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About sanchezmike01

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    Perth amboy, NJ

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  1. Finally got it...lol
  2. As far as monitor games for the apple1 I can load them up with no problems.....now as far as basic games, I'm having issues....any one of yall tested out the basic loading games yet?
  3. Oh man...I forgot major issue...hahaha ....the pc version I uploaded is mame standalone while I'm on mame RetroArch android....ill wait till 1 of yall launch from RetroArch to see if there are any differences or not compared to the android version
  4. Yea sometimes non mame stuff plays well on mame.....if yeti had a spreadsheet of all software systems he has I can compare to things I got as well..BUT, I have major limitations like only using android and only using mame 0.227...anything beyond that is a waste for me as newer versions on mame on Android can only be used for actual arcade games only....I may have 1 or 2 systems not on the mame softlist but working within mame....the weird thing about machintosh is that some boot up and load for me while others just boot up to the os ...the only thing I can think about is maybe the Mac drivers were updated and enhanced beyond mame 0.227....I tested each game on the pc and android, all boot up to the games on the pc and on Android it was hit or miss
  5. No problem....pipmick gets all the credit, I'm just passing the info....also he explains everything in detail pertaining to using joysticks or keyboards in this video https://youtu.be/i7vdV0-ujmU
  6. https://mega.nz/file/P1Q0VDqR#OhomZHj6XPgNnlgfMAz0IY4RLrd8lT_n-4INf7fjf7U
  7. Ok...I think my issue is the mame version....again because of android I am limited to mame 0.227....I tried on windows and everything launches....ill upload the wheels , vids, and mame to use...just launch the bat files and the magic happens....all credit goes to pipmick from coinops...u will need a main and default theme and the correct folder setup
  8. Hi, I'm currently at work. I use android so I have no choice but to use the full rom path...im not sure about relative paths on windows...BUT a simple batch script can simplify the cmd files for all users..,as far as Softlist, no I got a few games from coinops people....what is the official name for mame Softlist pertaining to this system? And is it somewhat new...on Android I am limited to mame 0.227 and below. Any Softlist systems past 0.227 causes mame RetroArch to crash on Android..I have everything for 0.227 so I may already have the games...if not then private me so I can locate the full Softlist for this system
  9. I used a mix of dsk and chd loading from the command line on RetroArch android
  10. This weekend I should be able to check further.. Oregon trail doesn't load for me but these 2 did
  11. what games for the machintosh do u have running......i only use android but its all more or less the same thing when it comes to retroarch........i have several games running thru mame...i can take a look and see.....also for yeti, can u post 1 ini sample....i want to use save states but not for all cores
  12. I never tried family basic..I only used the generic Famicom from years ago...do u have another example of a computer system?....the ones u recently did I haven't had time 2 convert for RetroArch android yet....maybe I can use one of those as an example
  13. Wassup my guy.....I been following you for a while and I integrate ur setups on hyperspin android....quick question i have for you....why don't u use the command line to launch these games?....with cmd files to launch the games , you automate the commands to type to launch the games or choose the bios to use etc...with cmd files you also don't need a hash file and the game can be named anything you want....the only reason I can think to not use it would be to make it universal for others to use...because on the cmd files you must have the bios location and the rom location and we all know it will vary depending on the user
  14. @pmindemann if u have questions just ask on here so u dont spend 2 hours trying to figure it out.....most ppl on here don't talk much but are pretty advanced in android....I myself don't talk much anymore but I've setup pretty much everything that is possible on android....now I just focus on vintage computers from the mame software list....fyi you can setup both neogeo mvs and aes easily with the proper themes....the main difference is mvs will show "insert coin" while the aes will show "press start"....the average person will never know the difference but the purist will
  15. It be like that sometimes....sometimes it plays the swf themes other times it crashes......been like that since the 2015 shield.....its best to not use swf for android......thats one of the reasons I changed up my whole theme to a more universal setup...between swf themes and not every system having box art and cart art....I changed all my default themes to a metallic background with metallic wheels , the system title all changed to a metallic color and just the game wheels and game videos are showing
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