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Can't start games in MAME??


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Hello, I set up my hyper spin and rocket launcher today and everything seemed to go smoothly.  When I start hyper spin and go to mame and hit enter it takes me to the games but when I choose a game and hit start it doesn't do anything.  I know the games are good cause I can launch them from rocket launcher.  So any ideas on what I could try so I can get this thing working?  Thanks in advance for your help!!


You have MAME set up under Global Emulators tab?

You have the path to the MAME exe and the path to the roms set correctly?


yes, I have the paths set correctly in rocket launcher for both mame and the roms.  When I run hyper spin, I can hit enter on mame and it will show all the games but when I hit enter on a game it brings up a rocket launcher script asking to check a game.  Im so lost, ive loaded hyper spin and rocket launcher 3 different ways that ive found on the net and none of them have worked yet.  I would really appreciate any and all help, thanks!!


Are you using 1.3 version of Hyperspin as in the normal?


If so and you have RL running, you cannot tick the box in HyperHQ that states ONLY SHOW ROMS.  It will not work.


Also you need to use the TRANSTION TOOL from the rLauncher Website if you have not already.


Try that and then give me a shout if still probs... good luck mate :D


here are the log file.  I don't know about the transition tool in rocket launcher, none of the setup pages have said anything about it.  do you mean a transition tool for hyper launcher to rocket launcher, I never had hyper launcher installed, I started with rocket launcher.



hey simply Austin, I have been trying to load rocket launcher but I watched your video and found the link to hyper launcher and did a fresh install of hyper spin and hyper launcher.  now when I start hyper spin and go to select a mame game I get this screen.  What do I need to do now?



i was stuck at that same point earlier and i found the missing file in my computer and added it to the directory.... I was then able to launch games from the launcher but im still stuck with launching from hyperspin :(

  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Help help help. I am testing mine I followed the videos and when I get to the wheel I select mame and the 2 games I have in my rom path show up but there are more than one of them and when i hit enter nothing happens

The games launch when I click on games icon and system audit on rocket launcher


Drew I had the same problem.. You have to make sure the path set in the hyperspin settings ini matches. Even though my location was set to c:\Rocketlauncher\RocketLauncher.exe I had to capitalize the L in the first RocketLauncher even though it was how the drive was written and it started working.. Give that a try.


i checked that  i copy and pasted  no mistakes   i redid the software 3 times   about to go nuts     it lauches from the rocketlauncher ui games icon     mame wheel comes up the game shows hit enter and nothing   any other suggestions  about to quit 


Drew, Like I said I had copy and pasted mine and it didn't work so I had to change it.  My Copy and Paste stated C:\Rocklauncher\RocketLauncher.exe..... and I had to change it to make sure the L in first rocketlauncher was capitilized to match the Exe.. So now mine reads. C:\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncher.exe... Try that...Dont rely on copy and paste. It was driving me nuts.  Paste and post what your path is set up in the settings.ini for us to look at.  Make sure you manually added RocketLauncher.exe to the end of the path.. It won't be there from copy and paste, that might be an issue too.


I tried that. Did it letter by letter it's right Don't know what else to do. Spent way too much time getting this to work. Thanks for your input. I'm at the point where I am going to buy a preloaded drive


I tried that. Did it letter by letter it's right Don't know what else to do. Spent way too much time getting this to work. Thanks for your input. I'm at the point where I am going to buy a preloaded drive

If you buy a pre-loaded drive you'll be even more frustrated. I started that way and within days realized that everything on it was so out of date and set up so poorly that I had to scrap it all and start from scratch anyway. Plus, no one here will be able to offer you help at all since we will no have what versions of roms, emus and apps you are running or if it was setup correctly.

If you followed Ghutches tutorial from scratch that he posted earlier in this thread it should be working, so I'm guessing you either accidentally missed a step, have an incorrect path somewhere or simply have something miss-named. Like he said the naming has to be perfect (caps, spaces punctuation etc...) across files and programs. What are your MAME settings in HyperHQ? What is in your Hyperspin .ini file?

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...


(Assuming you have already downloaded RocketLauncher, HyperSpin 1.3, and replaced the HyperSpin 1.3 exe with the HyperSpin 1.4 exe and also replaced the "scripts" folder that came with the HyperSpin 1.4 download)


Point HyperSpin toward the correct location and program

1) Open HyperSpin\Settings\Settings.ini

2) Change the tenth line down to the following:



(Note: Hyperlaunch is the old name for RocketLauncher. Don't change "Hyperlaunch_Path" just change the directory entry to point toward RocketLauncher.exe in your system. Obviously if your RocketLauncher.exe file is not located in your "C" drive then don't put "C" put the correct drive letter.)


Configure RocketLauncher so it can "talk" with HyperSpin:

1) Open RocketLauncherUI.exe, go to "RocketLauncherUI" tab at top of screen

2) Click on "Frontends" tab, then on green "+" button, and add HyperSpin 1.4 to the Frontends list

Name: HyperSpin 1.4

Path: Locate the HyperSpin 1.4 exe on your drive

RocketLauncherUI Plugin: Auto-Detect

RocketLauncher Plugin: HyperSpin

3) Select HyperSpin 1.4 Frontend that you just created so that it highlights it in the list.

4) Click the circle with red dot icon above "Path" (Still in the RocketLauncherUI tab)


Add Future Pinball to RocketLauncher:

1) Click green "+" symbol at top left of RocketLauncherUI screen (Under "Select a System")

Choose System Name: Future Pinball

Select Emulator: (Click green "+" to create emulator...then...

Name: Future Pinball

Path: Point to your systems Future Pinball.exe file

Rom Extensions: fpt

Module: Future Pinball (Will be in the list if RocketLauncher is up to date)




Select Rom Path(s): Point to your systems rom path with Future Pinball (.fpt) tables (make sure all of your tables and their associated files are in one folder, not invarous folders)

Database Creation: Generate Database from Rom Path

(Click next, look at "Overview" if you want, then click "Finish")


Set up HyperHQ so that HyperSpin knows what tables you have:

1) Open HyperHQ.exe

2) Click on "Wheel Settings" tab

3) Click "Choose a Wheel" drop down, and Select "Future Pinball"

Configure settings:

Execution: HyperLaunch (This is "RocketLauncher" they are just using its old name "HyperLaunch")

PC Game: Disabled


Rom Path: Point to your systems rom path with Future Pinball tables/associated Future Pinball files

Params: (Leave this blank)

Extensions: fpt

Use Full Path To Roms: Enabled

Search Subfolders: Enabled

WinState: HIDDEN

Command Line Preview: (This should be auto filled in, but in case it's not type the following exactly as it appears here immediately after this parentheses->)HyperLaunch.exe "Future Pinball" "RomName"

Note: HyperHQ auto saves as soon as you make any changes so you can close out of the program if you like or leave it open if you'd rather, but you're done with it for the Future Pinball setup.


Open HyperSpin.exe, locate "Future Pinball" in your list, select your favorite pinball table, hit start, and have fun!




On a side note not related to my directions above: If you get an error in HyperSpin about the xml file being invalid just locate the xml in "Databases" in both the HyperSpin and RocketLauncherUI folders, right click on them, click edit, and find the table "300" it has one too many quotation marks (") (you'll see three of them in a row, delete one of them and save the file before you close it)


My PC games are doing the Same thing now... Worked for two years and Now Nothing..They Launch in The Launcher but not in Hyperspin.........HELP!



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