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Everything posted by blur

  1. cyberk did you checked installation guide? reko, blitz do you get this blue pause screen in vp at the moment you start table or in the middle of playing table? bent I saw you asked bigboss about including slamit pinball, what i asked bigboss was to put support for multiple vp exe's and sound levels, any way in time i will probably put both but i will try to fix as much bugs as possible before adding any new functionality, cause with new functionalities it will be more and more code to trace for old bugs i've also noticed something while testing on windows7 with ati 4850 - first pause in fp gives me desktop instead of fp pause screen second pause and all after that are ok i found that printscreen gives desktop image instaed of fp image on first usage i tried to put one print screen at launch of fp - did not help i also tried to put two consecutive print screens and use only image from last one - also did not help, it looks like first shown image is always desktop, and second one is ok did anybody had this problem also?
  2. you get fp pause or blue pause screen or both? if it is fp pause maybe you clicked right mouse buton, try using middle mouse button (wheel button) in script and fp instead? if it is blue pause screen - then it can be Esc or P or Pause button, they all invoke same function. do you have these keys somewhere is it possible that they are accidentally pressed? As for big boss changes, i've sent pm to big boss for permission few days ago. there is no answer for now until i get the answer all changes from big boss are on hold, but anybody can merge them for them self in their script.
  3. yup, it's already added so to summarize there is no solution for fp backglass on newest nvidia drivers on win7? alt tab helps momentarily but when you return to playfield backglass is not visible again? And this problem happens in hp and outside of hp? and winactivate and winset always on top in fplaunch script doesn't help?
  4. it can be easily added to fplaunch script you can also remove vpversion checks from table script
  5. this script catches only messages Please... Game Info... Notice... other messages are not covered, but can be added you don't have cab pinmame?
  6. this is not good, if you alt-tab to backglass and then you see it and when you get back to fp you don't see it again, that means that i can't solve this with winactivate cause winactivate is same as alt-tab can you try to put fp in xp compatibility mod or out of compatibility mod if you have it already? you can also try to put : Winset, AlwaysOnTop, On, ahk_class FuturePinballOpenGLSecondary and maybe: Winset, AlwaysOnTop, Off, HyperPin Winset, AlwaysOnTop, Off, HGlass1 instead all these bolded lines cause winactivate doesn't help. What hides the backglass after alt-tab if you are not in hyperpin? As for default exe, you can put anything to be your vpinball.exe, it can be 908, 911, 912, anything, it's up to you to choose. for other i will use file with: table name exe name table name exe name so you can also use many exe versions here.
  7. great looks like i will have to activate backglass after pause too, maybe pause hides fp backglass and puts hyperpin backglass in front do you have scores on backglass on first start before you enter any pause? And do you have scores on backglass when you run FP outside of hyperpin? why do you have hyperpin video running all the time? it should close, can you disable it and see if it helps? Here is info from ultimarc about key repeat rate: Do you have usb or ps2 ipac? If it is usb default polling interval is 1 millisecond which os awfully small (thousand clicks in a sec - no wonder you get lots of tilts) - but it can be changed to 5 or 10 milliseconds in registry - search internet for usb polling interval. this will make your pc breath easier when you hold some keyif it's ps2 bad luck - looks like it is hardcoded
  8. FP focus should not be a problem, try to add this at the end of FP launching (just before VP launching): Gui, destroy [b] WinWait, ahk_class FuturePinballOpenGLSecondary,,10 WinActivate, ahk_class FuturePinballOpenGLSecondary [/b][b]WinWaitActive, ahk_class FuturePinballOpenGLSecondary,,2 [/b][b] WinActivate, ahk_class FuturePinballOpenGL [/b] Process, WaitClose, Future Pinball.exe } ;**********************************VISUAL PINBALL*********************************** else if (systemName = "Visual Pinball" && (executable = "VPinball.exe")) It waits for up to 10 seconds for second screen, if it appears it activates it. if not nothing. it has to be time limited cause some tables might not have second screen. if some table loads more then 10 seconds try to increase 10
  9. Here is the new version 1.295 wip (work in progress). Not the final 1.295 but only temporary one with all the above bug fixes. (gui destroy, exiting flag and commented taskbar) Compiled exe included, no images. Removal of nag screens is also implemented. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1HY7QXE0
  10. Great reko, tnx. Blitz, did you put gui destroy and exiting code in your script? CreateBlackScreen: CaptureScreen(3) [b]Gui 5: Destroy[/b] Gui 5: Color, 000000 ... CreateExitScreen: Gui, Destroy Loop, 4 { ExitPic = Exit_%A_Index%.png [b]Gui %A_Index%: Destroy[/b] Gui %A_Index%: Color, EEAA99 ... As you probably figured out you add only bolded text. Unbolded text around is only for you to find where to put it. And of course like in any programming language position where you put the code is important. Size is not important but position is important. Do you have something like delay and key rate setting on your ipac? maybe you could change it? You can test your key rate with simple ahk script. Put this in your test.ahk file: #InstallKeybdHook #InstallMouseHook #KeyHistory 500 Then double click on this file. Autohotkey will start in the tray. Press your exit key for two seconds. Double click on ahk in tray and open View -> Key history in ahk window. You will see something like this: VK SC Type Up/Dn Elapsed Key Window ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1B 001 d 2.23 Esc Program Manager <- first press, two seconds after launching test script 1B 001 d 0.50 Esc <- second press is sent after half a second 1B 001 d 0.03 Esc <- third key down event is now sent every 0.03 second 1B 001 d 0.03 Esc <- I'm still holding the exit key 1B 001 d 0.03 Esc 1B 001 d 0.03 Esc 1B 001 d 0.03 Esc 1B 001 d 0.05 Esc 1B 001 d 0.03 Esc 1B 001 d 0.03 Esc 1B 001 d 0.03 Esc 1B 001 d 0.03 Esc 1B 001 u 0.03 Esc <-exit key is released Show me how your key history looks like. This delay and rate setting could be set from old bioses if you remember it. Maybe it is set very high for firing mame games, but you don't need fast rate for pinball, so you can change it all together. You can also see this rate in notepad - when you press some letter - first there is only one letter, then small pause and then lots of letters comes in. You can also test your delay in notepad but you won't get precise numbers.
  11. for taskbar comment these lines in exitscript: ExitScript: Loop, 5 Gui, %A_Index%: Destroy Process, Exist, HyperPin.exe PID := errorLevel [b];no need to show taskbar on exit, it can only cause problems ;it was already commented in 1.10 ;if (hideTaskbar = "true") { ;WinShow ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd ;WinShow Start ahk_class Button ;} [/b]
  12. Here is the solution for exit321 screen. Add this: ExitScreen: [b] if (Exiting = 1) return else Exiting = 1[/b] LoopVal = 0 and this: } else { [b]Exiting = 0[/b] if (LoopVal < 10 && useExitAsPause = "true") { if (systemName = "Visual Pinball")
  13. And another idea. You have ipac, right? And you had problems with nudging device producing too many nudges and tilting games. I think that's connected - what happens here is that you press and hold exit key. That exit key is sent hundreds time per second. On normal keyboard only key down event would produce one hotkey event. With ipac every key press event somehow produces keydown event and you get many hot key events. So script enters into exitscreen: section many many times over and over again. And on beginning of exit screen section is loopval=0 command and loopval is public so all of these exitscreens that are executing on every key press are changing the same variable so this variable never gets to 10 which is a prerequisite to get exit321 screen soon each of them starts creating blackscreen and pause screen in parallel, so that's why they produce the error above, and why exit321 screen doesn't work how to solve this - same as with my fix for tiempo filtro - i will add public variable exit and set it to 1 as soon as i enter exit screen. next exit screen will exit if exit is set to 1 i'll send you the code tomorow (only small part to insert it and test it)
  14. tnx numiah, tnx buzz though, i would never done this without Sam Sam you have our support down there in New Zealand
  15. Blitz here is quick solution for problem from this image. Every gui has to be destroyed first before it is used (because old one could exist). So add gui destroy in every section that has creation of new gui without destroying it first, namely CreateBlackScreen and CreateExitScreen. It should look like this: CreateBlackScreen: CaptureScreen(3) [b]Gui 5: Destroy[/b] Gui 5: Color, 000000 ... CreateExitScreen: Gui, Destroy Loop, 4 { ExitPic = Exit_%A_Index%.png [b]Gui %A_Index%: Destroy[/b] Gui %A_Index%: Color, EEAA99 ... try if this will fix anything else, maybe exit321 in 294 in fp will work now?
  16. Tnx for info. FYI just o a short note, what i was afraid of was true - samwyze lives in Cristchurch - city that was hit by major earthquake recently. Luckily Sam and his family are ok, and house is still standing, he just got power yesterday. Sam our thoughts are with you.
  17. that one is already there (rosve backglasses) and in next release i will try to put bigboss functionality also
  18. This error could be helpful. I will check why it could happen. I tested a little yesterday on windows 7 with ati 4850 and did not have any problems with exit 321 screen with 1.293 or 1.294. I did notice however that sometimes on first run print screen is executed too slow so when print screen is done, fp window is long gone and screenshot shows desktop. Looks like little bit more timing will have to be put in script. For exit321 however since i don't get problems on any comp i will need someone with this problem and authotkey installed to do this: in hyperpin dir create shortcut to fplaunch.ahk (alt + drag and drop) open properties of this shortcut and add "Future Pinball" "2001_V200" to the end of command, so command should now be: ..path..fplaunch.ahk "Future Pinball" "2001_V200" name of the table has to be exact same as your fpt file name when you get in game press esc and hold it for 5 seconds and release it then press Alt-F4 this will close fp player, and give you fp editor and taskbar on taskbar in tray find hotlaunch and double click on it, this will open autohotkey window copy the entire text from this windows and put it here here is example how it looks for me, when all is working: Script lines most recently executed (oldest first). Press [F5] to refresh. The seconds elapsed between a line and the one after it is in parentheses to the right (if not 0). The bottommost line's elapsed time is the number of seconds since it executed. 554: } 570: LoopVal += 1 571: } 528: GetKeyState,state,%exitEmulatorKey%,P 529: if state = D 531: if (loopVal = 10) 542: if LoopVal = 40 544: if LoopVal = 70 546: Sleep,%fadespeed% (0.03) 547: if (loopVal = 100) 554: } 570: LoopVal += 1 571: } 528: GetKeyState,state,%exitEmulatorKey%,P 529: if state = D 531: if (loopVal = 10) 542: if LoopVal = 40 544: if LoopVal = 70 546: Sleep,%fadespeed% (0.03) ... parts removed 529: if state = D 531: if (loopVal = 10) 542: if LoopVal = 40 544: if LoopVal = 70 546: Sleep,%fadespeed% (0.03) 547: if (loopVal = 100) 554: } 570: LoopVal += 1 571: } 528: GetKeyState,state,%exitEmulatorKey%,P 529: if state = D 555: if (LoopVal < 10 && useExitAsPause = "true") 561: Loop,5 562: Gui,%A_Index%: Destroy 562: Gui,%A_Index%: Destroy 562: Gui,%A_Index%: Destroy (0.03) 562: Gui,%A_Index%: Destroy 562: Gui,%A_Index%: Destroy 563: WinActivate,Visual Pinball Player,,DMD (0.03) 564: WinActivate,ahk_class FuturePinballOpenGL (0.11) 565: } 566: Transvalue = 0 567: LoopVal = 0 568: Break 572: Return (19.73) 323: if (Paused = 1) 325: WinActivate,ahk_class FuturePinballOpenGL (0.11) 326: WinWaitActive,ahk_class FuturePinballOpenGL (0.11) 327: Send,{Esc} 328: WinWaitClose,ahk_class FuturePinballOpenGL (0.81) 329: WinShow,ahk_class FuturePinball (0.11) 330: WinRestore,ahk_class FuturePinball (0.13) 331: WinActivate,ahk_class FuturePinball (0.11) 332: WinWaitActive,ahk_class FuturePinball (0.11) 333: SystemCursor("On") 616: if (OnOff = "Init" || OnOff = "I" || $ = "") 632: if (OnOff = 0 || OnOff = "Off" || $ = "h" && (OnOff < 0 || OnOff = "Toggle" || OnOff = "T")) 639: $ = h 641: WinShow,ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd (0.11) 642: WinShow,Start ahk_class Button 643: } 645: Loop,%c0% 647: h_cursor := DllCall( "CopyImage", "uint",%$%%A_Index%, "uint",2, "int",0, "int",0, "uint",0 ) 648: DllCall( "SetSystemCursor", "uint",h_cursor, "uint",c%A_Index% ) 649: } ... parts removed 647: h_cursor := DllCall( "CopyImage", "uint",%$%%A_Index%, "uint",2, "int",0, "int",0, "uint",0 ) 648: DllCall( "SetSystemCursor", "uint",h_cursor, "uint",c%A_Index% ) 649: } 650: } 334: WinShow,ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd (0.11) 335: WinShow,Start ahk_class Button 336: Suspend,On 337: WinWait,ahk_class FuturePinballOpenGL (15.33) Press [F5] to refresh. then in ahk window select menu: View - Variables and their content, again copy whole text and put here. example: Global Variables (alphabetical) -------------------------------------------------- 0[1 of 3]: 2 1[14 of 63]: Future Pinball 2[9 of 63]: 2001_V200 DMD[0 of 0]: emuPath[39 of 63]: D:\Dean\Games\Emulatori\Future Pinball\ emuPathBackSlash[1 of 3]: \ ending[0 of 0]: ErrorLevel[1 of 3]: 0 executable[18 of 63]: Future Pinball.exe Exit[0 of 0]: exitEmulatorKey[3 of 3]: Esc exitEmulatorKey2[1 of 3]: 1 exitEmulatorKey3[5 of 7]: Enter Exiting[1 of 3]: 0 exitpic[10 of 63]: Exit_4.png exitScriptKey[5 of 7]: q & s fadespeed[2 of 3]: 25 hExit[4 of 7]: 1011 hideCursor[4 of 7]: true hideDesktop[4 of 7]: true hideTaskbar[4 of 7]: true hLoad[4 of 7]: 1011 hLoadProgress[3 of 3]: 255 hPause[1 of 3]: 0 hyperini[54 of 63]: D:\Dean\Games\Emulatori\HyperPin\Settings\Settings.ini iniEmuPath[39 of 63]: D:\Dean\Games\Emulatori\Future Pinball\ iniKeys[217 of 259]: exitScriptKey,exitEmulatorKey,hideCursor,toggleCursorKey,hid... iniTablePath[46 of 63]: D:\Dean\Games\Emulatori\Visual Pinball\Tables\ Loading[0 of 0]: loadpic[8 of 63]: 0x18095c loadspeed[3 of 3]: 250 LoopVal[1 of 3]: 0 Paused[1 of 3]: 0 pauseFPKey[7 of 7]: RButton PausePic[8 of 63]: 0x19095c pauseVPinball[1 of 3]: p picDir[55 of 63]: D:\Dean\Games\Emulatori\HyperPin\Media\HyperPin\Images\ PID[0 of 0]: ProgBar[3 of 3]: 125 romExtension[0 of 0]: romFound[0 of 0]: saveFPNeeded[0 of 0]: saveFPTables[4 of 7]: true ScreenPic[0 of 0]: state[1 of 3]: U systemName[14 of 63]: Future Pinball tableName[9 of 63]: 2001_V200 tablePath[46 of 63]: D:\Dean\Games\Emulatori\Visual Pinball\Tables\ tablePathBackSlash[1 of 3]: \ toggleCursorKey[1 of 3]: t Transvalue[1 of 3]: 0 useExitAsPause[4 of 7]: true useExitScreen[4 of 7]: true useLoadScreen[4 of 7]: true usePauseKey[4 of 7]: true wExit[3 of 3]: 253 wLoad[3 of 3]: 253 wLoadProgress[2 of 3]: 26 wPause[1 of 3]: 0 xecutable[0 of 0]: xExit[3 of 3]: 714 xLoad[3 of 3]: 714 xLoadProgress[3 of 3]: 190 xPause[3 of 3]: 840 yExit[2 of 3]: 20 yLoad[2 of 3]: 20 yLoadProgress[3 of 3]: 378 yPause[3 of 3]: 525 then View -> Hotkeys and Methods example: Type Off? Running Name ------------------------------------------------------------------- k-hook q & s reg(no) t k-hook $*Esc k-hook $*p k-hook $*Pause k-hook 1 $!F4 k-hook $ScrollLock and then get back to fp player with f5 or play, press Esc in FP for five seconds again, get back to this window (alt-f4) and now choose View - Key History and script info it is important that you get back to fp player first so that i can see esc (or e or your button for exit) key press and how it is interpreted, since only 40 newest keys are shown in here. You can put command #KeyHistory 500 somewhere in the script to get more keys in history. Again copy this text and put it here example: Window: D:\Dean\Games\Emulatori\HyperPin\FPLaunch.ahk - AutoHotkey v1.0.48.05 Keybd hook: yes Mouse hook: no Enabled Timers: 0 of 0 () Interrupted threads: 1 (preempted: they will resume when the current thread finishes) Paused threads: 0 of 2 (2 layers) Modifiers (GetKeyState() now) = Modifiers (Hook's Logical) = Modifiers (Hook's Physical) = Prefix key is down: no NOTE: To disable the key history shown below, add the line "#KeyHistory 0" anywhere in the script. The same method can be used to change the size of the history buffer. For example: #KeyHistory 100 (Default is 40, Max is 500) The oldest are listed first. VK=Virtual Key, SC=Scan Code, Elapsed=Seconds since the previous event. Types: h=Hook Hotkey, s=Suppressed (blocked), i=Ignored because it was generated by an AHK script, a=Artificial, #=Disabled via #IfWinActive/Exist. VK SC Type Up/Dn Elapsed Key Window ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 019 h d 6.78 P Future Pinball - © 2008 BSP Software Design Solutions 50 019 s u 0.09 P 50 019 h d 1.55 P pauseScreen 50 019 s u 0.13 P Future Pinball - © 2008 BSP Software Design Solutions 1B 001 h d 3.14 Esc 1B 001 h d 0.50 Esc 1B 001 h d 0.03 Esc 1B 001 h d 0.05 Esc 1B 001 h d 0.03 Esc 1B 001 h d 0.03 Esc 1B 001 h d 0.03 Esc 1B 001 h d 0.03 Esc 1B 001 h d 0.03 Esc FPLaunch.ahk 1B 001 h d 0.03 Esc 1B 001 h d 0.03 Esc 1B 001 h d 0.05 Esc 1B 001 h d 0.03 Esc 1B 001 h d 0.03 Esc 1B 001 h d 0.03 Esc 1B 001 h d 0.03 Esc 1B 001 h d 0.03 Esc 1B 001 h d 0.03 Esc 1B 001 h d 0.03 Esc 1B 001 h d 0.05 Esc 1B 001 h d 0.03 Esc 1B 001 s u 0.02 Esc A4 038 d 3.58 Alt Future Pinball - © 2008 BSP Software Design Solutions 73 03E h d 0.30 F4 73 03E s u 0.19 F4 11 01D i d 0.03 Ctrl 11 01D i u 0.00 Ctrl A4 038 i u 0.00 Alt 1B 001 i d 0.00 Esc 1B 001 i u 0.00 Esc 11 01D i d 0.00 Ctrl A4 038 i d 0.00 Alt 11 01D i u 0.00 Ctrl A4 038 u 0.02 Alt A2 01D i d 0.00 Ctrl A2 01D i u 0.00 Ctrl Press [F5] to refresh. press play to get back to fp and then exit from the game to get autohotkey and fp closed cleanly (if you just close fp editor - autohotkey will stay suspended in the tray - but you can close it manually)
  19. i was looking at the code and code for exit321 looks unchanged however pause code is totally different cause only change in 294 was that pause had to be sent to fp first and then print screen, loading of that print screen and so on this might cause this problem about fp loading times - just like vp, fp has some time when it loads table from disk - this is where you see loading screen, it is like when you do open file from fp before during this time you would see black screen or nothing, just HP window (you could even think that nothing is happening). After that when table loads in FP - you need some time to run the table - this is like when you press F5 in fp. During this period blue loading screen is removed and you see fp loading screen. as for this pause in 1.293 and in 1.294 - can you send me screenshots how pause looks like in one and the other, maybe from pictures i will get the idea what is happening i will also try to find win7 machine to test this.
  20. I will try to get backglass in focus with ahk script. This seams easier then fixing printscreen - blackscreen problem. What is it that 293 does better then 294? long press on exit key? I will look into this (check what change could cause long press to stop working) Too bad that taskbar is still flashing. For desktop flashing - i will check why it is happening (hyperpin should always be behind - so desktop should never appear).
  21. yup, i think it will be that way - general errors that can happen i can't predict. But for those standard nag screens i can get title, ahk class and close it with few keystrokes when they show up
  22. yup, ledwiz is there but commented out so that general population doesn't get errors
  23. Did you checked installation guide? http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?p=100473#post100473 Did you copied images? Did you configured pause button in FP?
  24. what controller? what options? Did you checked installation guide?
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