperspin mame wheel you can dowload at http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/ . A great thank to every artist who contributes to these projects, without them this set would not exists. If you made an insert or a wheel image used in this set and you want credit just email me, i will add your name in this .readme. Dark13
  15. Version 20121216


    Neo Geo ShoXbox 720p set by dark13 Feel free to report your feedback or bugs in english or italian to: @[email protected] Feel free to use it in your projects, just give credit to me. Uses of this material is not viable in commercial products. Share the thing, don't sell the sharing This set is based on the neo geo mvs shockbox insert you can dowload at http://southtown-homebrew.com/ and the official hyperspin mame wheel you can dowload at http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/ . A great thank to every artist who contributes to these projects, without them this set would not exists. If you made an insert or a wheel image used in this set and you want credit just email me, i will add your name in this .readme. Dark13
  16. Version 20121217


    Neo Geo ShoXbox 720p 16:9 set by dark13 Feel free to report your feedback or bugs in english or italian to: @[email protected] Feel free to use it in your projects, just give credit to me. Uses of this material is not viable in commercial products. Share the thing, don't sell the sharing This set is based on the neo geo mvs shockbox insert you can dowload at http://southtown-homebrew.com/ and the official hyperspin mame wheel you can dowload at http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/ . A great thank to every artist who contributes to these projects, without them this set would not exists. If you made an insert or a wheel image used in this set and you want credit just email me, i will add your name in this .readme. Dark13
  17. Version 20121218


    Neo Geo ShoXbox 2D set by dark13 Feel free to report your feedback or bugs in english or italian to: @[email protected] Feel free to use it in your projects, just give credit to me. Uses of this material is not viable in commercial products. Share the thing, don't sell the sharing This set is based on the neo geo mvs shockbox insert you can dowload at http://southtown-homebrew.com/ and the official hyperspin mame wheel you can dowload at http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/ . A great thank to every artist who contributes to these projects, without them this set would not exists. If you made an insert or a wheel image used in this set and you want credit just email me, i will add your name in this .readme. Dark13
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