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animated images for me were not related to screen capture i was thinking about: 1. using one animated image for loading screen so that we can just put that one image instead of cycling through many of them with the script 2. using one exit 321 animated image again to avoid loops and change of exit images but it won't be a big problem if this doesn't work since i have a script that does it already for transparency - maybe i will never need it - during loading black screen over fp is quite alright, during exit also, and for pause - hi score fp screen is just fine
hi sam, welcome back, sorry about your father-in-law i don't think new thread is necessary since i'm planning major hostile takeover of thread in version 1.293 just kidding, second post is quite ok for crucial info, or some new download link what are you plans for coding? i thought about putting new things from 1.13 to 1.293 and maybe try to put pause and loading screen over fp also then i could forget about 1.13 version and we could keep just one version did you thought about putting animated AND transparent gif or png over the FP? would it work? Or non animated but transparent png - or with fp we will have to use non transparent images?
look at the hyperlaunch 1.292 source find the exitScreen: function find the lines: Loop { GetKeyState, state, Esc and change Esc to %exitEmulatorKey% Looks like Esc key was hardcoded in this function so it was checked if Esc key is down instead of if exitemulatorkey is down
from the fact that f is 70, g is 71 and i is 73, i would guess key codes are alphabetical so the key for o is 79 i've also searched google for hyperspin key codes to be sure and found this: http://people.uncw.edu/tompkinsj/112/FlashActionScript/keyCodes.htm
code above is for enabling pause key in fp for pause while esc is for exit i will probably make it that way in new release so that pause key does not depend on using exit as pause about your Esc problem - sometimes autohotkey just can't stop windows from sending a key to active window - this is true for some joysticks and gamepads and some other controllers based on joysticks controllers, and probably for your ipac, do you see your ipac as keyboard or as a joystick in windows? so what happens is esc key is mapped through script to some function but still it gets to the active window this problem was not visible before cause before that function would close vp or fp and you would not see if it got esc key press or not cause vp would be long gone, dead, closed ... what you could do now is use enter (plunger) to get back to game (which is pretty annoying) or you could map your ipac key to some non invasive key that doesn't do anything in VP - like "o" and set that "o" as exitemulatorkey in your config and in hyperpin also
do you have exit emulator key set to Esc or ~Esc? if you had ~Esc that could be the source of the problem unlike mame - esc should be used in Hyperpin so that esc key is not transfered to vp window.
1. what version of fplaunch are you using? in 1.292 (last one) if you have useExitScreen=true and UseExitAsPause=true then first option has priority so you have ONLY exit321 screen, there is no pause on exit i didn't do "short press - pause - long press - exit 321" on same key, that will be in next release 2. not possible, but you can change this: if (useExitAsPause = "true") { Paused = 0 Hotkey, $%exitEmulatorKey%, PauseFP Hotkey, $%pauseVPinball%, PauseFP Hotkey, $%pauseFPKey%, PauseFP Hotkey, $Pause, PauseFP } else Hotkey, $%exitEmulatorKey%, CloseFP to this: if (useExitAsPause = "true") { Paused = 0 Hotkey, $%exitEmulatorKey%, PauseFP Hotkey, $%pauseVPinball%, PauseFP Hotkey, $%pauseFPKey%, PauseFP Hotkey, $Pause, PauseFP } else { Paused = 0 Hotkey, $%exitEmulatorKey%, CloseFP Hotkey, $%pauseVPinball%, PauseFP Hotkey, $%pauseFPKey%, PauseFP Hotkey, $Pause, PauseFP } and recompile ahk
yup, definitely, have lots of ideas, why? only will first push through with new core.vbs http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=11875&hl=core.vbs i have version 3.33 just waiting to be published
You have this options in settings.ini file in settings directory: [FPLaunch] exitScriptKey=q & s exitEmulatorKey=Esc toggleCursorKey=t pauseVPinball=p hideCursor=true hideDesktop=true hideTaskbar=true useExitScreen=false usePauseKey=true useLoadScreen=true fadespeed=25 UseExitAsPause=true exitEmulatorKey2=1 exitEmulatorKey3=Enter pauseFPKey=RButton saveFPTables=true so just change useexitscreen to true, pausekey to g and useexitaspause to false. Actually i forgot to say - you don't need to change anything - with default options as above you can exit just by pressing 1 or Enter while in pause.
Second post is updated with links to latest download files.
i wouldn't mind but i can't i'm not the author of that post and i'm not admin or moderator, sorry maybe sam or some moderator could add link to 1.29 and 1.13 files
yup, that's what i was thinking of, send the first draft of course people will tune tables in the end but it's a quick start all these little additions are piece of cake once you get the idea, yeah i could do this, and that and so on. each peace is small but all together you get much better features with these additions
tnx settingsons, i will definitely look at your script and steel something from it I'm also thinking about a key for automating fp table positioning which would send some configurable sequence of keys to move the table and stretch it to full screen (scroll lock and then bunch of numpad keys)
no prob sam, take your time it's important that you are safe and well i've heard it is tough in australia, how is new zealand?
Nope, I'm waiting for sam's new findings and I checked posibility of having short escape doing pause and long escape doing Exit 321. It is possible, and sam and BBB are already doing that in Exit 321 script since after few milliseconds they check if key is still pressed or not and then they show next Exit 321 picture. This could be easily changed so that if after first few milliseconds key is up I fire pause script and if not i fire exit script - so that nobody has to choose between Exit 321 and pause behavior. And it could be done in vp and fp just the same. Only maybe FP would have invisible screens (or maybe not), while vp will have transparent. I could go on with this but would like to coordinate with Sam.
Just put them in your hyperpin directory, backup old version of files. Here is the list of latest versions of fplaunch: 1.2 - BBB version with Exiting in 321 screen http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?p=25856#post25856 1.28 - improved 1.2 with loading, pause and exit 321 screens http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10935 1.294 - latest version of this script based on 2.8 with fp support and pause on exit added http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?p=109551#post109551 1.13 - based on 1.1 - has exit and pause in fp and vp and some other useful features, no loading, pause and exit screens!!! http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showpost.php?p=101955&postcount=64
I'll have to check for that. Maybe i could make Esc act different based on a length of keypress - short press pause - long press exit. But right not don't know itf that's possible. As for drawing on top of FP looks like it is possible to draw black screen on top, maybe some picture also - or as sam says screenshot - I will check what has he found out. In the meanwhile here is the new version 1.13 (the one without fancy screens) but with: - hidden automatic save in FP - yup I covered FP window with black screen while it is saving - no more fp window on save - it looks much better now - fp tables are saved only when needed ie when you use scroll lock key, if you don't use scroll lock table is not saved and exit is much faster (remember that some tables are 80-90 MB so it takes some time to save them) - there is an option to disable fp save also but who would disable it if it is saved only when needed - ie when you really resize table - even if you disable fp table save - it is possible to save resized table manually with alt-f4, read on - since alt-F4 does funny things now - ie it closes players and leaves editors but you don't see it since both editors are hidden, so you don't know you have to close it - I changed Alt-F4 behavior - it closes the player and unhides VP/FP editor window, cursor and taskbar - so that you can edit tables, remove backglass objects that get in the way, or change settings right from HP - so remember Al-F4 and you are in editor, you can also debug HP launch script from there So my "Future ideas" list now looks like this: solved - hide future pinball while it is saving tables (now FP window is visible while saving - could not send save key to hidden window) - make VP automatically answer yes on new roms or any errors solved - draw screens over FP - key for screenshot (print screen, rotate and save to proper location should be done in background) solved - key for going to editor - so that when you want to edit something you can do it right from the HP (for example remove something from backglass, change resolution, change rendering options, ... ) This could be attached to Alt-F4 so that alt F4 closes the game BUT makes VP or FP window visible solved - key for showing tasklbar - or show taskbar on t together with mouse (makes debuging the script easier cause when you see taskbar you can see hyperlaunch log if you start uncompiled HL script) and here is folaunch 1.13 exe and ahk: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QY5556VN
Great, glad to hear that In 1.12 Esc and Pause can be used to pause and to get back to game. When in pause vp shows pause menu with "Quit to editor", "Debug window" and "Resume game" options. Enter or 1 on this screen gets you out of the game. Esc or pause on this screen gets you back to game. So yes - you can press esc and then pause and you will be back in game. Or esc esc, or pause pause, or pause esc. On this pause window i made focus on "quit to editor" so it is more intuitive that you have to press enter to get out. In FP there is just hi scores screeen and you have to know that you should press enter to exit. In 292 all keys are the same except that fancy loading and pause screens are used in vp Bent thank you very much for your time and your testing and support Sam if you develop something new you can use 1.292 version as a start, and continue with numbering, we don't have much numbers till final 1.3 version Future ideas - hide future pinball while it is saving tables (now FP window is visible while saving - could not send save key to hidden window) - make VP automatically answer yes on new roms or any errors - draw screens over FP - key for screenshot (print screen, rotate and save to proper location should be done in background) - key for going to editor - so that when you want to edit something you can do it right from the HP (for example remove something from backglass, change resolution, change rendering options, ... ) This could be attached to Alt-F4 so that alt F4 closes the game BUT makes VP or FP window visible - key for showing tasklbar - or show taskbar on t together with mouse (makes debuging the script easier cause when you see taskbar you can see hyperlaunch log if you start uncompiled HL script)
here are two new version 1.12 - without loading and pause screens - escape acting as pause, and version 1.292 which is with loading screen and pause screen http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CSRDNYDP http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QWGYHEEX 1 or Enter can be used to exit when in pause. Esc, Pause, P or right mouse button all act the same - as pause. And a little bug fixing, mostly focus oriented.
fp was loosing focus in first sam's version, it was because fp was launching minimized there should be no fp focus problem in 1.28 and 1.291 at least i could not get that problem, i was testing for a while just now with all combinations of options
You can use this or you can still use 321 - there is an option in settings file but 321 is not possible to implement in FP (no images possible over fp window), so this way you can have consistent behaviour on your cab in both fp and vp there is another thing advantage - you don't have to add pause key to your cab if you don't have it if you have a pause key on a cab you can use it just the same as esc I lost you on chat window when i tried to refresh to page
Here is a link to exe (and ahk v1.291) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6FZI39GP
That's new feature Esc is pausing to prevent you from unexpected exit to really exit you have to press 1 when in pause we should change pause image, instead Pause - text should be - Pause - press start to exit