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Adding more console modules to Hyperspin wheel on Nvidia Shield TV?


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I used the 'Hyperspin for Android' setup instructions pinned here to get Hyperspin running on my Nvidia Shield TV Pro. Everything works fine now but I'd like to add more systems to the wheel since there were only 21 systems included with the download. Would like to play others like Atari 2600, Jaguar, and Vectrex. Are there instructions somewhere on how to add new systems to the HS wheel?


Digging inside the files I downloaded, I found the Main Menu.xml with a list of current systems on the wheel....do I just add systems manually to that list and download & create new Media folders for them?


There is a gui utility called hyperhq that will help. It is in the root of your hyperspin directory. You also need a system theme. Read the forums for detailed instructions. It should all be done on pc.

Hyperspin for android setup is just what you need to get your existing hyperspin setup working on Android. You can look at Hyperspin for android as just an alternative, android compatible .exe



Adding a new wheel for Hyperspin Android requires the following:


modify database file 'main menu.xml' with <system> name

add database file /<system>/system.xml


add theme, wheel image, video in /media/main menu/

add media data in /media/<system>/.... images, videos, and themes


add roms 

add Settings_Android/<system>.ini file that defines rompath, romextensions, exe= and parameters= details.   Or any rom/theme filters.


And name everything perfectly.    :woot:


Thanks for the replies! One of the main problems for me installing Hyperspin is that I have a Mac and I'm not able to use any of the HS tools or utilities out there (unless there's some for OS X but I haven't seen any yet). What I've been doing is finding romsets with pre-compiled xml's and editing my system settings ini's so they'll run in my Shield.


Sounds like I can do the same thing for adding new wheels? Just have to find pre-configured media folders & themes for each system I want and edit my xml's + ini's. 


Is there a source anywhere for full, pre-compiled console media packages? Just talking about menus, sounds, & themes for adding new consoles to the wheel, so I could just plop the folders into HS, edit my xml's + ini's, and be done with it. Are they available in the downloads section here? Searched around and could only find bits & pieces and not the 'full' console media packages. 


Gah! Thanks Sting....I can't believe I didn't already think of that. I guess I can do that as a placeholder until I find legit console wheel art & themes for the wheel.


Does the FTP access that you have to pay for here include full system media folders for the wheel? If so, I'll just cough up the $$ and grab it that way since I've had no luck trying to find them on my own.


You can use HyperSync if you have platinum, and Emu Movies. And trust me it will save you weeks/months of messing around :)


Thats the problem...I'm have a Mac and Hypersync won't work for me. That's why I'm trying to track down folders of all the emulator artwork pre-compiled. :(


I was in your situation and bought a hard drive just so I wouldn't have to seek and download the roms and hyperspin data.

Then I spent nearly a year fixing and improving it!  Mind you, at that point, I found hypersync and was able to leverage it too.


BTW, I posted a 'patch' set of files that make the hfs15k 'starter' pack from the French site 'hyper free spin'.   It is actually a great all-in-one test setup that I wish we could host here.   It's 50GB uncompressed (so it fits on a 64GB card.   The Android version of Hyperspin doesn't leverage the PC emulators or Rocketlaunch (yet) so for now, you can delete those folders bringing that wheel-set down to ~32GB.     

  • 1 year later...
On 1/25/2016 at 9:45 AM, reznnate said:

Adding a new wheel for Hyperspin Android requires the following:


modify database file 'main menu.xml' with <system> name

add database file /<system>/system.xml


add theme, wheel image, video in /media/main menu/

add media data in /media/<system>/.... images, videos, and themes


add roms 

add Settings_Android/<system>.ini file that defines rompath, romextensions, exe= and parameters= details.   Or any rom/theme filters.


And name everything perfectly.    :woot:


I was just curious if you knew the reason behind when adding a new system my .xml atari 2600 file keeps getting deleted or not found , after the fact i copied into the correct data base folder?  Is there something i am missing here? I downloaded it off this website


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