Man.. I feel where you are coming from. My job was going well, finances were under-control. The smaller tech company that I worked for was bought out by a larger tech company. I got a nice raise, great bonus, and all was going great with this new company... So, I put down a good amount and bought a brand new house back in June of 23. We were constantly ensured by our immediate manager and director that our jobs were very safe and they did not foresee anything happening. Well... I was laid off in July of 24. Thankfully I had severance package that would get me by for a little while... I got close to not being able to pay the mortgage, but was able to pull through somehow. I sortta expected that most companies would stop hiring until after the US elections. For the most part, I started getting multiple interviews and noticed more positions had opened with companies that I had previously queried. I recently, within the past month, got a new job with what seems to be an awesome semi-startup company. Hopefully, things will pickup for you very soon as well.
I think a lot of people forgot, or just were not around the scene, back when we first released HyperSpin upon the community. It wasn't smooth, there were tons of complaints, criticism, and overall negativity about the front-end. HyperSpin was too flashy, too graphic intensive, required too much work to setup, difficult to build themes, would take forever to get decent themes, XML game list/database, blah blah blah... I could go on with the things people said then. That was very reminiscent to the way your other thread went.
Everyone, even myself, was excited for HyperSpin 2 back nearly 10 years ago... HyperSpin has always been a hobby for the people involved in development. It seems that users forget that everyone involved in projects like this have our own lives. Several of us have families and jobs now that we didn't really have back when working on HS1 and initial HS2 development. Life happens... Original HS2 development was a casualty of life. Then Adobe killed off Flash/AS3, plugins that were relied upon for development were killed off. Microsoft killing off support for necessary libraries that HyperSpin 1 needed. Just about everything in/from the original HyperSpin 1 has become obsolete in one way or another. Even the artwork and themes... Over the years people have continued trying to expand HyperSpin. Many of you guys have great passion for HyperSpin and we don't question that at all. The enthusiasm, even after a decade, for HyperSpin is incredible.
None of us want to start anything over. Especially things that we have sunk hundreds of hours and over a decade doing...
We are very familiar with RocketLauncher and everything it can do, as it was initially created for HyperSpin. That team spun off and created the RocketLauncher you have today. RocketLauncher is great at what it can do, no doubt about it. We could have easily just incorporated RocketLauncher into HyperSpin 2, required people to set it up and be done. BOOOM! You have a new flashy front-end with an outdated, bloated, backend. We are approaching HyperSpin 2 development with a new way of thinking that does not include RocketLauncher. However, it seems that many have RocketLauncher engraved in their brains and hardwired for it to be the end all be all.
Not even 24 hours pass from release and you guys IMMEDIATELY started jumping into trying to get RL running with HyperSpin 2. This is/was a punch in the face to the work that has been done to get to this point. This goes against the overall vision that we have for HS2. We don't need testing to be done with another groups piece of software in mind. Of course we are open to suggestions and feature requests. We may not be able to give feedback to every single request, but it's read and taken into possible consideration. What we really need from the community right now and within the current state of release... What do you like that's been done so far? What is working good? What's not working? What could need enhancement? What would you like to see?
So, for not including another groups piece of software, of course this is definitely perceived as "being bitched at".