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Super mario bros. Crossover


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Just found this game last night and its awesome for what it is. Web/flash based game.

I followed a thread (an old thread) on byoac forum where they talked about making the swf file into an exe for offline play but then the thread died and been silent since years ago.

Just wondered if anyone here has played it and found a way to get it to play offline and running from HS?


I've stumbled upon this game a few months back. There is an exe version to be found on the official forums but there are some downsides. It's an old version, v1.2.0.3 and it cannot be made fullscreen.

You can also download the most recent version as an swf file for offline play but here again we have the problem that if you want fullscreen mode the flash application asks you to visit their site and launch the game from the browser. To play the flash version offline you just need any flash player.


So to answer your question, yes I've found an exe version and also the most recent version for offline play, but they cannot be played in fullscreen mode which is such a shame.


It's an awesome game!


I just use it as an swf and launch it through flash player projector as the emulator:




Look under the Windows downloads. I just use the flash player projector module in rlauncher and map my controller to the keyboard using xpadder. I actually have an entire wheel dedicated to flash games - there's a lot of really fun, arcade friendly games. Abobo's Big Adventure is another can't miss title.


Good luck!


Thanks guys...ill mess with it today and check out abobos

This mario game didnt seem like much but i decided to finally play it and running through the mario levels with the contra guy shooting blocks was way too fun lol


sorry for the noob questions...I havnt messed with flash before.


Ive saved the source swf and downloaded flash projector.

I can fullscreen with ctrl+F (anyway to start flash games in fullscreen by default?)


So..... If I setup a flash wheel in HS, Do I just put flash projector in emu folder and set it as the emu?


Im using an ipac/cab .... how can I remap the controls? Ive messed with autohotkey in rocketlauncher before but it never worked and the default keys always loaded instead of the AHK profile but could try it again.



Follow that easy guide to get the swf and just install that small flash projector module that tribefan posted above.

Then you can doubleclick and open the swf just like an exe. Hit ctrl F to go fullscreen.

Im still working on how to remap controls to my ipac... I might just have to use a 360 pad


Played around with this today. The swf opens fine from RL/HS and the game itself lets you remap controls but you have to do it everytime you launch the game.

I made a autohotkey profile for the game to the keys I want but nomatter how many games ive tried AHK with....it just doesnt work....the profile is not loading with the game. Also you must press ctrl F to fullscreen it.

I tried to figure out how to add a post launch script to go fullscreen but couldnt figure it out either.

Looks like ill just have to deal with pulling the keyboard tray out on this game. At least its in HS and launching and has fullscreen.

Its not saving progress though.... is this how all flash games are or....?


I've never had issues with it launching in fullscreen since the latest module was released - rlauncher pretty much automates everything. Here's the download from adobe of the version of Flash Player Projector that I'm using:




Make sure you have it set as the emulator and swf as the rom extension.


To save, it should open a window in explorer for you to choose a location for the save file. I always make sure I have mouse cursor enabled in rlauncher and map the mouse to one of the sticks on my controller.


There's a few other flash player apps that work with rlauncher too. I've never used any of them, but you might want to give them a try if you're still having issues.


For flash games and any other systems that rely on the keyboard, I use xpadder to map keyboard keys to my controller. Then you just create a profile for Flash Games in the RocketLauncher\Profiles\Xpadder directory. Xpadder can be complicated at first, but it's really cool once you get it working.


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