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Everything posted by Marcoqwerty

  1. Hello! Can you confirm that ftp is still offline?
  2. SOLVED Ok the issue was related to these resolution, i miss this BUG from Hyperspin and its weird that i always install these resolution without issues. BTW The step to fix this is to lower the number of resolution also if you are using the SUPER RESOLUTION (Groovymame) I select 100 Resolution and setup all with Super Resolution. Hyperspin back to life.
  3. Maybe this could be the issue? From the Calamity forum....
  4. Ehi Ciao! grazie per la velocissima risposta! Niente...ma almeno adesso esce un'errore. Ehi thank you for the answer at least now i got some error but i dont know if its good or not. Basically it say thet "he dont find the entry point....in the dynamic link ntdll.dll"
  5. Hello! Im stuck with this issue that is killing my mood, i alerady have 4 cab with different spec and i had solved all the time every kind of issue without any problem, but this is weird. I have windows 7 with hyperspin and suddenly the exe of Hyperpin, HyperHQ and Hypertheme decided to dont load on one of my 15hz cab. Idk what happen also because the same evening i play several times before and all was fine. ISSUE : Hyperspin HyperHQ Hypertheme load quickly and after shoutdown (im able to see them for one second under Activity Process) This what i did meanwhile: - Updated the Hyperspin version to the 1.5.1 - Admin permission to everything - Stopped the Defender Service - Copy the whole HS folder from another pc (in the other works also if its under the USB drive, in the one with the issue NO) Actually im stuck and i have no other idea. I did only few things from the first play and the "issue discovering" : - Updated the Virus Definition and some other Update (these last one fail) - Install modeline for Mame (and change some settings into the .ini of Mame) Other stuff that i test: - Hyperlaunch works perfectly - Mame and other emulators works Good if i will able to know what happens while i load these files, but from the Event Manager i see nothing of relevant (or there is some other way to take a deep look) This is the first time that happen and im totally lost, then after few hours of deep reserch i decided to ask here! I hope to find a solution, or at least some idea to try, probably this is related to the cab for sure; i was thinking something about the Defender but after deactivated all i lost the hope. Thank you !
  6. Version 1.0.1


    Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection 4:3 version Video not included
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Zaccaria Pinball 4:3 PC GAME THEME
  8. Version 1.0.0


    CHASE HQ2 4:3 theme for the coin-op game
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Electronic Games 4:3 MAIN MENU MADrigal's Tribute Obliviously the sprite are moving with background noise (mp3 inside)
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Mysterious stones 4:3 theme...with falling rocks
  11. Version 1.0.1


    Darkmist MAME 4:3 theme Give me a like if you download it
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Wheel Fade Theme for FightnRage pc game (4:3 Theme) For the video every 16:9 gameplay are allowed.
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Theme, Wheel and Fade for Slap & Beans PC STEAM game Used this video for preview: ...to BUD!
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Donkey Me theme by Marcoqwerty
  15. Version 1.0


    Theme for THE PINBALL ARCADE pc pinball game 4:3
  16. Version 1.1


    Special Art 3 with Dynamic Time and Date....with dark13 support! Installation: - Simply put the file (ENG or ITA formatted) in desidered Theme folder...and rename SpecialA3.swf (best on MAIN MENU > C:\Hyperspin\Media\Main Menu\Images\Special\ ) - Copy the folder (don't rename it) to C:\Hyperspin\ (need exacly this path) (result C:\Hyperspin\Widget) - Changing location for weather widget To change location you need to copy folder into C:\HyperSpin It's MANDATORY as the .swf file will read WEATHEREXAMPLE.xml to retrieve the information for your city, if you have HyperSpin installed on another hard drive letter just create in c: HyperSpin folder. Once you've done that connect to https://weather.yahoo.com/ and search for the city you want to have weather for. Search for it even if Yahoo! get your city on the fly. Look at the URL once the page has loaded If you don't see the format below click on left link DETECT MY LOCATION Do you see the number 721943 ? I's the WOIED of the city you have searched and the .swf need that code to show a specific city's weather, in this case Italy, Rome now open C:\HyperSpin\Widget\WEATHER.xml , it's a really simple file <xml> <woied>721943</woied> <farcel>c</farcel> </xml>
  17. Version 1.0


    USE THE CROPPED VIDEO INCLUDED HERE ! This simulation it's recreated perfectly to Geecab from AC - http://forum.arcadec...?topic=134445.0
  18. Version 2015


    Saint Seiya Soldiers' Soul PC GAMES 2015 Video here:
  19. Version 20140422


    Pitfall II (315-5093) - pitfall2 (MAME) Video Snap available at EmuMovies
  20. Version 20140511


    Puzzle & Action: Tant-R (Japan) - tantr (MAME) Video Snap available from EmuMovies
  21. Version 20140528


    Vastar (set 1) - vastar (MAME) Video Snap available at EmuMovies
  22. Version 20140420


    Paddle Mania - paddlema (MAME) Video Snap available at EmuMovies
  23. Version 20140508


    Mutant Fighter (World ver EM-5) - mutantf (MAME) Video Snap available at EmuMovies
  24. Version 20140508


    N.Y. Captor - nycaptor (MAME) Video Snap available at EmuMovies
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